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.She stayed right here in town after graduation.She married someone who didn’t go to school here—Jason Ellis.I hear he’s a stockbroker.As far as Randy’s roommates…I didn’t know any of them.And of course, he and Gwen moved in together after they were married.”“Did Gwen write anything specific in her letters? Anything that might give an idea of how she was doing? What I’m wondering is if she moved in with family or something like that.”“Well, she said she was moving to be with family but she never said anything like you should see what my sister did today.You know what I mean?”“Sure.What was your general opinion of her situation?”“If it’d been the forties or fifties I’d thought she was pregnant and ran away to have the child.But, she was happily married, so if there was a problem they would’ve worked it out together, right?”“Right.”“Even so, my general impression said it was nothing like that.”Jarvis felt the conversation winding down and searched his brain for more questions.It wasn’t often you got such a cooperative witness.“I assume Randy graduated.”“Yes, the following spring.That would make it 1995, with a degree in elementary education.”He scribbled information on a notepad.“Did he get a job right away?”“Yes, in upstate Calif—ooh, I wonder if he and Gwen got together after that.”“Be good if you could recall some of the towns Gwen’s letters came from.”She thought a while longer but came up with nothing.Jarvis could think of nothing else to ask.“I thank you immensely for all your help.”“I hope it helps find her killer.”So do I, Jarvis thought as he hung up.The office door opened and the captain stepped into the small windowless room that was resembled a closet.Irish Red launched herself from under the desk and ran over to wiggle around the tall man.Jarvis smiled.She really knew who to kiss up to.“Didn’t think you were coming in today.”“Change of plans.”“What’re you working on?”“That murder case down in Carlson.And before you remind me it’s not our jurisdiction, I’ll remind you that—”“I know, that’s where Angie is.” He leaned on the edge of Jarvis’ desk, one hand fondling the pup who’d put her front paws up on his knee.The captain laughed.“She’s been in that school for two days and hasn’t solved the case yet? You’d better call the doctor and get her a checkup.There’s got to be something seriously wrong.”“Very funny.Actually, she’s determined not to work on this one.”Jarvis laughed along with his captain but knew the real reason Angelina hesitated to build the clue puzzle.Though she hadn’t been physically injured in the accident a month ago, her mental scarring was more severe than his two-inch ass crater.He wasn’t a psychologist but knew there was some mega-conflict going on in her head.Solving puzzles wasn’t something she did to pass time or to gain notoriety.An uncontrollable force inside her pushed her to assemble pieces.It was as natural as eating and sleeping.Angelina Deacon had to fix things.She laughed recently saying how weird it was that this affliction hadn’t hit till she was in her fifties, but he pointed out that she’d always been that way.That was why she’d become a nurse.It just wasn’t till her fifties when that her need transferred to crime solving.What would happen now? Would she continue to stifle this urge? Maybe she’d go back to work in the hospital.All he knew for sure was, she couldn’t continue holding things inside.FOURTEEN“Evan, will you take me home?”“It’s almost time for school.”“I don’t think I’m going today.”“You have to, we have a test in calculus.”He was right.She had to go to school, but the reason had nothing to do with calculus.Anyway, she needed to go home a while first.Needed a quiet place to think.“We still have an hour.”Evan did as she asked, pulling up in front of her house.“I’ll pick you up at 7:15.”Kiana’s mother was in the kitchen.She waved the note as Kiana came in.“If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you were up to something sneaky.”With a sigh, Kiana dropped into a chair.“It’s nothing like you’re thinking.Evan and I are trying to find out who killed Gw—Ms.Forest [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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