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.), 463Studies in Classic American Lost Son, The (Roethke), 463Literature, 282  Love in America (Moore), 432 Leaf-Trader, The (Frost), 178 Lowell, Amy, 276, 331Lear, Edward, 411 A Dome of Many-Colored Glass,Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 28, 195, 460197, 200, 202, 205, 221, 230 Men, Women, and Ghosts, 461Leavis, F.R., 404 Sword Blades and Poppy Seeds, 460New Bearings in English Poetry, 54 Lowell, Robert, 262on The Wasteland, 143 Land of Unlikeness, 463 Legend (Crane, H.), 281, 360 Life Studies, 464 Lesson for Today, The (Frost), Lord Weary s Castle, 463326 The Mills and the Kavanaughs, 463 Letter to Harriet Monroe, A  William Carlos Williams, 195,(Crane, H.), 287, 295 230Lewis, R.W.B.Loy, Mina, 264, 276on Crane, 286 87 Lunar Baedecker, 461Lewis, Wyndham, 257 Lukács, GeorgLice, The (Merwin), 464 The Meaning of ContemporaryLife along the Passaic River Realism, 397(Williams), 202 The Theory of the Novel, 351Life Studies (Lowell, R.), 464  Luke Havergal (Robinson), 1 2 Lighthearted William (Williams), Lunar Baedecker (Loy), 46190 Lunch Poems (O Hara), 464 Lily, The (Williams), 104 Lustra and Other Poems (Pound),Lindbergh, Charles, 80, 462 56 57, 461Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel, 396  Lycidas (Milton), 302birth, 459death, 462 MacLeish, Archibald, 255, 271 Line-Storm Song, A (Frost), 312, Collected Poems, 464319, 326, 328, 337 The Happy Marriage, 461Litz, A.Walton, 25 Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 58Locke, Alain, 399  Magician (H.D.), 371The New Negro, 461 Mahler, Gustave Lockless Door, The (Frost), Symphony No.9, 460331 33 Make It New (Pound), 15L Odalisque (Matisse), 461 Malcolm X, 464 Lonely Street, The (Williams) Mallarméisolation and desire in, 94 95 Mystère dans les lettres, 294realism in, 95 Man Against the Sky, TheLongfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 2, (Robinson), 461 494 Index Man Alone (Van Dore), 185 86  Medallion (Pound), 67 Man Carrying Thing (Stevens),  Médecin Malgré Lui (Williams)119 ironic plot of, 90Manchurian Candidate, The Mediterranean and Other Poems, The(Frankenheimer), 464 (Tate), 462Man with the Blue Guitar, The Melville, Herman, 3, 74, 140, 271(Stevens), 462  The Encantadas, 305 Maple (Frost), 321 influence on Crane, 281 87, 296,Map of Misreading, A (Bloom), 30 299 303, 305Mardi (Melville), 281, 283 Israel Potter, 283Mariani, Paul, 13 Mardi, 281, 283Marin, John, 264 Moby Dick, 71, 82, 224, 275, 283,Mariner and Mystic (Weaver), 291, 300283 84  Monody, 302Marlowe, Christopher, 31, 74, 273 Omoo, 283 Marriage (Moore), 14, 21, 41, 98, Pequod, 82, 291430 Piazza Tales, 283, 288, 305 Marriage Ritual, A (Williams), 11 Typee, 283Martin, Robert K., 304 White-Jacket, 283Martz, Louis L., 467 Mencken, H.L., 433on H.D. s new religion, 363 93 The American Language, 434Marvell, Andrew, 447 Men, Women, and Ghosts (Lowell,Mask for Janus, A (Merwin), 464 A.), 461Masque of Reason, A (Frost), 463 Merlin (Robinson), 1 Master, The (H.D.), 373, 375  Mermen, The (Crane), 305Masters, Edgar Lee Merrill, Jamesbirth, 459 First Poems, 463death, 463 Nights and Days, 464Spoon River Anthology, 460 Merwin, W.S.Mather, Cotton The Lice, 464Wonders of the Invisible World, 202 A Mask for Janus, 464Matisse, Henri  Metamorphosis (Stevens), 238L Odalisque, 461  Metaphors of a MagnificoMatthiessen, F.O.