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."No, no, Mr.Fitzgerald, we wouldn't want that.If you had read your genetic reports on her, you'd know she has some… unusual markers.Traits that are potentially dangerous.Ask yourself this; what kind of woman could bear the child of a dragon? No woman I want awake.Trust me in this: she is safe, the baby is safe, and when you write another contract to empower me further, we too will be safe.""I don't know.I am thinking I might just want to—""Alec, your father would want this.His whole empire, your whole empire, will crumble to dust tonight if you fail in this very moment.Within the hour in fact.""I don't think my father really knew—""Shut up, Alec.Think of what your father would want.He would want you to continue your work, saving lives.""I guess." Alec couldn't take his eyes off of Matty's body.She wore an oxygen mask, and there were multiple IV lines running into her, pumping similar looking bags filled with the solution the dragon was kept asleep with.What am I doing? Alec sighed painfully.His hand was forced and he knew it."What do I need to do?""Write the following; I give Legion a greater footing to channel his power across the Veil this night.I allow his rage to flourish so that I may survive.""Rage? You need permission to be angry?""Yes, and hopefully you never see why with your own eyes.""Okay.Give me a piece of paper and a pen.""Blood is better.That failing, use your shit.Write on the wall." Mr.Host pointed to a sterile white wall in the room.The four guards stepped out of the way in unison, leaving a clear path to the writing surface for Alec.Scared, Alec walked over to the wall and stood there, unsure of what to do next.After a moment, one of Mr.Host's men drew a large combat knife and handed it to Alec.He took it with trembling hands."Write quickly.They are almost in the lower levels.""All this money spent on security for nothing." Alec looked down at his finger, then back at Matty, then at the knife.His emotions felt detached.This is the wrong thing to do.What was my father thinking?"Alec, quickly, or we risk losing everything."With a very unsure, shaking hand, Alec cut the tip of his finger.Shit that hurts.He then put the bloody tip to the white wall and began to write what Mr.Host asked of him.His finger shook from the pain and uncertainty.God help me.God help us all."That's very good, Alec.Now we have a chance to survive this.Make sure to sign the bottom to make it official."I'm going to puke.Or worse.Chapter Fifty-FourThe DragonsOn the surface of the world, Tesser's family had things completely under control.Zeud's ability to command fire coupled with her dragon's breath meant laser-precise bursts of heat and flame that struck and incinerated daemon bodies as fast as they appeared.For every ten that shot at her or the other dragons, ten were annihilated by a bolt of her incendiary fire.Over all of this, the cold autumn sky spat snow.Garamos was disinterested by the violence around him.He was head down into his moat work, and the bullets were harmless.His hide was so thick and naturally dense that no practical, man-operated weapon could hope to penetrate it.The daemons relying on modern technology had no nope of harming him.The massive earth dragon kept his focus and continued to tear the parking lot apart, preventing any kind of subterranean escape.He was almost deep enough to reach something below the earth.A massive, false stone structure.He was reminded of a human tomb, but the size was far too large.It was dragon-sized.The thought angered him and he dug faster.Far above, the four-winged Kiarohn circled in the night sky.Each wing buzzed faster than any other dragon's wings could.They stirred the wind in such a way that the human helicopters that approached were tossed about and were forced to turn away.Kiarohn could see hundreds, perhaps thousands of human vehicles with flashing lights cordoning off an area for miles in each direction, keeping all the innocents away.The halo of blue and red lights were almost pretty from that high up.But for Kiarohn, the view was always from up high.The three dragons dealt with the steady stream of Legion's bodies and kept everything manageable.But then, a change came.A small group of the daemons burst through a series of broken windows on the front facing of the windows.Zeud expected them to raise their guns to fire, but they did not.Instead they landed on all fours, hands and feet pumping, running them across the rubble-strewn parking lot as if they were hounds.As they moved, their bodies changed.Joints broke and reformed at irregular angles, becoming longer, more muscular, feral and animalistic.Their heads elongated into some hellish mixture of wolf and insect.Canine jaws with powerful pincers wide enough to slice through a human torso formed, and multiple sets of faceted eyes sprouted alongside the wolfen eyes.Their skin rippled and buckled, forming chitinous armor plating mixed in with black and gray fur.Saliva dripped, etching and burning holes into the pavement, and their claws sparked as they loped aggressively towards the dragons.The daemons had somehow brought more of their infernal presence across the Veil, and it was the stuff of nightmares.Zeud was temporarily frozen, her dragon jaws agape at the rape of sanity the daemons presented.To have something so evil, so wholly unwelcome here on Earth was a violation of historic proportions.She started to spit out gouts of flame at the Legion hounds, but they were already leaping through the air to land on Garamos' back.His digging stopped.Now, he had to take notice.The incredible dragon lifted his body up, flinging two of the daemons off his body like a dog would shake free a tick, but Garamos roared in pain.The daemon hounds may not have technology, but their Veil-born teeth and claws were able enough to rip through his previously impenetrable hide.Zeud and Kiarohn could see fresh red blood running out from holes torn in his skin.Garamos grabbed one of the daemons and squeezed it until it popped, but this time there was no smoke [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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