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.The look that flashed through Delilah’s eyes told me that this was one of those times.Trying for a quick recover, I smiled and shrugged as if chatting up a pole-dancing ex-hooker was an every day part of life, like hot wiring the cable box to get a couple of extra channels for free.“I’m trying to help out Hakim.You remember him.He’s the bass player,” I said hoping to change the subject.I should have known better.“Pole dancing?” Delilah arched her eyebrows at me.“Want to come along?”“I wouldn’t miss it,” she said.She looked at Toughie.“You coming?”“Well, Vincent the Hammer wants me to keep an eye on him, but if he’s with you ….”“I’ve got it covered,” Delilah said.She turned to me.“Come on, I’ll drive.”Delilah was driving one of those convertible Audi two-seaters.It was a bright yellow and she drove like she carried a badge, a gun, and compromising pictures of the mayor with farm animals.She was pushing ninety the whole way and didn’t slow down until we shot off the San Diego Freeway and headed west toward the marina.The wind had been whipping past, making it hard to hear, but the noise died away as the Audi lost speed.I leaned a little closer to Delilah.“It’s not what you think.It really isn’t.Rosie owes me a favor, that’s all.”“A favor?”“I bailed her out a couple of times.”It was during my brief stint as a salesman on a used car lot that specialized in classic autos.Rosie got popped twice in one week and called me for help.I didn’t have any money but called Hector the bondsman to make a deal.In exchange for posting Rosie’s bail I lent him a 1958 drop-top Caddy with fins big enough to impress Jaws.Hector impressed his girlfriend, Rosie got out of jail, and I got fired.But, I’d tucked away the favor Rosie owed me and it was time to collect.Rosie was teaching at a combination dance studio and acupuncture institute called Paula’s Pins and Poles.I double-checked the address Grassman had given me and pointed to a small strip mall half a block away.“That’s the place.”Delilah found a parking spot facing the street and I’d just climbed out of the sports car when I spotted Rosie coming out the front door of Paula’s.She was wearing baggie sweat pants and a loose T-shirt.She was carrying a big shoulder bag and her face shone with sweat.“She’s a hooker?” Delilah said.“You should have seen her on the stroll when she wore these tight ….”Delilah arched her eyebrows, letting me know that once again silence would have been a better choice.“This will only take a minute,” I said.“Take your time,” Delilah said and smiled like she didn’t have a care in the world.When your dad can grind people into plant food, I guess you don’t sweat the small stuff.She turned away and appeared to study the passing traffic.“Rosie,” I yelled and started across the parking lot.She saw me coming, dropped her bag, and waited.When I got close, she glanced at the Audi.“Girlfriend?” she asked.“You ever hear of a guy named Vincent the Hammer?”“Who hasn’t?”“His daughter, Delilah.”Rosie’s eyes shifted from me, to the Audi, and back to me again.“Joey, you certainly lead an interesting life.But, then again, so did Bonnie and Clyde.”“Rosie, I need a favor.”“A favor?”“You remember a flugelhorn player named Clyde?”She nodded immediately.“Sure.I spent a couple of days with that asshole.He promised to call me later and never did.”“He’s married now.Has twins.Sings in the church choir.”“It figures.So why are you here?”“I need Clyde to help me out.”“And you want me to … ?”“Help persuade Clyde that the price he’s paying is a bargain.” I explained what I had in mind and Rosie agreed to help.I started to turn away but she touched my arm.“I think Delilah likes you.”“Really,” I said and felt a jolt of excitement.“What makes you say that?”“She’s been watching us in the rear-view mirror the whole time we’ve been talking.”I paused to collect my thoughts.If my plan worked, I’d be guilty of conspiracy, blackmail, and probably half a dozen other felonies that could send me to jail for a decade.And if my plan didn’t work, I’d be dead.But on the plus side, Delilah had been checking me out in the rearview.I smiled.Life was good.“Thanks, Rosie,” I said.“I’ll see you tonight for choir practice.”Chapter 57Ethel called a few minutes after Delilah dropped me back at the bar.I glanced at Toughie and Ralph.They were on stools facing each other, their knees rubbing.They hadn’t even heard the phone ring.I picked the big, black, plastic receiver off the phone behind the counter“Hello.”“Already you’ve been back in L.A.for, what? Two days now, and you haven’t come to see me,” Ethel said.“I’ve been busy, grandma.But I got your situation with Hector the bail bondsman straightened out, didn’t I?”“Hector told me that those other two men, the quiet ones, guaranteed you’d stay in L.A.You know, Joseph, I think you should spend your time with a better class of people.”A better class of people? I glanced at Toughie and Ralph.Sure, I could try to hang out with a better class of people, but, unfortunately, Genghis Kahn and Herman Goering had been dead for awhile.I needed to change the subject.“When’s the big rally at the Federal Building?”“Saturday.I already told you that.”“Oh yeah, sorry.Like I said, I’ve been a little busy.”“Too busy planning that big party for Saturday? The big party you didn’t invite me to.”“Party? It’s not really a party, grandma.It’s just a show at the bar where I’m working.”“Music, friends, drinks.It certainly sounds like a party to me.Too bad I wasn’t invited.”I exhaled deeply.Why was I even trying? When it comes to verbal sparring, Ethel could back Daniel Webster into a corner.Still, I’d learned a few things over the years.Like, it really helps to just give her what she wants.I glanced at Ralph and Toughie and turned my attention back to Ethel.“I’ll stop by in a couple of hours.I’ll bring my friend Ralph.You remember him, right?”“Is he the stupid one?”Of course, considering my friends, Ethel’s description didn’t really narrow it down all that much.But I wanted to move on.“See you in a couple of hours,” I said and hung up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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