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.Five minutes until wake up.Frantic yelling drew his attention, sending him racing for the opposite side of the room and through a doorway.The sight, through a large glass upper story window, nearly stopped his heart.A hundred yards away and a story down, none other than the leader of the drug cartel, Ravini stood in an atrium area, hugging a large rock column, his handgun aimed at Loco, furious and agitated, flanked by two guards, both with weapons aimed at his man.Loco stood empty-handed with one hand held up in the air, the traditional sign of surrender.His other arm hung lank, as if injured and immobile, but Night's acute vision noticed Loco's hand inching toward his back, obviously seeking his backup pistol.The gun never wavered as Ravini aimed at Loco's face, still shouting obscenities and threats, the words flowing to Night, muffled and soft through the thick glass before him.Furiously considering options, Night noted the large columns partially covering the two guards, while Ravini stood far enough out from the makeshift wall for him to hit.He would have to break the glass, put down a hail of bullets, which would still not leave him enough time to save Loco.A bitter taste entered his mouth as his stomach clenched.He gripped the barrel of the rifle and prepared to bang the butt end against the glass, hopefully shattering it quickly in order to give him the tiny opportunity he needed.Just as the older man began to squeeze the trigger, loud pops sounded, bullets ripped through the ceiling tiles, pummeling into Ravini and sending him crashing to the expensive marble floor.The shorter Hispanic men at his sides fell just as quickly, their weapons dropping harmlessly.Blood splattered and stained the formerly glossy white floors, the raw carnage leaving no doubt they were dead.Breathing a sigh of relief, Night watched Loco snatch up his rifle and continue on, pausing for a moment to give a short salute to the ceiling.Lark.He owed her big time.Checking his watch, Night yelled for a retreat, setting explosive charges as he went.Nothing could remain of this structure or another man would step up to the plate, taking Ravini's place within days, using the guards and computer systems already in place, making the whole transition seamless and way too easy.In order to stop this bunch, they had to destroy anything and everything associated with Ravini.Sure, other drug lords could and would move in on his business, but at least this head of the mythological hydra would be severed forever.Bursting out the back door, he hollered at Lark in Lakota, urging her to get out of the vent system immediately as the timer ticked down.Shadows began to emerge from the structure, one by one, each identifying themselves with a code name as they headed toward the pre-set rendezvous.Dillon would keep an eye out for tails or hunters, protecting their backs as they worked to leave just as quickly as they came.Cussing to himself, Night frantically scanned for Lark, watching for a small-framed female to appear from an exit, any exit.His breathing escalated as he hurried to put space between him and the building."Lark.Get out now! If I have to go back in there and drag your ass out…""Coming.Damn it," she answered in English in between pants.A moment later, she flew out the cave entrance, well out of range of any flying debris.A huge explosion rocked the area, the ground trembling under the power.Chunks of the fortress flew through the sky, falling to the earth like pumpkin placed in a catapult.The walls gave before the whole building collapsed upon itself, sending a huge cloud of dust rising into the air.* * * *"Damn, I'm beat." Cale stretched out his long legs in the cramped quarters of the middle row in the SUV.Dillon wiped at his eyes."That so wasn't pretty.A stealth bombing would have been tons better."Night shook his head, agreeing with Dillon for once.Trudging into a cobra's hole after the vile creature proved dirty, difficult, and downright deadly.He hated to do it himself and even more to put his men through that.Someone had to do it, but the next nasty drug lord he would gladly leave to another team.He'd checked each and every one of his team members, ensuring they were unhurt before they'd all climbed back into the rental vehicle and headed for home.They looked a bit ragged but none the worse for wear despite the action and close calls.Even Lark seemed to be fine, her black clothes nearly gray with dust from the ventilation system."I have something for you." He pulled out the laptop and flash drives, passing them back to her.She took them with a small grin."My supervisor will be singing your praises for a month of Sundays." He watched as she methodically stuffed each one into her backpack with steady hands.If adrenalin rode her hard, he couldn't see it."By the way, nice work back there." She'd impressed him more than once, holding her own and then some, thinking for herself and essentially saving Loco in the process.He'd worked with many people less capable than she.Not many combined her skills, intelligence, and bravery in a compact package [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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