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.Mind blowing, entertaining mentalism withoutprops.Just a marking pen or two or three or four.Blank index cards or smaller gift enclosure cards.That s it.And so direct.So simple to understand.So incredibly staggering in effect.Your audienceswon t have a clue.Borrow a spectator s ring.Lock it on a Master Combination Lock.Ask the spectator to set thecombination to a number he uses often, for example, the first 3 digits of his social security number.Unfortunately the lock doesn t open.The performer asks another spectator to call out the first 3-digits of his social security number.The combination is set to this number.The lock again fails toopen.After some comedy byplay, the spectator is asked to hold the ring and lock in his clenched fist.Theperformer explains that with the help of the entire audience he will attempt an unbelievable demon-stration of kinetic power.Everyone is asked to picture the lock and ring in their mind.Now, saysthe performer, imagine that you see that lock opening.The spectator is asked if he felt anything.,He says, no! The spectator opens his hand, the performer with his thumb and forefinger gingerlylifts the ring and lock above the spectator s hand.With a gentle shake, the lock opens and the ringis returned.And you can even give the lock away as a souvenir.Nothing is gaffed.And that s just for openers.Do a very baffling version of psychometry with 4 totally blank cards.4markers.And that s it! Do one of the greatest Challenge Prediction effects ever conceived.And somuch more.What do you receive? A kit containing 24 unique marking pens, sample 3 x 5 whiteindex cards, small cream colored gift enclosure cards, a bulldog clip and 20 pages of detailedinstructions as only Larry Becker can write them.Larry has been doing these effects for over 20 years.But during that time he has never made theentire package available including his very latest improvements and additions.And you won tbelieve the low price.Only $49.50 plus $5.00 priority mail postage in the U.S.To order with aMaster Combination lock, ONLY $59.50 plus $5.00 S & H.Overseas, add $12.00 to cover addi-tional airmail postage costs.Australia, Japan, Argentina & other far flung placesbe sure to include sufficient postage.LARRY BECKER S P.O.Box 6023 " Carefree, AZPROFESSIONAL MENTALISM 85377 " Phone/Fax: (480) 488-0980591Stunners-Plus! The Mental Magic of Larry BeckerMarker Mentalism InstructionsSince 1977 I have been publishing mental effects whose methodology centers around theuse of invisible ink.In Larry Becker s World of Super Mentalism, Volume II, I published Ultimate Psychometry (page 67) and the $5000 Challenge Prediction (page 263).Notlong after the publication of the book, the company that manufactured the invisible inkand developer pens, discontinued marketing them as a set and began publishing children sbooks containing invisible images that would appear when the child rubbed the area witha developer pen.The invisible ink pen was no longer required.Later, I began to use newlydeveloped marker variations which were called color changers for effects such as my Laser Gazer routine on page 191 in Stunners. Recently I located markers required todo all of the routines I ve ever published.I ve packaged them with the updated instructionsand new routines.It s priced at $49.50 and it contains 4 Secret Marker kits (4 invisibleink pens, 4 developer pens and 4 pads).Also, 1 developer broad tip color changer, 1 broad tip magic wand marker,1 broad tipsecret marker, 1broad tip developer, 5 fine tip erasable markers and 1 fine tip erasablemagic wand for pre-show work.A procedure that was used with my $125 BlockbusterWallet , however, I ve eliminated the wallet and substituted a small packet of 3 x 5 filecards held together with a bulldog clip and specially prepared to enable you to performthe easiest, automatic switch you ve ever executed, one that leaves the spectator s secretthought in your possession and the spectator s initialled card in his pocket.I ve evenincluded the artwork for the file cards so that you can have additional cards printed inquantity.A total of 24 unique markers, sample file and gift enclosure card and envelopes,1 Bulldog clip and detailed instructions to perform the following effects.Ultimate PsychometryEver since Ted Annemann published his version of Psychometry countless variationshave appeared down through the years. Ultimate Psychometry not only employs one ofthe most unique principles ever conceived, the routine is extremely commercial and easyto perform.In other words, it s designed to truly entertain your audience as well asmystifying them.Effect:The mentalist hands a blank cream colored gift enclosure card measuring 3-1/2 x 2-1/2to each of four spectators
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