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.This pain reached entire new levels.Levels he hoped to never reach again.Ants crawled through his veins in an irritating buzz, little bites of painand annoyance, covering his entire body.The sound filled his ears, reverberated his bones and sent bits of fire through his body like a billion fireants covering his skin.Unable to keep it inside he let out his inner suffering with a scream.It came out as a roar.Opening his eyes, he looked down at the furry white paws before him.He d shifted.Whether from the separation from Lou or the lack of medication, he was now a cat. Look at you.I can t believe Andrew deprived you of this for so long.He narrowed his eyes at the female sitting beside him. You might not believe me but I ve wanted to help you for a long time, to free you of the medication locking up your inner beast.There are buyerswho ll pay a lot for a rare shifter such as yourself.I ve never got my hands on a white lion before.He could almost taste her jugular as he yearned to rip out her throat. Oooh, the pretty kitty is upset.I m doing you a favour.I m freeing you from your human form.All I have to do is purge your body of those nasty drugsand you ll be the perfect shifter.What good are you as a limpy human when you can be a powerful cat? I have some mercenaries who are lookingfor new shifters to join they pay top dollar.They might even enjoy that bear of yours.James gave a low growl.The beast hungered to kill.To maim the woman who dared to speak of his mate, much less harm him.They had his bear.They would die.He let out a low growl.First he d kill this woman.Pain ratcheted through his body, reminding him he wasn t free of his medication yet.Planning her death, he closed his eyes and went back tosleep.In the background, as he sank into slumber, he heard her say, That s right.Sleep.We ll discuss your future tomorrow.We ll get you better and out of here before your father shows up.I would ve taken youelsewhere but I don t have another facility that can contain a shifter going through detox.As he faded back into sleep James decided if he shifted he was going to kill her first.He woke up shivering, goose bumps popping up all over his skin.A quick glance confirmed his nakedness and the small cot he lay on.Scanningthe room he saw there was little else but the cot and a chair with a folded pile of clothes.Quickly dressing, he scanned the room he slept in and decided it was more of a cell.It was a small windowless room with nothing more than a cot.For the first time he felt no pain.Whatever he thought of Melinda she had purged his body of the drugs.His body was powerful as he walked to thedoor.He grabbed the handle and surprise struck him when it actually turned.Surely they didn t leave the door open.That was way too convenient.He cautiously opened the door and peeked outside.The hallway was empty, completely empty.No sound anywhere.An eerie hush hung over the place.Opening the door wide, he stuck his head out still no one.He took a deep breath and almost choked on the acrid scents of death and fear.Although he abhorred violence, in that moment he wished he hada weapon.Any weapon.His cat was quiet inside he didn t know if it was drugged or waiting for an invitation but his body was stronger than everbefore.Power pumped through his system, the usual pain missing.Joy filled him, making his steps feather light.He couldn t wait to burn his cane. He didn t know what the future would lead him to but he had to find his mate.Without Lou it didn t matter how he felt, he d be broken.Taking a deepbreath, he tried to isolate the smells.Everything was stronger now, his body, the scents, his hearing, all overpowering but not unbearable.He couldcope.He d survived worse.The sound of roaring had him running down the hall.He was in motion before he realised his body could run freely, a dream he d had as a child butnever hoped to experience.A giddy giggle rose in his throat.He held it back.Who knew what the hell was around the corner.The noise increased with some banging.Screams echoed in the hall like a clanging bell, loud and strident.James slowed, his heart pounding with the unfamiliar exercise.He d have to work his way up to marathons.The roar echoed again.Bear.Heedless of his own safety, James rushed around the corner only to skid to a stop.He d never seen his lover in his animal form.The bear towered over the people screaming on the floor, blood soaking their bodies where massive claws did their work.His fanged mouthopened in a wide roar exposing a nice set of sharp, white teeth.James hid around the corner [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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