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.*I never knew the ocean was so big,* Farsee signed.*Do you think any mer has gone so far north?**There are many schools, Farsee.My father says that there are mer even where it is so cold that the surface of the water grows hard as rock, and the great leviathan feeds on schools of krill so thick you can eat and swim at the same time!**Too cold for me,* he signed with a shiver of his tail.*Do you think they will take the seamage that far?**I hope not, Farsee, but I know one thing for certain!* She shifted dark, suddenly serious.*What?**You worry too much!* She fluttered her gills at his pained expression and flipped her tail, swimming forward until she rode the bow wake of the huge ship.She surfed the underwater pressure wave with little effort, flipping her fins only occasionally to steer.Her brother Tailwalker wasn’t the only one who could have adventures!≈“Ah, Count Norris, do come in!” Joslan put his pen aside and flexed his aching hand.He’d been drafting letters and reports all afternoon, but he was in high spirits; both the seamage and pyromage threats had been neutralized with little effort and not a single man lost.All that remained for him to do was to establish a permanent garrison, and Plume Isle was the perfect place for it.He would have the shipyard rebuilt, sturdy housing for troops constructed, and the keep remodeled as officers’ quarters; everything he needed to permanently secure the Shattered Isles.Not even the bothersome count could dim his good mood.“How can I help you?” He smiled genuinely and waved at an empty chair, signaling his steward to refill his cup, and bring another cup and saucer.“I rather expected you to be aboard Resolute, bound for Tsing.”“Actually, Admiral, I am here to propose how I might help you.” The count took the proffered chair, but declined the blackbrew.“Really?” he said, instantly wary.Considering their past conflicts, Joslan was dubious.“Yes, Admiral.”“And how exactly do you propose to help me?”“As I understand it, Admiral, your remaining task here is to secure the Shattered Isles, ensuring them safe for commercial and military traffic.Is that not so?”“It is, Milord Count, and I’ve a sufficient military force to make it so.”“No doubt, Admiral, no doubt at all.But there are risks.” Norris paused, his face grave.“To secure the islands, you must neutralize the cannibal threat.As you said yourself, any assault would be dangerous in the extreme.You don’t know the lay of the land, their deployment, fortifications or even their numbers.I believe there is a way I can give you all that information, and provide you with a significant force of experienced woodsmen.”“You speak of the local natives, of course,” Joslan said.He squinted at the count and pursed his lips, wondering what the man was up to.“The ones I’ve spoken to are reluctant to aid us, though they have agreed not to hinder our operation, as long as I allow them to live here peacefully.” He raised an eyebrow and sipped his blackbrew.“Do you think you can reach a better agreement?”“Not with the natives here, Admiral, but with the main tribe on Vulture Isle.I am, after all, the emperor’s ambassador.It is my job to negotiate with potential allies.”“You propose to accompany Captain Donnely south?” The prospect had merit, especially considering Donnely’s temperament; the man tended to be rash in deed and action, and the count could provide a valuable calming influence in dealing with the natives.“I could assign you to the Cape Storm, certainly.”“Actually, Admiral, I suggest a preliminary delegation.If I could speak with the village leaders before a warship is anchored off their shore, negotiations might progress more smoothly and more to your benefit.I know from my association with the natives here that their tribe has no love of the cannibals.They have been fighting an inconclusive war with them for years.They may be willing to help, if given the proper inducement.The carrot before the stick, as it were.”“What kind of inducement?”“Allow them to retain possession of Vulture Isle, with no military interference, as long as they remain peaceful and willing to work with the military personnel you station here.”Joslan thought about the proposal.Such an alliance would reduce the risk of his operation, at little or no cost.“I think I can authorize such an agreement,” he said, “but I dislike the idea of sending you out without protection, Milord Count.There are, as you say, dangers.”“The natives are well acquainted with the dangers between here and Vulture Isle, and a swift craft could evade most of them.My man Huffington is a…careful sort, and he knows two native men in particular who sailed with him from Tsing.I’m sure they’d be willing to accompany us.”“You think to take Flothrindel!” Joslan said.He knew the count wouldn’t offer him assistance that didn’t also benefit his own goals.The man meant to rescue Lady Camilla from the cannibals, even though, by all accounts, she was likely already dead.He opened his mouth to deny the request out of hand, then reconsidered.Surely the count wouldn’t consider invading the cannibal island with only a couple of men, which meant that he would first secure an alliance with the friendly natives.But could he trust the count to keep his word and not run off on his own, as he had before? He needed some way to ensure Norris’ compliance.“The craft can accommodate a few more,” he said.“For your safety, I will assign you a military contingent.”“I understand your concerns, Admiral,” Norris started, but Joslan cut him off.“My concerns are that the emperor’s ambassador remains safe in a hostile area.I will assign one officer and two marines.Any more than that and the smack would be overloaded.”Norris smiled and bowed his head.“Thank you, Admiral.Their presence will be welcome.”“Very well!” Joslan smiled and reached for pen and paper.“I’ll draft the order right now, and have Donnely assign capable men to your service.You can leave first thing in the morning.”“With respect, Admiral, I suggest we leave as soon as may be.Within the hour if possible.” Joslan opened his mouth to protest, but the count raised his hand.“Please, Admiral, there is not a moment to lose.The Cape Storm is due to leave for Vulture Isle in the morning, and initial negotiations must be concluded before the presence of a warship douses the sincerity of our proposal.One must proffer the carrot before the stick looms overhead.”Joslan scowled; he hated being dictated to, especially by this self-serving blueblood.But try as he might, he couldn’t find a hole in the man’s logic.He scratched a quick order to Captain Donnely [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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