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.You do, I mean.""You feel good, too." Randy nipped his lower lipgently."I'm addicted to you."Ewan wasn't sure what that was going to mean at theHammer, because he wanted Randy more than hewanted membership.Randy picked him up, and he wrapped his legsaround the man's waist.Long fingers drifted along hiscrack as Randy held him up by his ass.He stiffened, his heart skipping a beat."I don't." Hecouldn't."Shh.I'm just holding you, Ewan."Just holding.He took a deep breath, let himself nod.Relax.Randy was good to him."Good boy," murmured Randy, before kissing himagain.Not a boy.He opened up, licked Randy's lips.Theyclosed over his tongue, sucked on it.Oh, damn.Hemoaned, hips moving in time with the suction.Thehands on his ass encouraged each movement.Okay,yeah.He could go with this.He so could.Randy's teeth sank into his lower lip and tugged.Ewan couldn't fight his moan, his happy sound.Tugging61 again, Randy bit a little harder and then moved to snapat his jaw."Hey." He tightened his legs around Randy's waist.Randy hummed and kept nipping, sharp little bites."Fuck.Fuck, man.So hot."The bites got harder, and Randy found the spot thathe thought maybe was becoming permanent on his neck,lips and tongue worrying the bruise.The ache zippedstraight down his spine.Randy's hand gripped his ass tighter, fingers pressingagainst his crack again.This time he just moaned, didn'ttense.Randy didn't shift his fingers or try to touch hishole, just held him close, tight.They breathed together, lips clinging.Randy used hisstrength to move Ewan, rubbing their middles together.It was like they could just stay right there.All day."Time could stop right now," murmured Randy."Yes." That would be perfect."It's not going to, though." Randy gave him a grin,squeezed his ass again and kissed him breathless."No.No, it's not."Randy kissed his nose."Take a breath, boy.""Why do you call me that?""Because it feels right."How did he argue with that?"Now take a breath," Randy ordered.Ewan took a deep breath.Randy pressed their mouthstogether and sank them down into the water.Oh, god.Oh, fuck.He groaned, eyes flying open.Randy's gazemet his, steady, warm, reassuring.The water waseverywhere, surrounding them, but all Ewan saw wasRandy.Just when he thought he couldn't take another second,Randy pushed them up out of the water.He gasped, the62 world spinning furiously.Randy turned them in a circlein the water, laughing, the sound happy."Blow my mind." He held on tight."That's not all I've been known to blow." Randy gavehim a wink, one hand disappearing to push betweenthem and tug on his prick.The water made the touch weirdly rough, almoststicky.Randy kept tugging, thumb working the tip withthe same strange effect.His lips opened."God, the burn's so good.""Yeah?" Randy pressed harder, thumb pushing intohis slit."Shit." He jerked forward, then pulled away, floatingbackward.Randy followed, moving between his spread legs andshocking him by swallowing his prick.The heat ofRandy's mouth felt enormous."Fuck!" His body was buoyed by the water, the onlypressure around his prick.Randy swallowed around the tip of his cock and thenpulled off again, smiling wickedly up at him."A.ass." He grinned, too, just so fucking caught upin all this."No, no, Ewan.Are you okay? This isn't an ass, it's acock."Ewan started laughing, hard enough that his butt sankinto the water.Randy grabbed hold of him and tugged him back upagainst the broad chest."Hey, no drowning allowed.""No drowning." He held on, tongue sliding onRandy's jaw."Not in water anyway.""Mmm.I could drown in you.""I could live with that."63 Randy took his mouth before he could answer,stealing his breath once again.Before he knew it, they were heading out of the pool,up toward the house, Randy carrying him easily.Randytook him to the bedroom they'd claimed and tossed himonto the king sized bed.It was decadent, soft and full ofpillows.He snuggled in, hand wrapping around hiscock."Excuse me.Didn't I tell you not to touch yourself?""Nope." He was fairly sure Randy hadn't."Then I'll tell you now.No touching yourself until weleave." That sounded like an order."I jack off a lot."Randy shook his head."Not for the next four daysyou don't."Ewan's balls drew up tight.Fuck.Randy climbed onto the bed, holding his gaze.Ewan's hand slowly opened, slipped off his cock."Good boy." Randy bent and took the head of hisprick into that hot mouth.He opened his mouth to argue, but fuck.Fuck, forthat mouth he could be Randy's boy.Randy's tongue slidback and forth across the tip."Oh, fuck.So good.So good." He loved slit play.Sweet nibbles spread over the head of his cock.Thisamazing, embarrassing sound escaped him.Randymoaned around his prick.His whole focus was his cock,how needy it was, how it ached.The suction increased,Randy going down on him, before pulling back up andconcentrating on his slit again."Fuck." His toes curled and his legs drew up, themuscles clenching."No coming, Ewan.Not yet.We're just gettingstarted." Randy pointed his tongue and pressed it intoEwan's slit."You need a ring around this sweet cock?"64 "Yeah.Please, man.It's so good [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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