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.“We can make some things.Plastics are the easiest,” Mitch said.“We can do glass, but we don't have the right quality sand to do the quantity you are talking about.I'm also not set up for that.”“Okay, so maybe someone else can make them? Somewhere with a lot of sand, then export them as a trade item?” Evan suggested.“That's an interesting idea,” Mitch murmured.“How are they going to get set up? I mean, you can do it, but not in quantity.And I doubt you want to give up what you can do.” John said.“No, but he can set them up.Grubstake them like he did us and Mike's outfit,” Chief Travis said, finally getting his own two cents in.“Right, Mike?”“Sure,” Mike said.“Sounds good.”“It sounds complicated,” Evan said.“I know making glass sounds easy but it takes experience and equipment.Infrastructure for bottling, electrical power.”“We have sand here.Sand all along the beach,” Colonel Dunn interjected gruffly.“Ah, Colonel, glad you could join us,” Evan said.“We were just discussing a meeting, planned for four, no let's make it five days from now.”“We'll need to let our people know we'll be late coming home,” John said.“I've been listening,” the colonel replied.“I'd host it here, but I regret I don't have the facilities.”“Mitch does,” Evan said cheerfully.Mitch ground his teeth together.One thing he hated was when someone volunteered him or his home to do something without consulting him.Well, technically they had, but it still grated on his nerves a bit.“Base will host since we've got the excess capacity and the ability to feed everyone.While representatives are here they can work out trade agreements, territory, and pick up copies of anything from our database.They can also talk with the various department heads here,” Mitch said.“Sounds good,” John said cautiously.“While I'm there, if I can, I want to take a couple hours to do a guest lecturer at the college and school,” Evan piped in.“College? School?” Colonel Dunn demanded.“You're not serious.”“Oh but he is,” Evan said proudly.“I saw it the last time I was there.A lot of it is on the job training, but there are classes too.It's open to all ages as long as they show a genuine interest and can handle the homework,” he said with a smile in his voice.“I've been relishing the chance to discuss the latest 3D printing techniques with Brian,” he said.“So, we're going to do this? We're going to need fuel,” Jack said.“Not to be a scrooge or anything, but I'm going to be picking up John and Chief Roberts and then flying everyone into base.”“We've got a lot more people here,” Evan said.“Like I said, we'll have to stage it.I understand the aircraft can carry four people.So, should we limit the delegates to one or two people per community?”“Sounds good,” the colonel said.He thought furiously.He wasn't thrilled about getting up in the air with Jesus Salazar but ever since they started trading with the other communities their vehicles had all been overhauled and fixed up.“I can relay to Klinger and the Caribbeans.I'm not sure if they'll get the message or want to attend though,” he cautioned.“Understood,” Klinger said, sounding distant.“We too have been listening.I'll head to the trading post in the morning,” he said.“Well,” the colonel said, surprised.“I'll get Jesus to head out there once you radio you are there,” he said, clearly taken aback.“It's a long drive.Even longer flight,” he cautioned.Mitch understood that Colonel Dunn and other leaders far out were not happy, but they also didn't want to be left out.He was pretty sure they also wanted to see just what this Capital Base everyone had gushed on and on about was really like.He listened as they hashed out the details, taking notes.When they signed off he saved the file and then e-mailed it to Anne, Janet and the other department heads.------*------The next morning Anne and Janet woke to read the e-mail and then reportedly shrieked loud enough to wake everyone on their floor.They then hushed the babies and swung into action.First-up was breakfast; Janet was always up with Jean to get that going.Anne got the kids on setting the great room up for the breakfast crowd but her mind was swirling with her to do list.They had a lot to prepare for and not a lot of time in her mind to do it.After breakfast she had a fast powwow with Janet, Jean and Brian and then corralled every loose kid to press-gang them into work.Some were put to cleaning, others were put to work on the grounds or doing inventory.Brian was given tons of things to produce, from gift baskets to additional cleaning supplies or tools.All the running around prepping for conference took its toll on Anne.She was exhausted but clearly exhilarated once the idea took root.Mitch shook his head.He tried to dial back the excitement, but it was contagious.He didn't want everyone to get too excited and then get let down [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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