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.An unpleasant death by his own hand had been preferable to the Council’s judgement.Fear slithered around my heart, leaving me hiccupping with cold dread.“This could be the last thing we ever do together,” I blurted.He raised his eyebrows in question.“If the trial goes… badly, this could be the last time we actually spend time together.”He opened his mouth then closed it again and nodded.“Maybe so.”“I want you to know I’m grateful.For your help.With everything.” I watched his jaw twitch.I needed to lighten the tone.“And that I forgive you for hitting me when we first met.” He turned to face me, ready to protest, but he saw my amusement and stopped.“You’re getting way too cheeky for your own good,” he said, but the tension had broken.“It’s weird how things happen,” he said after a while.“What do you mean?”“Well, if you had told me a month ago I’d be here with a part-vampire chick staking out a human who is pretty much a part-vampire chick, too, I wouldn’t have believed you for a second.”I nodded.“I wouldn’t have believed there would be so many humans in my life, or that I’d end up in court because of a vampire.”“Nancy keeps calling me about you.”The swift change in subject made me roll my eyes.“She must not think I’m going to die then, or else she would be ringing me.”He smiled.“She’s trying.”“Let’s not talk about her,” I said, feeling my good mood slip away.“What do you want to talk about?” He shifted closer to me.I ignored him and kept looking at Becca’s place.“I have a good feeling,” he said.“I think things will work out.”I felt his eyes on me, like he wanted me to look at him, but I couldn’t.I physically couldn’t make myself look at him because I was afraid of what I would see in his eyes.How it would make me feel, what it would make me do.I didn’t want pity affection, not from him.I gulped as the tension sizzled in the air, possibly a figment of my imagination, but that didn’t make the sensations any less real to my body.I caught my breath and decided we needed a little space.I definitely needed some air.“I need a coffee,” I announced, and got out of the car before he could respond.Exhaling loudly, I jogged down to the cafe.I pushed open the door, but out of the corner of my eye I spotted Becca running out of her building and off down the road.I sped after her on foot.Hearing Peter start the engine, I pulled my mobile out of my pocket and rang him.Panting into the phone, I let him know I would follow her on foot in case he lost her.She cut through a park as soon as she could.I kept my distance, scenting her in the air; I was in no hurry to make my presence known.I followed her for at least half an hour, surprised by her stamina and speed.The formula must have been doing something crazy to her system.I had to ring Peter to make sure he was following us because Becca kept running through places a car couldn’t follow.Eventually, she slowed near the beach.She walked along the retreating tide line.I followed her over hilly mounds of sand mixed with grass.There were many people around, couples in cars mostly.Becca found a deserted spot, sank down on the sand, and just waited.Every now and then, she inched her way along the sand, away from the tide and people.She moved to a barrier that blocked cars from going further along the beach and rested her head against it as if she had dozed off.I called Peter and told him to pull into the old car park that overlooked the sea.I kicked sand from my feet before I pulled them into the car.“She won’t see us here,” I said.“I can barely see her,” he complained.“I can.It’s pretty cold out there; I don’t think sitting on the sand is going to do you any favours.She’ll probably leave soon, right?”“Not unless this is the delivery point,” he pointed out.“Only one way to find out,” I said.We sat together in apprehensive silence as we waited for something to happen.Becca just sat there on the sand.It was kind of creepy.The place was notorious for drinking teens, learner drivers, and amorous couples, so there were enough cars to keep us from appearing too conspicuous.Not that Becca even bothered looking around her, she just stared at the sea.Nobody bothered her, but I had a feeling she could handle herself even if someone had tried [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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