(Stevens), 272on The Wasteland, 143 Middleton, Thomas Maud: A Monodrama (Tennyson), Women Beware Women, 14622 Millay, Edna St.Vincent, 256, 268,Maximus Poems, The (Olson), 464 276 77McCay, Claude, 256 Ballad of the Harp-Weaver, 461McKibben, William, 437 birth, 460Meaning of Contemporary Realism, death, 463The (Lukács), 397 Renascence and Other Poems, 461 Index 495Miller, Arthur Emerson s influence on, 20Death of a Salesman, 463  England, 432 33, 450, 454 55Miller, James E., Jr., 466  Enough: Jamestownon Williams Paterson, 195 231 1607 1957, 456Miller, J.Hillis, 13, 266  The Fish, 42Mills and the Kavanaughs, The  Four Quartz Crystal Clocks, 37(Lowell, R.), 463  A Grave, 21, 427 28Milton, John, 129, 186, 240 41, Hardy s influence on, 19246 48  He  Digesteth Harde Yron, 21,influences of, 22 23 430 Lycidas, 302  The Hero, 448Paradise Lost, 181, 238, 441  In the Days of PrismaticMimesis (Auerbach), 397 Colour, 49 Minor Bird, A (Frost), 316,  In Distrust of Merits, 21325 26, 333 influences on, 19 21 Misgiving (Frost), 320  In This Age of Hard Trying,Moby Dick (Melville), 71, 82, 224, Nonchalance is Good and, 49275, 291, 300  The Jerboa, 43 44, 429Mondrian, Piet  Keeping Their World Large,Composition in Red and Blue, 462 21 Monkey Puzzle, The (Moore), 42  Love in America, 432 Monkeys, The (Moore), 49  Marriage, 14, 21, 41, 98, 430 Monody (Melville), 302 modernist style of, 257, 271,Monroe, Harriet, 363 276 77Montage of a Dream Deferred  The Monkey Puzzle, 42(Hughes), 395, 463  The Monkeys, 49Moore, Marianne, 106, 281 Nevertheless, 463aesthetic achievements, 19  New York, 435 38, 442allusions, 19, 21  Notes on the State of Virginia,American landscape, 427 57 449 Bird-Witted, 48, 449  Novices, 21, 49birth, 459 Observations, 35, 264, 267 68, Black Earth, 45 46 461Collected Poems, 463  An Octopus, 21, 436, 438 42,Complete Poems, 464 444criticism, 92  The Pangolin, 48Stephen Crane s influence on, 19  The Paper Nautilus, 49 Critics and Connoisseurs, 49  Part of a Novel, Part of a Poem,death, 464 Part of a Play, 447 48 Dock Rats, 443  The Past is the Present, 49, Dominion, 451 53 268 Elephants, 21  People s Surroundings, 38, 496 Index430 31 Robert Frost: A Study in Sensibility Picking and Choosing, 49 and Good Sense, 178 The Plumet Basilisk, 43 Murder in the Cathedral (Eliot), 462Poe s influence on, 19  Musée des Beaux Arts (Auden),Poems, 267, 461 444 Poetry, 49, 265  Music of Poetry, The (Eliot),Pulitzer prize, 463 411 12, 417radiant sensitivity, 35 52  Mutability (Wordsworth), 173Selected Poems, 35, 38, 42 46, 49,  My Evaline (Eliot), 411462  My Grandmother s Love Letters Smooth Gnarled Crape (Crane, H.), 273, 345 48Myrtle, 46, 449 Mystère dans les lettres (Mallarmé), Sojourn in the Whale, 41 42, 29444  Mysteries: Renaissance Choros, Spenser s Ireland, 39 41, 44 The (H.D.), 370 71 The Steeple Jack, 442 48, 450 The Student, 42 43, 448  Nantucket (Williams), 104 Tom Fool at Jamaica, 21  Narcissus as Narcissus (Tate), 264 To a Snail, 47  National Winter Garden (Crane, Virginia Britannia, 449 51 H [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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