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.He stood outside for a few moments more and then followed Kari inside.He slowly walked back to his room and climbed into bed hoping to catch a couple hours of sleep.With all that was on his mind, though, he wasn’t sure that was possible.A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Your WeddingA Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Your WeddingChapter EighteenKari hurried down the stairs and headed for the dining room at nine o’clock.She was unsure of how long everyone else would sleep, but she was starving.She hoped it wouldn’t just be her and Randy sitting down to eat.Continuing down toward the main part of the house, she questioned how she let him kiss her in the garden.He was just caught up in the moment, she was sure.He hadn’t really meant anything by it.She’d never experienced anything quite like it.His kiss had been tender and seemingly full of so much meaning.It was the kind of kiss you always dream about.It had taken all of her strength not to pull him back and kiss him again, but it wasn’t like that with Randy.They were friends.She knew Randy had tried to ask her out once and that hadn’t gone all that well.She assumed he’d given up on the idea since it had never come up again.But maybe he meant something in that kiss.There was so much in it.I can’t stop thinking about it.How will I face him this morning? Face him like every other time.He’s just glad you’re here as a friend at a time when he needs support.As she approached the dinning room, the aroma of coffee and toast surrounded her, causing her stomach to rumble.Walking through the doorway, she saw Alice sitting down enjoying her morning meal.“Oh hey, Kari, come sit and have some breakfast with me,” said Alice with her coffee mug in hand.As Alice drank from her mug, Kari sat down beside her.“I’m sure Mary will make anything you want.”A small laugh escaped Kari, “Oh no, toast and coffee sounds perfect.”Alice slid over a silver covered plate.Raising the cover, Kari pulled out a piece of toast.Then from a ceramic coffee service she poured herself a steaming cup of coffee.Taking the cup into her hands, she took a deep sip.“Did you sleep well, Kari? I always sleep like a log when I’m home.”“I fell asleep quickly, but I woke up at five this morning.”“I hope you fell back to sleep.”“Not really.This coffee is great or maybe I’ve just had too much campus coffee.”Alice laughed.“No, Mary’s coffee is the best.I don’t know what she does, but it’s always wonderful.”“Good morning everybody,” said Randy as he walked in wearing jeans and a T-shirt.His recently showered hair was still damp and curled up around his forehead.“You seem well-rested,” said Alice.“Not at all,” said Randy cheerfully.But his eyes reflected his somber frame of mind.“I barely slept at all.I finally got a couple hours just as the sun came up.”“Well, maybe you can take a nap after we go see Daddy.”“Maybe, but I was thinking about going out to the lake.”“The lake in December? I don’t think so.I’m going to curl up by my fireplace and read a book, I think.”Randy poured himself a cup of coffee and glanced over at Kari.She gave him a smile and he responded with a half smile out of the side of his mouth before bringing his mug up for a sip.****An hour later, Amanda Steele joined them, and they all took off for the hospital.Randy drove them in the Steele’s late model BMW.With Mrs.Steele in the front with Randy, Alice spoke quietly to Kari in the back.“I’m glad you’re coming with us.Daddy will be happy to see you, too.”“Why do you say that? He barely knows me.”“He was impressed by you.He told me.”“He was?” A tiny thrill of surprise thrummed in her heart.“Sure.I think lots of company will make him happy anyway.He loves people.”Kari lowered her voice even more so Alice had to lean in towards her to hear what she was saying.“Your parents seem really great.It must have been hard for Randy to be separated from them over the past few years.”“It was.Dad and Randy were like best friends when he was in high school, but he had to stand up to Dad and do what he knew was best.”After entering the hospital, the family walked to ICU and past the nurse’s station.As Randy had been there the day before with his mother, he led the way to Mr.Steele’s room.“Mr.Steele.” They all turned to see an attractive young nurse calling to Randy.“Mr.Steele, we moved your father this morning.A private room opened up.I can show it to you, if you like.” She looked at Randy with large, engaging eyes.“Thanks, but I think we can find it.Uh, this is my sister, Alice.” He pointed to Alice.Then his eyes moved over to Kari.“And this is our good friend, Kari Montgomery.”“Oh sorry only immediate family is allowed.” She inspected Kari, narrowing her eyes in scrutiny.Alice spoke up.“She is family.She’s about to marry my brother.”Kari and Randy both looked at Alice with surprise and then they smiled at the nurse without saying a word.After giving Randy a lasting glance, the nurse said, “He’s in room 312,” before she walked away.Randy started toward his father’s room with the others following behind.Upon reaching the door, Randy turned the handle and walked in followed by his mother.Kari grabbed on to Alice.“I don’t think I should go in.It should just be family.”“Come on, Kari.I mean it.Daddy would love to see you.”“Maybe later.I’ll go back to the waiting room.I’ll see you later.”“All right, Kari, if that’s what you want.”Kari returned to the waiting area, purposefully avoiding the young nurse who they had spoken with a few minutes ago.Finding a seat, she picked up a magazine and tried to read.As she flipped through the pages, all she could think about was Randy and their early morning tryst in the garden.After only a couple more minutes, Randy stalked into the waiting area with concern on his face.He moved right in front of her seat.“Why didn’t you come in? I wanted Dad to see you.”“I just thought it should be family, real family.I’m really tired of this fake engagement stuff that keeps popping up.”“I’m tired of this fake engagement stuff, too.”Kari couldn’t erase the emphasis Randy put on the word ‘fake.’ She shifted in her seat.“You really should go back.”“Only if you come with me.”“Fine but only for a few moments.”Kari returned with Randy and visited with Mr.Steele, who did seem happy to see her, and asked her to call him Philip.A half an hour later, the entire family minus Philip left the room and made their way back to the car.It was lunchtime when they made it back to “Steele Manor” as Kari called it in her mind.Amanda walked straight into the kitchen to inquire about lunch with Mary.After lunch, Kari walked back outside all bundled up and meandered back toward the garden.“I see you’ve returned to the scene of the crime.”Kari turned to see Randy standing at the garden gate.“Am I being followed?” asked Kari.“No, I like walking in the winter.I usually have to do it alone, but you seem to like it outside in the cold, too.”“I love winter.” She played with her scarf around her neck.“See this scarf.It is almost like a dear friend [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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