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.“Try not to wear a blouse with so many buttons.”She laughed.“Now you’re going to come up with rules for attire?”“Only for you though,” he said, pulling out of her and helping her stand.“And what would this list consist of?”“No panties, no bra, a short dress, and heels,” Colin said as he followed her to the room, picking up their clothes on the way.“So you won’t mind if I have to bend over in front of Brandon to pick something off the floor and I flash him my—”“Change of plan; you’ll dress like a nun,” he said, interrupting her with a growl as he picked her up from behind, making her squeal.LATER, AS THEY rode in the elevator at Wolfe, Colin looked at his watch and then at Amara, shaking his head and smirking.They were close to an hour late.It’s true about Colin that when he starts something, he’s thorough, and follows through with every promise he makes.When Amara got to her desk, she had notes from Brandon letting her know he was at the meeting and to please tell Colin to “hurry his ass up.” Amara smiled as she sat for a long moment, enjoying the silence.Looking around the empty office, she sighed contently and checked emails, finding one from Molly Parker.Her heart throbbed in her chest as she opened it.It was addressed to Colin, but Amara would be damned if she wasn’t read what the girl had to say to him.As it turned out, it wasn’t anything to worry about, and Amara went back to smiling and checking the rest of the emails, only writing back to the ones she could answer without his help.The elevator chimed at the same time that her stomach growled, both a reminder of how long she’d been sitting at her desk without a break.Swiveling in her seat, Amara turned to see Brandon and Colin walking out of the elevator, her eyes glued on Colin’s smiling face.“You two are sick.You need a break from each other,” Brandon said, rolling his eyes and laughing at Colin when his middle finger shot up in his direction.“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Amara quipped.“Don’t even bother trying to fool me again.Does this mean we can’t do lunch together anymore?” Brandon asked with a smile.“You can, but I’m going with you,” Colin said, crossing his arms as he stood beside Amara’s desk, smiling at her.“Scared I’m gonna try to move in on your girl? I’m a married man, Wolfe.”“I’m not worried.I know you’re smarter than you look,” Colin said, winking at Amara as she laughed.“But I had a hell of a work out this morning, and I’m hungry as fuck.” Amara’s blushed deepened.“Okay, TMI,” Brandon said, covering his face, pretending to be grossed out.“Let’s go kids.I’ve been wanting to try this new wok joint in Hell’s Kitchen.”Colin offered Amara his hand and she took it, grabbing her purse with the other as she stood.They looked at each other for a moment, both smiling like love-struck fools.She knew they still had a lot to go through, but for the first time in her life, she felt… happy, at peace, complete.Home.AMARA WOKE UP inside the safe cocoon of Colin’s arms, to a blaring alarm clock and a ringing cell phone.Groaning, she peeled his arms and legs away and rubbed her face as she sat up.Colin mimicked her movements and dropped a kiss on her naked shoulder as he sat up beside her.“Who the hell is calling at this hour?” he grumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.Amara yawned.“It’s seven o’clock.We need to start going to sleep earlier.”“But I like it when you keep me up late,” he said in a voice that promised trouble.“Don’t start,” she said, getting up before he could pull her back into bed.“I got an email from Molly yesterday,” Colin said to her back as she walked into the bathroom.“Yeah, I know.I read it.”He chuckled.“Good.I don’t want any crazy ideas in your head about me and her… or any other woman, for that matter.”Amara rolled her eyes as she brushed her teeth, even though he couldn’t see her from where he sat.When she walked out of the bathroom she took a moment to appraise his naked chest, wishing she could jump back into bed with him just for a moment.Not wanting to be late, she thought better of it and checked her phone for the missed call, instead.The email from Molly had been very business-like, telling Colin she wished things had turned out differently, but wishing him the best and thanking him for everything.Amara wasn’t the type of woman that would worry about Molly or anybody else—especially when it came to Colin.“I’m not worried about her.”“You know I wasn’t going to marry her, right?” His statement made Amara pause and tear her gaze from her phone screen to him.Colin was stretched out in the bed, using his hands as a pillow.Her eyes traced the definition on his curled biceps just for a moment before meeting his amused gaze.“What do you mean?”“I would’ve let it get to the day of the wedding if that was what it took to get you back.”“You were trying to pressure me into breaking up your wedding?”Colin chuckled at the dirty look she shot him.“What is it they say, ‘all is fair in love and war’?”Amara gasped and picked up a pillow, throwing it at his head.He caught it with a laugh.“That’s messed up, Colin.”He shrugged, still laughing.“You’re making me mad at you again.”“Don’t tempt me with a good time, Mara.You know how much I love getting out of that dog house,” Colin said in a low rumble that made her stomach flip.“You’re full of crap.Your mom would have killed you if you’d done that,” she said, taking a step back as he started to crawl toward her on the bed, looking like a predator waiting for his prey to make a wrong move.“Once I got you here, I cared very little about what my mom said,” he answered, standing up now and taking slow strides toward Amara as she continued walking backwards.She hit the door, and Colin grinned.“We don’t have time,” she warned, putting her hands up as a laugh bubbled up inside her.He licked his lips slowly, as if he could taste her on them.It turned her on and amused her at the same time.“You have an eight thirty meeting.”His gaze flickered to the clock on the nightstand for a second.“It’s only seven fifteen.”“Colin…”“Amara…”“You’re impossible,” she said, laughing as she shook her head.“And you love me,” he said, lifting her up as he reached her.Her arms went to his neck automatically.“I do [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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