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.Slowly he tipped his hat back, eying her.“You little lady are somethin else.You ever want a job, let me know,” he said.They had enough for a circumstantial case, but they needed to flip at least one of the lower people in the scheme to roll on the others.Once they did that the entire mess would unravel and they'd begin falling all over themselves pointing their fingers at each other in order to save their own hides.Harif was the first domino, she'd knocked it over expertly, or so he thought.He'd give the little bastard a little more time to sweat before he sent someone in to provide him a chance to confess, repent, and beg for absolution and mercy.Not that the little slike deserved it, but they had bigger fish to fry here.He had to admire the girl, she'd talked him into this with that very thought in mind.Apparently there was a lot of brain in that little body of hers, Derrango thought, smiling only slightly in approval.Mairi snorted.“Thanks but I've got a job.It's about time I got back to it actually,” she said, smiling.“Thanks though,” she said, giving him a polite nod as she turned and left.*.*.*.*.There was still a big investigation to perform.The justice system tried to keep the media out of it but of course the more they tried the more interested the media became.Eventually the DA and Sheriff Derrango met with the dogs and warned them not to discuss the case with each other or with anyone else.“If you do you could taint any jury pool and therefore taint any chance of getting a conviction.Loose lips sink ships!” the DA warned with one finger raised.Savo snorted.He'd been around enough investigations to see the writing on the wall.“A gag order? Not going to work councilor, the whole thing is out on the net for everyone to see.And no, we're not shutting up when someone may get away with it.That includes station council members.If one is involved I want their ass.” His brown eyes looked into the DA.“They aren't immune to prosecution.”“No, not they aren't,” the DA said slowly when Derrango turned to stare as well.Derrango tipped his hat back.“We'll get to the bottom of things,” he said.“You've got my word, justice will be done,” he said simply.Savo nodded.He didn't trust the lawyer, but Derrango was a different story.He had a sense of honor.It was sabotage obviously, though some tried to feed accident and inept Yard dog handling and hardware to the media.However Clio and the sheriff proved otherwise.The Sheriff and AI showed a meeting between Hafif and the corporate flack 'Mario' in a shady bar called the blue plate special.Harif was arrested when he tried to run in a shuttle to the planet.“Where the hell do you think you're going?” The deputy asked, yanking the kid up by the scruff of the neck.The kid whimpered, nearly pissing his pants.Dreyfus and Mario the corporate flack were both implicated and went into hiding briefly.They turned up when Mario was spotted by Olga and turned in for a reward.A warrant was served on the McDougall corporation under the ever watchful eyes of the media.McDougall Corporation took a hit as staffers either clammed up damning themselves or fell all over themselves offering tidbits of information implicating others in exchange for immunity from prosecution.Overnight stocks tumbled, they were hammered in every media forum and by their clients who broke contracts and left in droves to distance themselves from the fiasco.Ian and Malcolm McDougall were implicated.They had already gone into hiding, but were trapped on the station.Their father raged from the planet, the 'grand old man' had a heart attack during an on camera rant and had to be rushed to the nearest medical facility.His collapse forced the twins out of hiding.They attempted to leave the station to attend to their father but the AI's monitoring ticket purchases used facial recognition to pick them out of the crowd despite their attempt at using false names.Security isolated them.Ian hung his head in defeat as they were cuffed.“Like common criminals!” Malcolm snarled, threatening them.This too was added to the list of charges against them.His threats and being hauled off in chains and his brother's acidic comment to shut up made system wide news.Mario, Dreyfus, and Harif turned on the McDougall and RinWerks corporations as states evidence [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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