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.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlhis leadership.He also asked my advice, as if he considered me an expert on the subject, about the best way to get his small family to a place of safety.I wondered how much Bran suspected of what I felt when I looked at Jandree-who, I thought again, was surely far from looking her best now, having so recently given birth.But her breasts were large and filled with milk, and my imagination, unbidden, restored her to virginal vitality and grace.Once or twice while I was in the presence of both of them I turned, suddenly and sharply, to look at Bran-but whether he was looking at me or not, there was no sign in his face that he suspected anything of my feelings for his wife.Amby and Vivian and I convinced Bran that there was no safety to be had, other than by winning the fight that Merlin wanted us to make and driving the enemy away from the stronghold.Bran and Flagon-dry and I were going to hack at the enemy in traditional mundane style, with weapons borrowed from the house's substantial armory.Meanwhile, Merlin's beardless young assistant would fight beside us, armed with powers of enchantment that I assumed were largely or entirely borrowed from theOld Man.Amby told us that his intention was to send strange and powerful visions against the intruding soldiers, thereby distracting and terrifying them.After having seen what I had seen, I was ready to take the Old Man's word that any attempt he made to terrify would be successful.But Flagon-dry did not seem much impressed.Of course he had not seen the truly miraculous events that effected our escape from Vortigern's camp, and I doubt that he really believed that the youth before him was Amby."Visions, young one? They'll have to be strong visions to frighten those men who drove us off the wall."The pale youth nodded calmly."They will be.""If we could not withstand Comorre's army then," said Flagon-dry, reasonably enough, "with almost twenty men and the advantage of position, how can we beat them now, with only four?""We now have the advantage of surprise," I responded."But more importantly, Lord Merlin is with us.""Merlin, Merlin," the stout man said in irritation.Then he thought better of expressing his irritation, and cast a glance over his shoulder."Not that I intend any disrespect.But.""Have faith," I advised him, "in the Old Man in the Rocks.In an uncertain world, it has been demonstrated that one may securely have faith in Merlin's Bones.""Hakon speaks wisely," Amby commented."Besides, I was only a child yesterday, when Comorre defeated us here and fought his way in over the wall.Today, I am much more.""You were only a child when you managed our escape from Vortigern," I put in."I did not manage that, Hakon.I was only a channel for the Old Man's power.""And now you are something more?""Now I can be more, as long as he does not take part."I blinked at him."I don't understand."Flagon-dry, totally out of his depth and for once at a loss for words, was gazing openmouthed from one of us to the other.The youth was regarding me with a certain respect but yet with doubt.Then he visibly came to a decision;he was going to attempt an explanation."Hakon, you can accept that I, and the small boy you called 'Amby, are the same person?"I nodded slowly."After all that I have seen, I cannot very well doubt that fact, strange as it seems.Small boys do grow up.It is only, in your case, the speed that is amazing.By the way, I asked you a little while ago, by what name should I call you now? Your child-name no longer seems to fit."Page 118ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"In a moment, Hakon, we can speak of names.But first-I beg you, have patience-first, what if I told you that the Old Man in the Rocks, who is Merlin indeed, exists also in other shapes, other bodies?""I know not the limits of what such a wizard may accomplish.""Yes, of course." For a moment the youth chewed on his beardless lower lip in thought."What I am trying to explain is that while all of these active bodies are Merlin, at different ages in his life, and that they may travel in strange ways through time, no two of them can ever be in the same place at the same time.At least they had better not come together, because it would be very dangerous.In fact it is even dangerous for two of Merlin's bodies to approach within a mile, or an hour, of each other, because.because very bad things would happen if they did."Such understanding as I had thought was beginning to dawn upon me was quenched in abysmal darkness.My countenance, by this time, must have taken on the same lackwit expression as Flagon-dry's.Reluctantly Amby took note of this fact, and sighed.But he was not ready to give up."The hidden, buried bones, which also constitute the presence of Merlin.they are safer.Their possibilities of action are quite limited.The hold they offer Merlin on life in this world is very tenuous.Therefore, Merlin's more active bodies can-one at a time-approach the bones.In that sense, Merlin can meet and talk to himself.""Yes?"He looked into my face and his own face fell.He sighed."Hakon, I can't explain it all to you now."Vivian, in her character of seeress, now joined our discussion, to raise the question of why the Old Man never called her in for a private talk.She said: "I know he's there, I can feel his presence.And I am supposed to serve him.And I would like to learn magic from him.But I never have a chance to talk to him.""You will, Viv," said Amby."I will? How do you know?""From my own talks with him.""Really?""Yes."The young woman was still doubtful."When will he see me? Or teach me something?"He sighed."Not yet.Not for some rime, I think.""First things first," I said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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