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. Johnny! he screamed, pelting forward. HolyMother, let my boy be safe.Chapter 20 FASTER! Move those buckets faster, King John commanded.The line ofpeasants, courtiers, servants, and knights increased the pace of passingbuckets and bowls full of water from the well to the blazing kitchen atBellecote Castle.I dropped my bucket into the water and withdrew it, passingit on toGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlthe next person in line.Seconds later Petit, the king s valet, ran back fromthe head of line and dipped his bucket into the spring-fed well.I d heard somuch about King John s failures on the battlefield, I had forgotten that hehad won many more battles by exercising the Plantagenet genius for lightningstrikes against crucial targets.Showing his gift for organization, the kinghad his entire entourage plus the bewildered inhabitants of the castlefighting the spreading blaze efficiently and successfully.Blakely s shadowyservant, now very much in evidence, threw his bucket of water carelessly.Thestream arced out and landed three yards to the right of the kitchen building.Given a momentary rest from the onslaught of moisture, the fire blazed up,sending a spray of sparks toward the next building, the stable.A little boy,not more than six or seven, sat his pony next to the king.At a word fromJohn, young John Bellecote kneed his pony into a gallop.He reined in besidethe stable, shouting orders to the grooms.Immediately the horsemen beganescorting the precious beasts outside the curtain wall.The king hadmasterfully included the boy in the battle to save his heritage, not onlymaking a child feel useful instead of thrust aside, but earning the boy strust and loyalty.Probably for a lifetime.Some of my antagonism towardJohn dissolved.I knew him ruthless and dangerous.Now I knew him to bethoughtful, a leader, and Isuspected a good father.My emotions got lost in the hard work of fighting thefire before it spread to the old-fashioned thatched roof of the great tower.Then into the smoke and organized chaos pelted SirHugh Fitz Chenenoir.He reined Orage so tightly, the warhorse reared, pawingthe air with massive hooves.Newynog and Hugh nearly fell from the saddle.Hugh scanned the bailey anxiously.When his eyes rested on his young stepsonand found the boy whole and hale, he relaxed a little. Newynog! I screamed and ran from my place in the fire line.Other bodiescarrying buckets and vessels filled my place immediately. What have you doneto my Newynog? I screamed, ducking underOrage s thrashing hooves. Quit showing off, Orage, Hugh commanded.The horsesnorted but settled down enough for me to brush Newynog s flopping ears awayPage 94 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlfrom her eyes. She s hurt badly, Ana.Ibound the wound as best I could, but she needs a true healer. He dismountedclumsily, as if his right leg truly pained him.Together we eased Newynog offthe saddle.Hugh carried her to a quiet corner beneath the gatehouse tower. Stay here, out of harm s way, he ordered and stalked back to the fire line.A few words with the king, and he gathered four men from the well.They eachgrabbed a pitchfork, ax, or shovel and began demolishing the kitchen,separating the wooden building from the stone keep.I turned my full attentionto my dog.Newynog panted heavily where she lay in the sun-warmed corner.Thejolting ride draped over Orage s saddle had not helped her.I had to act fastto save her. Thank you, Newynog.Thank you for delaying Monsieur le Fantome.If he hadarrived here any sooner, the fire would be too far gone for us to fight it, Ispoke in a lulling singsong, the beginning of a trance for both of us.Ihadn t done this since the night I tried to heal Great-aunt Lotta and failed. I can show you an easy way to do it, Radburn Blakely said.He stood over me,blocking the sunlight. You should be helping with the fire, I replied.Carefully I cut away Hugh simprovised bandages.Iowed him a chainse by the looks of it.I d embroider the new one with muchgratitude and& and love. The fire is almost under control.You must act quickly before curiositybrings observers who will condemn witchcraft before acknowledging thebenefits. He sounded almost sincere in his concern. I can do it.But I need privacy. I stared at him, willing him to return tothe line of firefighters. I won t reveal your secrets. I said  I need privacy. Even from you.Turn your back, at least, Iinsisted.Grudgingly he turned around. It helps if you use the same phrase totrigger your trance each time, he added. I know that!Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Would the man never leave me alone? Frankly, I d end the dog s suffering.Familiars are easy enough to procure. Shut up! I had to fight to keep my voice from carrying to the stable handswho still guided panicky horses through the nearby gate. But then, the Griffin wolfhounds are legendary.I look forward to claimingone of Newynog s pups after we are married, Blakely said casually over hisshoulder [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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