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.“You didn’t eat much earlier.Are you hungry?” I shake my head.“Thirsty?” I shake my head again and start to smile, Tristan’s grin widens in response.“Hmm.What to do?” He says.“Stay here,” I reply, squeezing him tighter.I may not like strangers touching me, but ever since I came to realise that Gladys wasn’t bad, I always loved her hugs – they make me feel safe, loved.Just like Tristan’s hugs, only Tristan’s are better, so much better.“I have a better idea.” He says, smiling broadly now.“You do?” I squeak, looking up at those mesmerizing chocolate eyes of his.Tristan nods once, his serious expression is back.“Dance with me?” He asks.“Now?” I squeak.Tristan nods once.“Here?” He nods again, looking down at me with such a loving expression, that I have only one answer.“Ok,” I shrug.“But we don’t even have any music?” I add.“Stay there.” He grins and walks over to the kitchen.Moments later I hear a guitar rift start.I instantly recognize the tune – Hero, Enrique Iglesias.My heart starts manically beating…oh the words…this song… it’s so beautiful… I feel very overwhelmed and have to fight to stop myself crying.Tristan walks over to me, his eyes wide, and his hand held out.I place my hand in his.Without a word, he pulls me into him, and spins us around a couple of times, making me smile.Then we slowly dance our way around the empty space of the living area, Tristan is so good at this.***I AM DREAMING I’M ON THE BOAT AGAIN.Tristan is calling me, but I don’t feel the same warm, blissful feeling as I did before.I feel on edge, like all my senses are on hyper alert.I can sense there’s danger.Tristan calls my name again, only it sounds slightly twisted, like.like he can't breathe? I immediately know something’s really wrong.I silently head up the stairs, Tristan’s calls are becoming more frantic, like he’s trying to find me, but he can't.I want to call out to him, but a voice inside my head tells me not to, that I shouldn’t alert anyone to my presence.As I reach the top of the stairs I scan the deck, I can’t see Tristan anywhere.As I look up above me, I notice the sun isn’t shining like before, dark ominous black clouds have covered it, pushing the blue sky away.The wind starts to howl, whipping my hair around my face, and I can hear thunder in the distance.I look out to the horizon, forks of lighting are lighting it all up, giving me a glimpse of the coming storm.I hear Tristan’s strangled sob as he calls my name again.It’s like he’s got no strength left in him? I launch myself onto the deck staying low to the ground, I need to find him.Searching the deck on bended knee, I finally locate him.No! Tristan!He’s tied to the mainsail, his arms are bound and bleeding, he can’t move at all, and his head is lolling from side to side, blood oozing down the left side.“Tristan,” I whisper trying to get his attention.I call to him three times, then finally he groggily opens his eyes and when he sees me; they widen with fear.“Run!” He growls so menacingly I shudder inside.“What?” I frown back at him and take a step forward holding my hand out to him.“I said run!” He barks so loudly at me; it makes me jump.“Tristan,” I whisper.“What’s wrong?” His eyes suddenly move from focusing directly on me to behind me.“Behind you! Move!” He bellows.I whip my head round just as Susannah hits me across the head with something hard.As I fall onto the hard wooden deck, she launches herself on top of me.She looks shabby and her hair is all over the place, her lips pulled back over her teeth.I can feel her hands crushing my throat – Oh fuck! I can't breathe!“He’s mine!” She screams psychotically.“Mine!” Her hands grip my throat even tighter.I can feel I'm losing consciousness.I look up into her black eyes, she looks totally deranged.I go for a couple of gut punches, but each time I hit her, she squeezes even harder.I can feel myself slipping under, and right before I do, my very last thought is of Tristan, his safety and my love for him.I look up at him, from my strange position on the deck, I see him upside down, trying to free himself; he looks totally enraged – Tristan…Finally, the blackness envelopes me.Want to know what happens in CORAL – Fallen?Click on this link and it will take you straight to the next book in this awesome series – http://amzn.to/1BDVY5KAuthor BioOk readers, let’s keep it simple.Did I dream of becoming a writer? No.Did I spend countless hours writing stories when I was a child? No.(I actually was an artist and told my mother - when I was five - that I wanted to work for Walt Disney) So why are you writing? I hear you say [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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