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.It could almost never bring harm.)Baley and Fastolfe sat in the smallness of a private dining room that wasordinarily available only to high government officials.Food items could bepunched out on a computerized menu and were then brought in by computerizedcarriers.Fastolfe smiled."Very advanced," he said, "but these carriers are merelyspecialized robots.I'm surprised Earth uses them.They are not of Spacermanufacture, surely.""No, they're not," said Baley solemnly."Home-grown, so to speak.This isonly for use at the top and it's my first chance, ever, to experience it.I'mnot likely to do so again."You may be elected to high office someday and then experience this sort ofthing daily.""Never" said Baley.The dishes were put before each of them and the carrierwas even sophisticated enough to ignore Giskard, who stood impassively behindFastolfe"s chair.I For a while, Baley ate silently and then, with a certain shyness, he said,"It is good to see you again, Dr.Fastolfe.""The pleasure is as much mine.I haven't forgotten that two years ago, whenyou were on Aurora, you managed to free me of the suspicion of the destructionof the robot Jander and to turn the tables neatly on my overconfidentopponent, the good Amadiro."Page 45 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"I still shake when I think, of it," said Baley."And greetings to you, too,Giskard.I trust you haven't forgotten me.""That would be quite impossible, sir," said Giskard."Good! Well, Doctor, I, trust the political situation on Aurora continues tobe favorable.The news here would make it seem so, but I don't trust Earthanalysis of Auroran affairs"You may-at the moment.My party is in firm control of the Council.Amadiromaintains a sullen opposition, but I suspect it will be years before hispeople recover from the blow you-gave them.But how are things with you andwith Earth?""Well enough.-Tell me, Dr.Fastolfe", Baley's face twitched slightly, asthough with embarrassment----"have you brought Daneel with you?"Fastolfe said slowly, "I'm sorry, Baley.I did, but I left him back on theship.I felt it might not be politic to be accompanied by a robot who lookedso much like a human being.With Earth as antirobot as it has become, I felt ahumanoid robot might seem a deliberate provocation to them."Baley sighed."I understand."Fastolfe said, "Is it true that your government is planning to prohibit the-use of robots within the Cities?""I suspect it will soon come to that, with, a period of grace, of course, tominimize financial loss and inconvenience.Robots will be restricted to thecountryside, where they are needed for agriculture and mining.There, too,they may eventually be phased out and the plan is to have no robots at all onthe new worlds.""Since you mention the new worlds, has your son left Earth yet?""Yes, a few months ago.We have heard from him and he's arrived at a new worldsafely, along with several hundred Settlers, as they call themselves.Theworld has some native vegetation upon it and a low -oxygen atmosphere.Apparently, with time it can be made quite Earthlike.Meanwhile, somemakeshift domes have been put up, new Settlers are advertised for, andeveryone is busily engaged in terraforming.Bentley's letters and occasionalhyperwave contact are very hopeful, but they don't keep his mother frommissing him badly."And will you be going there, Baley?""I'm not sure that living on a strange world under a dome is my idea ofhappiness, Dr.Fastolfe- I haven't Ben's youth and enthusiasm but I think I'llPage 46 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlhave to in two or three years.In any case, I've already given notice to theDepartment of my intention to emigrate.""I imagine they must be upset over that.""Not at all.They say they are, but they're glad to get rid of me.I'm toonotorious.""And how does Earth's government react to this drive for expansion into theGalaxy.""Nervously.They do not forbid it altogether, but certainly they are notcooperative.They continue to suspect that the Spacers are opposed to it andwill do something unpleasant to stop it.""Social inertia," said Fastolfe."They judge us according to our behavior ofyears past.- Surely we have made it plain that we now encourage Earth'scolonization of new planets and that we intend to colonize new planets of ourown.""I hope you explain this to our government, then.-But, Dr.Fastolfe, anotherquestion on a smaller point.How is---" And with that, he stalled."Gladia?" said Fastolfe, hiding his amusement."Have you forgotten her name?""No, no.I merely hesitated to-to----""She's well," said Fastolfe, "and living comfortably.She has asked me toremember her to you, but I imagine you need no nudging to recall her to mind."-"The fact of her Solarian origin is not used against her, I hope?""No, nor is her role in the undoing of Dr.Amadiro.Rather the reverse.Itake care of her, I assure you.-And yet I do not care to allow you to get offthe subject altogether, Baley [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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