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. Hey, you re early.I m not ready yet. That s cool. Younger and taller, Colby had the hard, mean edge to him that a manonly gained in active military duty for his country.Two tours in Afghanistan made himtougher and leaner than most rookies.Just two years older than Jesse, Colby had himbeaten hands down in experience and confidence.In a fight or shoot out, Elias wouldnever doubt that his partner had his back. So, what s going on?  Vicki s working on a commercial for her new fashion line.You might want to waitin the car it s going to get rather steamy in here.Colby s eyes narrowed with speculation. Vicki s your girl and she s doing asteamy commercial with another guy.Why aren t you out there?Forcing a laugh, Elias shrugged. She needs a pretty face for this.Besides, Jesse& What could he say that wouldn t make him look whipped for allowing another man toplay with his woman? Eyes tight and hard, Colby waited for his response, and hewasn t going to lie to his partner. She s mine, but Jesse s hers.Colby shrugged. Whatever floats your boat, man.Elias hadn t been paired with his new partner long, but after that comment, hewouldn t have traded him in for anyone else.He owed Colby big time.Which remindedhim of one way he planned to pay his partner back. Are we still on for Friday night? I don t know. Colby sighed. Wilson backed out.He claims his old lady won t lethim play poker anymore, but I think he s just too afraid of pissing Rodgers off evenmore.Rodgers had been a pain in Elias s backside for months.As a long-time veteran ofthe force, the man s transfer to their department should have helped with their backlog,not stirred up animosity and racial tensions.The only reason the guy hadn t been firedalready was his seniority.In a few more months, Rodgers would retire.Until then, hetook special delight in tormenting the youngest members of the force, which meantColby had been on the receiving end of Rodgers s shit for months.Colby wasn t atattletale sort of guy, so they d decided to handle the man s venom with a not-so-friendly game of cards.Rodgers had already been bragging how much he planned to fleece the  snot-nosedkid.But if they couldn t get at least one more neutral player, then even he mightrealize he d been set up from the beginning.Unless& Surely Jesse has learned a few tricksor two on the streets. I think I ve got our fourth player.I ll call you if he can t make it, but assume we reon.  I don t think we ve met, Mal drawled out in a whiskey dark voice that made Eliasarch a brow in speculation.Damned if the cast-iron Mistress didn t sound like a purringkitty eyeing its favorite toy. I m Malinda Kannes, Executive Producer here atVCONN. Pleased to meet you, ma am.I m Colby Wade, Detective Reyes s partner. Oh, so you re a detective too.You used to be a soldier if that haircut s anyindication.Have you ever done any acting? No, ma am. He gave Elias a look that said what the fuck is going on?She squeezed Colby s biceps like she was measuring his arm for manacles. Sopolite.For all Elias knew, that s exactly what she was doing.I hope she doesn t decide tomeasure his other equipment. How would you like to be my partner for just a little while?Elias shook his head, trying to wave Colby off without drawing Mal s attention, butshe knew what he was doing. Oh, don t pay any attention to him.He doesn t have any idea what kind of fun she squeezed Colby s arm again, hard enough that his eyes flared,   we ll have.Fuck being polite Elias had to save him from doing something stupid. If by funyou mean whips and shit.She s a Domme, Colby.A Mistress.She ll eat you for lunch. And what a delightful lunch that would be. The fierce woman somehowmanaged to pout playfully. I don t have a partner for my portion of the commercial.She gave Elias a knowing smirk. Miss Vicki is so attached to her young man that Idoubt she ll share.It s only for the commercial, Detective Wade.You wouldn t leave alady alone and desperate, would you? That depends, ma am. Colby s voice remained even and calm, but he stiffened,like a soldier braced for bad news. What exactly do you need me to do? Only this, she whispered, losing some of her playfulness. Stand tall, defiant,insurmountable and tempt me to crack that firm resolve. Elias had thought her fierce voice was scary, but this softness made his blood runcold.His partner stared at her for several long moments without replying.Surely hewasn t actually considering it.God only knew what kind of torture equipment Malliked to use.Colby was too nice a guy to tell her to fuck off, especially on tape.Hecouldn t&Colby gave her a thousand-watt smile of pure cockiness. Sure.No problem.Jesse wasn t used to people fussing over him.With a stylist yanking his hair andanother powdering his face, he finally pushed up out of his chair and walked out of theroom.She hadn t told him to stay, and he was sick of the waiting.Vicki was going to play with him.In front of Elias.In front of the entire city.I can twait for everyone to see that I m hers.Especially her cop.On set, he scanned the knots of people but Vicki must still be in the makeup room.Elias stood off to one side and by the tight, cold look on his face, he wasn t happy.Jessehesitated, trying to decide whether he wanted to face that displeasure.Victor andShiloh were on set with a man he didn t know, coaching him on his part with Mal.Shuddering, Jesse moved over to stand with Elias.He definitely felt safer there thananywhere near the Mistress.Vicki didn t scare him, not at all, but Mal made him sweat,and not in a good way. Christ, I can t believe he s going to go through with this, Elias muttered, sparingJesse a glance. Would you go out there? With Mal? Hell no.Who is that? My partner.Shit.No wonder they were shoving a mask down over the guy s face.Thanks toVCONN s infamous shows, everybody knew Mal was the Mistress of Dallas.If adetective on the DPD was doing a scene with a Domme& on television& Take your shirt off, Mal said in a rich, smooth voice that sent cold chills downJesse s spine.She wasn t speaking to him or even trying to command, but the steel echoed in her voice.When she spoke, she was heard, and even an innocent requestbecame a demand.Colby simply arched a brow at her, either oblivious to that seductive power or sosupremely confident that he bordered on stupidity.He didn t seem to have asubmissive bone in his body [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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