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.I feel like energy is going thru.I was debatingin my mind whether it was imaginary or real and I decided that itcannot be imaginary because I could feel myself jerk and shake asit goes thru and causes pain, on my left side here, around the co-lon area.It was so painful that tears actually came to my eyes.After I finished, I went to my belt route, after which I felt much morecalm.Dr.Young: Those feelings could be sensations of energy, butfrom a medical point of view it would be very hard to prove.Did theenergy flow along a certain route in your body?Bill: The front route (functional) and the back route (governor).It goes from the navel to the bottom and all the way around.It doesfollow that route and it looks like energy too.I do feel energy with it.Dr.Young: How about acupuncture points?Bill: I feel them, too.Dr.Young: How did you feel it? Did the energy slow down atthose points?Bill: Like in the governor route, I can feel certain parts of myanatomy.The energy stops at the big points, like the coccyx, thecrown, the mideyebrow.Dr.Young: Is the belt route at the navel level?Bill: Yes, the belt route starts at the navel area and goes to myleft and left around again up to my solar plexus, heart center, throat,eyebrows, and crown.Then it goes up and comes down again tomy waist, going from left to right.Dr.Young: Do you really feel the 4-5 circle of the belt route?Bill: I feel it when I guide it.- 147 - An M.D.Interviews Three PractitionersDr.Young: The idea is that there is no one fixed route.Bill: That s not so.I m doing the belt route, now.Here, I go upthe crown and my body in a spiral pattern, passing definite placeslike my navel, solar plexus and heart.Dr.Young: Did the energy jump across any empty space any-time in your experience?Bill: Yes.Sometimes I feel energy quickly go up in my thrustingroute, all the way from my coccyx to my head.When I direct itdown to my feet, I can feel the power flow out of my soles andmake a half circle outside of me from my toes to my head.Dr.Young: How about common colds?Bill: Yes, everybody had the flu.About two weeks ago, I camedown with it.But I went through it very quickly.People who have theflu take nine days or even longer to recover.For me it took some-thing like three days.Dr.Young: I have interviewed a number of people who haverelated similar accounts to me.There must be something to it.They claim to have fewer colds now that they practice with MasterChia and they also claim that they can drive the cold away within ashort time.Bill: I think it will be interesting to try to heal more sicknessesthis way.The west should be ready for this method because, andthis is my own observation, the American people are just begin-ning to notice the power that they have, the power (energy) aroundall of us, call it what you may, God, energy, whatever.They areslowly coming to realize that there is something more than just thephysical.- 148 - Chapter XIVPart V:Beyond the Microcosmic- 149 - Observations on Higher Taoist PracticesChapter XIVObservations on HigherTaoist PracticesThe following is a discussion by Mantak Chia on the higher levelsof Taoist Esoteric Yoga, tape recorded at the annual retreat in NorthAndover, Mass.August 1982.You endeavor in your practice here to open channels so thatyour soul has some place to go.The Microcosmic Orbit provides acrib for you, when you are a  baby so that your soul and spirit canrun on it.As you grow up a separate room is made ready to provideyou with privacy.This room represents the 8 psychic channels.When you get abit older you are provided with yet a larger room, the 24 channels.It is then that you are taught what is good and what is dangerous inthe lesser enlightenment, the greater enlightenment, the greatestenlightenment, the sealing of the 5 senses and the congress ofheaven and earth.You are  six years old now and in school.It isduring this time that you acquire the ability to extend the spirit out-side of you.At first you may be able to let it go out about one footand then withdraw it.Gradually you can let it out more and moreuntil after some time you can let it roam about freely outside of yourbody.This education of the soul and spirit is a tedious and timeconsuming process, taking 30-35 years.There may be some geniuses who can become adept at astralprojection in as little as 20 years, but there is always the risk thatmadness can ensue with premature exposure to forces that one isnot yet ready for, madness of a sort that masters are afflicted withand must keep secret.I know, because I have met many troubledpractitioners.In fact, M.D.s refer just such problems to me.There are teachers who have had ill effects using their own par-ticular methods, but still continue to teach because they adamantlymaintain faith in those methods that they espouse in spite of howthey have suffered by them.The methods should serve the practi-tioners.In this light, there is no Taoist method, but rather practionerswho make of Taoist Yoga their own individual methods.Tao is a- 150 - Chapter XIVword that signifies the natural way of life.Each of you must findyour Tao, open your channels and essentially make your system.When you are the least bit successful in this endeavor you willrealize how truely priceless such knowledge is.You will learn howto pity the very people who might have caused you great anguish,as much by your own interpretation of their action as by their un-written display of their own troubled minds.In first level work we learn how to relax to a much deeper de-gree than we are ordinarily able to.Here we learn to  smile to theheart and to fill the heart with  love and then let that  love radiatethroughout our whole system.You have to know how to love your-self.You have to know how to love your organs.If you can t loveyour organs or yourself, how can you be able to love others?It is best that everyone in a household practice.Then they canall improve.If there is just one practitioner, he or she would pro-bably find energy drained by others that one lives with.It is as thoughthere were just one breadwinner in the house and everyone else isliving off of him.Were they all to work, they would all share equallyand all prosper equally.The foundation for all subsequent practice is the MicrocosmicOrbit, Seminal Ovarian Kung Fu, Iron Shirt Chi Kung and Tai ChiChi Kung.Seminal Ovarian Kung Fu is important in sealing thelower centers as the front door and the back door, the reproductiveorgans and the anus, to prevent a leakage of energy.The Fusion ofFive Elements prevents further leakage through the five sense or-gans.Iron Shirt Chi Kung is important in storing energy and Tai ChiChi Kung helps bring energy to your hands and legs.You can seethat what I teach is an entire system.Taoist Yoga and the KundaliniBy Michael WinnAlthough Hatha Yoga became known in America in the 1930 s, itwas not until the late 1960 s and 70 s that attention began to focuson the higher stages of yogic development in which a phenom-enon occurs known as  awakening of the kundalini.The kundaliniis the sudden release of vast untapped reservoirs of creative en-ergy that transports an ordinary human being into states of higherconsciousness and bestows upon him or her unique creative pow-- 151 - Observations on Higher Taoist Practicesers.A person who has attained full command of this cosmic en-ergy is said by the Hindus to have attained a state of  samadhi.The Buddhists call it  nirvana , while the Chinese refer to it as the Tao.In the west it might correspond with what Freud alluded toas an  oceanic feeling , but among the prophets of the New Age itis known as  superconsciousness [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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