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.Unaspected Jupiter also describes Beethoven's situation.According to Tierney, it affects"judgemental abilities", and in relationships and mundane affairs he was suspicious and veryprone to mis-judgements."He may appear detached and mentally remote" - described by hisearly friend and protector Madame von Breuning as his "raptus".While well-aspected Jupiteris "worldly wise", unaspected it is "highly idealistic, yet innocent and unassuming in manyareas of his existence".He is "disconnected with socially observed moral or religiousstandards" - his disdain of etiquette is one of his most salient characteristics."A loner in hissearch for higher meaning or ultimate truth.However his vision could be very unique becauseof this".It remains to cite for astrologers secondary progressions confirming the angles of the chart.These are very numerous, and so I give below a selection of some of the most interesting,which include solar arc directions - in this case the arc coincides with a day for a year, -reckoned by the mid-point system and delineated from Ebertin's "Constellation of Stellarinfluences".The others are standard secondary directions and include converse directions.A isfor Ascendant and M for Midheaven, p (progressed), con (converse) or r (radical), and wherenone of these is given it means solar arc.1787 - Mother died:Drastic changes ofcircumstances.( is )Feeling depressed, standing alone in life.Mourning or bereavement.1792 - Father died:1796/7 - Dangerous illness:Typhus leading to deafness.Feeling of being sick, localised pain.1800 - First signs of deafness:1802 - Heiligenstadt Testament:Untenable life-objectives, leading to many changes.Hopelesness, failures, a state of weakness.1805 - Eroica Symphony performed - the first really revolutionary Beethoven symphony, andof his middle period.Note: Progressed Mars went direct this year: "begins to release avast storehouse of specialised energy into the world.More direct and spontaneous,objectifying inner impulses" (Tierney).1809 -Pension granted by Archduke Rudolf:Recognition, success.1813 -1st performance of 7th symphony: "One of the most important moments in the life ofthe master" (Schindler, his helper in later years). 1321816 -Start of trouble over nephew.Behaviour seems disorientated by this.A lot ofdifficulties.1817 -Near despair - "as good as lost".Work on "Hammerklavier" sonata and start on 9thsymphony (!) 3rd period begins.Emotional suffering.1822 - Missa Solemnis.1827 -Death:REFERENCESBeethoven1.See especially the "Rasumovsky" quartets, op.59, as a whole, and the slow movements ofboth the seventh and ninth symphonies.2.Alan Oken, on p.509 of Complete Astrology.3.I have gone into this in detail in a musical analysis of the three quartets, which has not beenpublished, but would be out of place here.4.The idea that everything has to be "proven" would oblige one to throw out the whole ofastrology without further ado, and most of scientific theory as well; but the erstwhile god of"objective truth" died in the early part of this century, and everyone knows that eachgeneration's dogmas are superstitions to the next.5.Andriano Carelli: The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, published by the American Federation ofAstrologers.6.The main themes of the first movements of the Eroica symphony and the E-flat pianoconcerto resemble one another and are strongly suggestive of the glyph of Sagittarius, thearrow aimed at the beyond.7.In the Tone-Zodiac worked out and published by me in the Astrological Journal, Spring1984, Sagittarius comes out as the key of E-flat.8.See Harry F.Darling M.D., The Essentials of Medical Astrology, p.9.(Published by theA.F.A.)POSTSCRIPTCONSCIOUSNESS AND AWARENESS 133A friend very much involved in Eastern, especially Hindu philosophy has drawn my attentionto the fact that the word consciousness is used in his context in a sense very different fromthat in which it is used here.He has kindly outlined for me seven "states of consciousness"taught by Yogananda:1.Turiya - totally aware of nothing.Very rare indeed and only experienced by most afterdeath.2.Unconsciousness - blissful unawareness of surroundings, but aware, to an extent, of ourexistence and how well we sleep.3.Consciousness - alertness of mind and brain to all information coming into the mind andthe five senses.4.Semi-superconsciousness - slightly aware beyond the confines of the the body (intuitionstrong here).5.Superconsciousness - able to see the inner workings and outer workings and surroundingswith X-ray vision for a considerable distance in six directions around us.6.Christ Consciousness - feeling one's presence in reality as being within all parts ofvibratory creation, to know what is happening on other planets and in all creation.Candematerialise and materialise our own bodies at will.7.Cosmic consciousness - We also feel ourselves present and one with all vibratory creation,and we become one with God beyond this.To attain No.6 we have to stay in the death-liketrance state of sapikalpa samadhi, but in this seventh state we can get up and move freely inthe world, talking and working, and still be aware of the entire universe, and also "be one withthe father" in the unmanifest regions.If we take No.3 above, we can substitute the word awareness, for it refers to a passive stateof reception through the senses of material sense-impressions.On this level we are talkingabout sensation, in terms of the four functions.With No.4 we get into intuition, which is stillan "irrational" function, that is an objective or passive reception of information, though nowreceived through the unconscious mind.The further higher grades described, from No [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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