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.See Abbott, Sarah 228n13; of circus women, 188,Springbank Hotel and Bathing 189; by Indians, 1; of Mohaves,Establishment, 186 69, 77 81, 79, 80, 166 68, 167; ofStanley, John Mix: Osage Scalp Olive Oatman, 7, 78 79, 110, 120,Dance, 152 128, 130 31, 146, 160, 164, 165,Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 170 168 69, 195, 201, 206, 230n20; Stanzas to Olive Oatman (Mont- representations of, 143 44, 146,bar), 146 192, 201, 203 6; tradition of, 6,St.Catharines, Canada, 186 218n28; on women, 188 90; ofSt.Joseph s Academy, 192 Yavapais, 47Stratton, Albert, 154, 184 Taylor, Abigail, 127Stratton, Edward, 154 Taylor, Rachel, 127Stratton, Lucia, 184 Taylor, Stephen, 127, 135Stratton, Royal Byron, 137; in Terre Haute News, 169, 226n45Albany, 171; background of, Texas, 8, 83, 130, 191136; Church Government, Its Thomas, George Henry, 102, 103True Place and Use, 171; death Thompson, Ira, 29, 37 39, 41, 117,of, 191; and Death Valley Days, 120 21, 123 25201; in Gassburg, 125; in Great Thompson, Susan: on dream ofBarrington, 171; on Indians, Royce Oatman, 57; in El Monte,2, 140, 159 60, 171;  Lo! The 101, 122; on marriage of OlivePoor Captive! 160; on Mohave Oatman, 131 32; and westwardnames, 105, 216n3; and Oatman travel, 30 32, 34 35, 37, 40, 42story, 7 8, 136 44, 147, 149 51, Thumb, Tom, 179205, 229n14; and Olive Oatman, Times and Seasons, 24135 36, 183 84, 191; and promo- To-aquin (Yavapai), 51 52tion of book, 156 64; in Santa Tohono O odham Indians, 13Clara, 154; in Worcester, 184; in TokwaOa.See Musk Melon (Mo-Yreka, 136.See also Life Among have)the Indians (Stratton) Toledo oh, 169Stratton, Samuel, 184 Tolkepaya Indians, 44Index 259  The Tonto Woman (Leonard), Vanderlyn, John: Murder of Jane203 5, 229n14 McCrea, 152, 154Topeka (Mohave), 145; and acquisi- Vaughan, Alden T.: Puritans Amongtion of Oatmans, 51; brothers the Indians, 206of, 107; and famine, 97 99; and Veblen, Thorstein, 187Oatman story, 139, 206; and re- Vega, Ruben, 203 5lease of Olive Oatman, 107, 108,111; separation of, from Olive Wakefield, Sarah, 207; Six Weeks inOatman, 180, 188; and treatment the Sioux Teepees, 193 94of Oatmans, 64, 65, 98, 132 Wallace, William J., 95transculturation, 128 31 Warren, Lavinia, 179Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Wayne, John, 203(1848), 6, 48, 60 Weaver, Duff, 103Trinity Methodist Episcopal Wellman, Paul I.: Death in theChurch, 160 Desert, 229n8Tri Weekly News, 179 Wheeler, Elva, 128A True History of the Captivity and Wheeler, Little Bear: HistoricalRestoration of Mrs.Mary Row- Devotionals, 230n20landson (Rowlandson), 148 49, Whipple, Amiel Weeks: and Cai-194 rook, 177; and Colorado River,Tsosie, Michael, 73 74, 79, 128, 132, 89; exploration by, 68, 174, 176;217n21, 220n16 and Mohave hoop game, 76; andTucson az, 42 Mohaves, 83 91, 96, 105, 112, 121,Twain, Mark, 109 128, 140, 166, 174, 195Twist, Reuben, 113 The White Captive, 168 69Whiteside County il, 28Underground Railroad, 161 Whitman, Walt:  Song of Myself,University of the Pacific, 154 55 208U.S.Army, 27, 32, 83, 93, 176 78, Whitton, Towne and Company, 136181, 228n13 Who Would Have Thought It? (RuizU.S.Department of the Interior, 68 de Burton), 199 200, 207,U.S.Route 30, 27 229n14U.S.War Department, 68, 82 83 Wilder, Mrs.Willard, 40 43, 61Utah, 26, 28, 48, 175 Wilder, Willard, 40, 42, 57 58, 61,63, 143Vail, R.W.G., 148 Williams, Eunice, 130 32260 Index Williams, Moses, 134 Wyoming, 48Willow Grove Inn, 