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.These should now be used to guide and enforce economiccoordination.The time may even have come to establish a permanentsecretariat.(Emphasis added.) C.Michael Aho (CFR) andBruce Stokes (CFR), 19902724.Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S.Congress, Octo-ber 17, 1979.25.Richard N.Cooper, "A Monetary System for the Future," Foreign Affairs, Fall1984.26.Christian Science Monitor, April 9, 1989.27.C.Michael Aho and Bruce Stokes, "The Year the Economy Turned," ForeignAffairs: America and the World 1990/91.31 FINANCIAL TERRORISMThe G-7 offers a forum for consultation and the capacity for effec-tive world management that other institutions cannot provide.Whileattention focuses on resurgent nationalisms.two ideas are rising tochallenge the established concept of the sovereign state.The first iscooperative intervention.The other challenge to the tradition ofsovereign decision making is supranationalism, the pooling ofresources and authority on a permanent, regulated basis, as exemplifiedby the European Community. Flora Lewis (CFR), New York Times senior columnist, 199128.this strategy and structure recognizes that economic ties willdetermine the strength or weakness of many international linkages inthis new era, including security relations.At best, economic in-terdependence can become a new glue. Robert B.Zoellick (CFR), 199329All of the quotations appearing above were written or stated byindividuals who approve of world financial control in the hands ofa powerful few.Financial control is to be followed by politicalcontrol  world government.Carroll Quigley's statement withwhich we began this chapter then took on enormous significanceon July 16, 1992 when Bill Clinton threw a verbal bouquet to hisformer Georgetown University professor while accepting theDemocratic Party's nomination for the office of president.In that acceptance speech, then-Governor Clinton said: "As a28.Flora Lewis, "The 'G-7 1/2' Directorates," Foreign Policy, Winter 1991-92.29.Robert B.Zoellick, "Blueprint for a New Age," International Economic In-sights, September/October 1993.The publisher of International Economic In-sights is C.Fred Bergsten.Board members of its parent organization, theWashington-based Institute for International Economics, include Bergsten,Richard N.Cooper, CFR chairman Peter G.Peterson, former CFR chairmanand TC founder David Rockefeller, TC North American chairman and CFRdirector Paul A.Volcker, Federal Reserve chairman and CFR member AlanGreenspan, former secretary of state and CFR member George P.Shultz,former prime minister of Mexico Miguel de la Madrid, former prime ministerof France Raymond Barre, and TC Japanese chairman Akio Morita.32 THE PLAN: FROM DEBT TO THE NEW WORLD ORDERteenager, I heard John Kennedy's summons to citizenship.Andthen, as a student, I heard that call clarified by a professor I hadnamed Carroll Quigley."Bill Clinton Welcomed by InsidersMr.Clinton graduated from Georgetown University in 1968.Hestudied under Professor Quigley after Tragedy and Hope had beenpublished.It is highly likely that the future President wasinfluenced by the book; there is no doubt he was influenced by itsauthor.Early in his book, Quigley supplied details about the establish-ment of the Rhodes Scholar program by the "secret" planners.Itspurpose was to train individuals to carry out their conspiratorialplan to rule the world.Never condemning any aspect of the plot,however, Quigley thought it wonderful and stated:I know of the operations of this network because I havestudied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years in theearly 1960s to examine its papers and secret records.I have noaversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of mylife, been close to it and to many of its instruments.I haveobjected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies.but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes toremain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significantenough to be known.30It can hardly be overemphasized that President Bill Clinton is anadmitted disciple of Carroll Quigley, studied in England as aRhodes Scholar, accepted membership in the Council on ForeignRelations and its Trilateral Commission little brother, and is nowthe President of the United States.31 He is an intelligent man whocannot be unaware of the intentions of his confreres, many ofwhom he has inserted into high positions in our nation's govern-ment.30.Quigley, op.cit., p.950.31.For a capsulized history of the Rhodes Scholar Program, see Appendix.33 FINANCIAL TERRORISMNor should George Bush's membership in the CFR and TrilateralCommission be glossed over.32 In addition, it is vitally important tounderstand that hundreds of others who are members of the CFRhave received appointment to high government positions duringeach of the past dozen administrations.Then, once the TrilateralCommission was formed in 1973, many of its members  themajority of whom were already CFR members  also moved intocabinet and sub-cabinet positions.The two groups have always worked for the same goal, a newworld order built on the twin pillars of totalitarian socialism andworld government.Always proceeding with patient gradualism,members gather regularly in the U.S [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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