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.Once again, Snead marveled at Hark's ability to spin tales so quickly.Theother lawyers were impressed too. What do you think? Hark asked them.They nodded their approvals. Better get him all the background on RachelLane,Bright said.Snead then repeated for the cameras the same story Hark had just told, and indoing so showed a passable skill at expanding on a theme.When he finished,the lawyers couldn't suppress their pleasure.The worm would say anything.Andthere was no one to contradict it.When Snead was asked a question that needed assistance, he responded bysaying,  Well, I haven't thought about that. The lawyers would then reach outto help.Hark, who seemed to anticipate Snead's weaknesses, usually had aquick narrative at hand.Often, though, the other lawyers chimed in with their little plots, allanxious to display their skills at lying.Layer upon layer was fabricated, and fine-tuned, carefully molded to ensurethat Air.Phelan was out of his mind the morning he scrawled his last testament.Sneadwas coached by the lawyers, and he proved quite easy to lead.In fact, he wasso coachable the lawyers worried that he might say too much.His credibilitycould not be damaged.There could be no holes in his testimony.For three hours they built his story, then for two hours they tried to tear itdown with relentless cross-examination.They didn't feed him lunch.Theysneered at him and called him a liar.At one point Langhorne had him neartears.When he was exhausted and ready to collapse, they sent him home withthe pack of videos and instructions to study them over and over.He wasn't ready to testify, they told him.His stories weren't airtight.PoorPage 167 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlSnead drove home in his new Range Rover, tired and bewildered, but alsodetermined to practice his lies until the lawyers applauded him.JUDGE WYCLIFF enjoyed the quiet little lunches in his office.As usual, Joshpicked up sandwiches from a Greek deli near Dupont Circle.He unpacked them,along with iced tea and pickles, on the small table in a corner.They huddledover their food, at first talking about how busy they were, then quicklygetting around to the Phelan estate.Something was up, or Josh wouldn't havecalled. We found Rachel Lane, he said. Wonderful.Where? The relief in Wycliffs face was obvious. She made us promise not to tell.At least not now. Is she in the country? The Judge forgot about his corned beef on kaiser. No.She's in a very remote spot in the world, and quite content to staythere. How did you find her? Her lawyer found her. Who's her lawyer? A guy who used to work in my firm.Name's Nate O'Riley, a former partner.Left us back in August.Wycliff narrowed his eyes and considered this. What a coincidence.She hiresa former partner of the law firm her father used. There's no coincidence.As the attorney for the estate, I had to find her.Isent NateO'Riley.He found her, she hired him.It's really pretty simple. When does she make her appearance? I doubt if she'll do it in person.145 What about the acknowledgment and waiver? They're coming.She's very deliberate, and, frankly, I'm not sure what herplans are. We have a will contest, Josh.The war has already erupted.Things can't wait.This court must have jurisdiction over her. Judge, she has legal representation.Her interests will be protected.Let'sfight.We'll start discovery, and see what the other side has. Can I talk to her? It's impossible. Come on, Josh. I swear.Look, she's a missionary in a very remote place, in a differenthemisphere.That's all I can tell you. I want to see Mr.O'Riley. When?Wycliff walked to his desk and grabbed the nearest appointment book.He was sobusy.Life was regulated by a docket calendar, a trial calendar, a motioncalendar.His secretary kept an office calendar. How about this Wednesday? Fine.For lunch? Just the three of us, off the record. Sure.LAWYER O'RILEY had planned to read and write throughout the morning.His planswere diverted, though, with a phone call from the Rector. Are you busy?Father Phil asked, his strong voice resonating over the phone. Well, no, not really, Nate said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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