101, 120Wimar, Charles: The Attack on an Yavapai Indians, 44 52; attack by, 1,Emigrant Train, 224n15 3, 14 16, 53 54; in captivity sto-Woman in the Nineteenth Century ries, 206; and destruction myth,(Fuller), 170 49; diet of, 47 48; history andwomen: as captives, 67, 131, 148 51, characteristics of, 44 46, 214n1;193 95, 199 209; and captivity language of, 48, 49, 76; and mar-literature, 148; and Mohave face riage, 49; and Mohaves, 69, 93;painting, 80; and Mohave hair and Olive Oatman, 111 12, 116,dye, 221n2; and Mohave names, 123, 125, 139, 166; physical appear-74; and Mohave puberty rituals, ance of, 46 47; territory of, 13,78, 218n31; and Mohave social 20; and trade of Oatmans, 51 52,life, 75, 128; and Mohave war, 195; travel of, with Oatmans,93 94, 219n1; and Mohave 17 21, 212n9work, 69 71, 75; as public  The Yellow Wallpaper (Gilman),speakers, 170 71; and Quechan 228n10apparel, 115 16, 221n12; and tat- Young, Brigham, 24, 25, 26, 28,toos, 77 81, 79, 164, 167 68, 167, 115, 175188 90, 218n28; Yavapai, 46 47, Yreka ca, 136, 14249 Yuma az, 3, 119Wood, Natalie, 203 Yuma Indians.See QuechanWoodhull, Victoria, 200 IndiansWoodward, Irene, 188 90Worcester ma, 184 Zuni Indians, 83Index 261 in the women in the west seriesWhen Montana and I Were Young: A Frontier ChildhoodBy Margaret BellEdited by Mary Clearman BlewMartha Maxwell, Rocky Mountain NaturalistBy Maxine BensonThe Enigma Woman: The Death Sentence of Nellie May MadisonBy Kathleen A.CairnsFront-Page Women Journalists, 1920 1950By Kathleen A.CairnsThe Cowboy Girl: The Life of Caroline LockhartBy John ClaytonThe Art of the Woman: The Life and Work of Elisabet NeyBy Emily Fourmy CutrerEmily: The Diary of a Hard-Worked WomanBy Emily FrenchEdited by Janet LecompteThe Important Things of Life: Women, Work, and Familyin Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1880 1929By Dee GarceauThe Adventures of The Woman Homesteader:The Life and Letters of Elinore Pruitt StewartBy Susanne K.GeorgeFlowers in the Snow: The Life of Isobel Wylie Hutchison, 1889 1982By Gwyneth HoyleDomesticating the West: The Re-creation of theNineteenth-Century American Middle ClassBy Brenda K.JacksonEngendered Encounters: Feminism and Pueblo Cultures, 1879 1934By Margaret D.Jacobs Riding Pretty: Rodeo Royalty in the American WestBy Ren�e LaegreidThe Colonel s Lady on the Western Frontier:The Correspondence of Alice Kirk GriersonEdited by Shirley A.LeckieTheir Own Frontier: Women Intellectuals Re-Visioning the American WestEdited and with an introduction by Shirley A.Leckie and Nancy J.ParezoA Stranger in Her Native Land: Alice Fletcher and the American IndiansBy Joan MarkThe Blue Tattoo: The Life of Olive OatmanBy Margot MifflinSo Much to Be Done: Women Settlers on the Mining andRanching Frontier, second editionEdited by Ruth B.Moynihan, Susan Armitage, andChristiane Fischer DichampWomen and Nature: Saving the  Wild WestBy Glenda RileyThe Life of Elaine Goodale EastmanBy Theodore D.SargentGive Me Eighty Men: Women and the Myth of the Fetterman FightBy Shannon D.SmithBright Epoch: Women and Coeducation in the American WestBy Andrea G.Radke-MossMoving Out: A Nebraska Woman s LifeBy Polly SpenceEdited by Karl Spence RichardsonEight Women, Two Model Ts, and the American WestBy Joanne WilkeTo order or obtain more information on these or otherUniversity of Nebraska Press titles, visit www.nebraskapress.unl.edu [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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