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.The dina isa small, roselike flower.It is popularly called the  slave-flower. The dinabrand, or slave-flower brand, is a common one on Gor. Come to the Veninium! said the second.The veminium is a delicate, five-petaled blue flower common in both the northern and southern hemispheres ofGor. We are not so expensive! The use of the veninium, as a name for thetavern, given the widely spread range of the flower was perhaps supposed tosuggest affordable beauty.The second and the third girls were the one whowere bare-breasted.(pg.437)  My master s tavern is the Larma! said the third.I smiled.The larma is luscious.It has a rather hard shell but the shell isbrittle and easily broken.Within, the fleshy endocarp, the fruit, is delicious, and very juicy.Sometimes, when a woman is referred to as a  larma, it is suggested that herhard or frigid exterior conceals a rather different sort of interior, onelikely to be quite delicious.Once the shell has been broken through or removed, irrevocably, there is, yousee,file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/John%20Nor.20Gor%2023%20-%20Renegades%20of%20Gor.html (391 of 399) [1/21/03 7:54:44 PM]23 Renegades of Gor exposed, soft, vulnerable, juicy and helpless, theinterior, in the fruit, the fleshy endocarp, in the woman, the slave. Are all the paga taverns in Port Cos named for flowers or fruits? I asked. No! laughed the first. Surely there is a connection, I said,  through ownership or tradition? Many towns have a tavern of dinas, Master, said the first. That is true, I granted her.  Veminium is a pretty name, said the second. True, I said. Incidentally, what is the point of the name? Is it to suggestthat the girls there, like the veminia, are cheap and pretty?The second girl, she from the Veminium, gasped, suddenly, laughing, puttingher hand before her Mouth. I do not know! she said, looking at the others,scandalized, laughing. I never thought of it! Perhaps, Master! And are all the girls there cheap and pretty? I asked. I think we are pretty, she laughed. I do not know if we are so cheap.I smiled.I had wondered if perhaps the name had not been chosen more to lurefellows inward, than to supply an objective assessment of the commercialcompetitiveness of the contained services and merchandise. There are many paga taverns in Port Cos, Master, said the first. Not allare named for flowers or fruits.There is the Cage, the Jewels of Telnus,ArtemidorusCargo, the Secret Basement, the Hold, the Scarlet Whip, the Tavern of theCollar of the Two Chains, and many others. I am pleased to hear it, I said. I take it that you are all friends. Yes, Master, said the first.(pg.438)  The Veminium and the Larma are owned by brothers, said the first. They are near one another, said the second.Page 270 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlI was pleased to hear these things.The girls were friends, which suggestedthey might be from similar style and level institutions.Certainly girls fromhigh taverns and from low taverns seldom consort with one another.And two ofthe places were owned by brothers and were near one another.These wereconnections, at least of some sort. And what of the girls at the Larma? I asked. Are they expensive? We, like those at the Dina and Veminium, are affordable, she said. Our usesgo much for the standard prices.file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/John%20Nor.20Gor%2023%20-%20Renegades%20of%20Gor.html (392 of 399) [1/21/03 7:54:44 PM]23 Renegades of Gor Were the girls at the Larma all once larmas? I asked. I suppose some, Master, laughed the third girl. Were you a larma? I asked her. No, Master, she laughed. I have known that I was a slave since puberty, andInever pretended to be otherwise, perhaps because I feared someone might seethrough me and beat me. Of what caste were you? I asked. Of the Peasants, she said. We had too many daughters, too few sons.Two ofmy older brothers had already been sold into slavery before I was fifteen.Oneautumn my father s fields again failed.We were starving.I begged him to sellme.He then beat me, and bound me, and sold me. You are happy as a slave? I asked. Yes, Master, she said. It is what I am, and want to be.I hope only thatsomeday I may have a private master, a love master, to whom I may be hisdevoted and obedient love slave. You long, I asked,  for a master who is strong, and love? Yes, Master, she said.She was a pretty young thing.She had very dark hair and very light skin, and,for a girl who had once been of the Peasants, was surprisingly slim.Shereminded me a little of Phoebe, from Telnus, whom I had left on the cofflewith the remainder of the debtor sluts I had redeemed, and obtained, at theCrooked Tarn, Temione, Amina, Rimice and Liomache. Master! she said.(pg.439) I had put down the sea bag and, crouching before her, lifted back thebeads about her body. Are you typical of the girls at the Larma? I asked her. I think so, Master, she said. You are, of course, soliciting for your master s tavern, I said. Yes, Master, she said. But are you, yourself, rentable? I asked. Of course, Master, she said. And what of you others? I asked. Yes, Master, said the dina.file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/John%20Nor.20Gor%2023%20-%20Renegades%20of%20Gor.html (393 of 399) [1/21/03 7:54:44 PM]23 Renegades of Gor Of course, Master, said the girl from the Veminium. Ho, Warrior, I said, getting up, addressing the young fellow, Marcus, whohad only now descended the gangplank and was going to make his way up thepier, toward the warehouses, the shops, the town.He turned to regard us, and I beckoned that he should join us. Line up, I said to the kneeling slaves. Straighten your backs, get yourknees wider.Page 271 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThen they were indeed presented as an excellent display of slaves.The young warrior looked upon them. What do you think of them? I asked.I thought they would make a nice set. They are appealing, he said.His interest encouraged me.He needed a woman, and the best of such areslaves. Who are you? I asked the slaves. Roxanne, of the Dina, slave of Simonides, taverner of Port Cos, said thefirst. Korinne, of the Veninium, slave of Agathocles, taverner of Port Cos, saidthe second.Yakube, of the Larma, slave of Panicrates, taverner of Port Cos, said thethird. That is a Tahari name, said Marcus, looking at her closely.Indeed, of thethree women it was she, the young slave from the Larma, to whom he seemed mostdrawn, in whom he seemed most interested [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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