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.Vikirnoff reached down to cradle her head in his palms, holding her to him.Her lips slid over him, the moist heat of her mouth taking his breath, setting his heart pounding hard.Her mouth was a miracle, tight and slick and so hot it seemed an inferno.He lost himself in the mixture of rising lust and power and sheer carnal desire.He knew she was feeding the intensity, deliberately stealing the control.He watched the way he slid in and out of her mouth, the taunting laughter in her eyes, felt the way she wanted him to feel the same pleasure he had given her.Destiny had tied them together, but she was so much more than that.This woman, impossible to tame, had wrapped herself around his heart.He could not imagine any other suiting him, making him laugh, making him crazy with desire, just as he was right at that moment.Groaning, he pulled away from her, to blanket her, waiting a heartbeat as he pushed slowly against her entrance.He felt the initial resistance of her body, as if she might not open for him, and then he was inside of her, surrounded by her, buried deep the way he hungered.He whispered to her in his language, unable to find another way to express the deep connection and commitment to her.He made love to her, slow at first, watching the way her pleasure built, feeling her body tighten around him until he could only thrust harder and deeper, surging forward to keep that connection forever.She had tears in her eyes when the powerful quakes rocked through their bodies and left them gasping for air, struggling to slow their hearts; they were limp with exhaustion.Vikirnoff rolled his weight off of her, kissing her neck as he drew her against him.“It is nearly dawn.We must sleep.”Natalya struggled to find a way to talk without proper air.Her lungs were burning and her body still rippled with pleasure.“Aren’t you going to sleep underground? Shouldn’t you? I’ll sleep right here, over the top of you and protect you from all the gremlins,” she insisted.“The only thing you have to worry about is the Troll King.”“I have provided intricate safeguards.Even your infamous Troll King would have to pause to unravel them and I would awaken.We will be safe here.”Natalya pillowed her head on his shoulder.“I really don’t mind if you need to go to ground, Vikirnoff.I can handle it.”Vikirnoff wrapped his arms around her.“I prefer to sleep right here beside you,” he said.“I like holding you.If you should wake and I appear dead.”“I know, I know,” she interrupted.“You’re really asleep.Stop flattering yourself, I’m perfectly fine without you.”“You get into trouble without me.”“Every morning, when I finally am tired enough to go to bed after watching television all night alone, I call up a dream of my childhood with my brother, Razvan.I’ve been doing it for years.It was the only way I could feel like I wasn’t so alone, as if I still belonged and had family.This is the first time in many years I will not feel as if I have to call him to me.”“You do belong,” he said.He pressed kisses against the nape of her neck.“You belong with me, thanks to those binding words you disliked so much.”She frowned, snuggling closer.“Don’t think I’m giving up on undoing the spell.I’m tenacious.”“It is not exactly a spell.” His eyes were heavy and his arms were taking on the leaden feeling of his kind.“But did you figure out the first two lines?”“Of course.” She felt smug; she couldn’t help it.She had always had a gift for languages and she had the advantage of speaking earlier languages before they had evolved into the twentieth century patterns.She was familiar with the way many words were considered unnecessary in the earlier languages.“The first two sentences translate more exactly to something like this: ‘you wedded wife-my’.There is no specific word for the word ‘are’.The second line comes out something close to: ‘to me you belong, wedded wife-my.’ I’m not certain of the exact phrasing, but it is far closer than the more modern form.”A slow smile lit his eyes.“Really?” He arched his brows at her.“Yes, really,” she said, undeterred.“I know you think it’s funny, but I refuse to be trapped into something whether I want it or not.It’s not good for you to think you’ve got me tied to you.I’m not a passive person and I wouldn’t want you to think I am [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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