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.And he blessed him, for he was noble instature, and his wisdom was marvellous, and he was exceedingly mightyin his strength.And one day Balt.âsâr wished to test his knowledge in the trying ofcases, a man, the possessor of a vineyard, having come to him andappealed to him, saying, My lord, Arsânî, the son of Yôdâd, hathtransgressed thy word, and hath laid waste my vineyard with his sheep.And behold, I have seized his sheep and they are in my house; whatdecision wilt thou come to in respect of me? And the owner of the sheepcame to the King and made an appeal to him, saying, Give me back mysheep, for he hath carried them off because they went into his vineyard.And the King said unto them, Go ye and argue your case before yourKing Adrâmî, and whatsoever he shall say unto you that do. And theywent and argued their case before him.And Adrâmî asked him, saving, How much of the vineyard have the sheep eaten? The leaves, or thetendrils, or the young grapes, or the shoots by the roots? And the ownerof the vineyard answered and said unto him, They have eaten the tendrilsand the branches that had grapes upon them, and there is nothing left of106Kebra Nagastthe vines except the twigs by the root. And Adrâmî asked the owner ofthe sheep, saying, Is this true? And the owner of the sheep answered andsaid unto him, My lord, they ate [only] the tendrils with leaves on them.And Adrâmî answered and said, This man saith that they ate the grapes:is this true? And the owner of the sheep answered and said, No, my lord,but they ate the blossoms before they had formed into grapes.73.Concerning the First Judgment of Adrâmî, King of RômêAnd Adrâmî said unto them, Hearken ye to the judgment which I willdeclare unto you.If the sheep have destroyed all the shoots from the rootof the vine, then they all belong to thee.And if they have eaten the leavesof the branches, and the blossoms of the grapes, take the sheep, shear theirwool, and [take also] the young of those which have not yet brought forth.But the sheep which have already brought forth young for the first timeleave to the owner of the sheep. And all those who heard the judgmentwhich he pronounced marvelled, and Balt.âsâr said, Verily, this judgmentis a judgment of the people of the God of Israel.Henceforward judge himthat hath a case at law, wage war with him that would wage war, rule himthat would be ruled, keep alive him that should be kept alive, and pass thejudgment that ought to be passed according as men would be judged, andtake this city to thyself and to thy seed after thee. And all the men of thecity of Rômê were well pleased, and they made Adrâmî king over them,and they rejoiced in him with a great joy; for it happened thus by their willand by the Will of God.And [then] a fever seized Balt.âsâr, and thereuponhe sent Adrâmî to the war, and into everything that he wished, whilst hehimself remained in the city; and after this Balt.âsâr died, and Adrâmîdirected the kingdom.And the city of Rômê became the possession of Adrâmî and of his generations after him, for by the Will of God the wholeof the kingdom of the world was given to the seed of Shem, and slavery tothe seed of Ham, and the handicrafts to the seed of Japhet.107Kebra Nagast74.Concerning the King of MedyâmThe king of Medyâm was of the seed of Shem.For of the seed of Isaacwas Esau, who went forth from his mother s womb with Jacob clinging tothe sole of his foot; and Jacob carried away the right of the firstborn fromEsau for the sake of a mess of pottage.And the name of Esau s kingdomwas called, according to his name of contempt, Edom, for theinterpretation of Edom is lentiles ; and because of this the seed of Esauwere called Edomites. For through the greed of his belly he forsook andlost the right of the firstborn of the seed of Shem.For unless the soul berestrained by temperance, it will bring down into a net the whole of the lastof the belly which is of the body
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