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.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlto think what it would have done to my All American boys.The Nepos would havejust been professionally chagrined.Thing was, I figured I didn't have to.Oh, to hold the base and all the gear Iwould.But I'd kissed that goodbye the moment I saw how many soldiers we wereup against."Make sure we get fucking video" was all I said.The whole group shuffled forward.They weren't moving fast.A few fell out,heat stroke, exhaustion, whatever.Some more were shot "pour encouragel'autre." We just let them shuffle.Six miles from their main point of departure to the fences.Gave me time toget a good look at what I was up against.Couple of 20mm anti-aircraft gunsmounted on trucks.More with machine guns.Couple without any weapons.The twotanks.One APC with a 30mm gun.About six thousand infantry.That had requiredsome logistics, that.The plan was, apparently, to just shuffle up to the fences.I was good withthat.Was interested to see what they'd do about the mines.Six miles.Took three hours.It had taken them about an hour to get set up.Was two PM before they got close to the base.They stopped about a half aklick out.The three trucks that weren't carrying weapons pulled through the group.Theyweren't moving fast; getting the civilians out of the way wasn't easy."Get some Jav teams up on the berm.Let them get a look at what they'refacing.Don't show the Javs."The trucks eventually got through, spread out and headed for the fence.We'd repaired the previous damage.They derepaired it.All three took outsections of fence and the concertina."Tell the gate guards to get ready to open up and then hunker.""Roger.""Samad?""Yes, sahib?""May be some leakers.Do not let them take my whiskey.""They will not pass us, sahib."God, I love the Nepos.They hadn't opened fire at us.We weren't opening fire at them.I started to wonder just how much this colonel knew about our internaldefenses.I'd made sure that once the girls came into the compound, theydidn't leave or pass messages out.I wasn't going to have the sort of intel wewere getting from the refugees get out to my enemies.But he clearly knew wewere on this end, primarily.He was staying well away from our living area.Like he was saying "We're just here to take the silverware.Don't mind us."The problem being, he was going to have a hell of a time getting everythingout over the berm.Which meant he probably intended to assault through the holding encampment.More cover there so it made sense.Use the people to get up to the berm, blowthe defenses, charge over the berm then fight forward through the gear in thebase.The big question was when he was going to drop the civilians.He'd do it atsome point.Keeping them would make a battle impossible.At least comingthrough the gear park.The answer was, as I'd guessed, at the berm.Some of the infantry, along withsome civilians for cover, cleared out the last of the concertina.Then theyformed up a wall of civilians on the berm as cover and started marching overinto the gear park.Worked for me.Remember, it was rigged like a motherfucker.We could hear them hooping and hollering all the way to the base.Most of thecivilians, with the "infantry" over the berm, were beating feet back to Abadanmuch faster than they'd come.They left a trail of stragglers behind includingsome kids.See what we'd do about them later.The colonel apparently had good enough people they stopped the sack before itPage 107 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlgot started.The thing was, to get it all out, short of major engineering, hehad to take Fort Lonesome.We were blocking the gate.We had internal cameras.I could see them moving through the stacks of gear,the tanks, the Bradleys, Strykers and Humvees.I was wondering when they'dnotice all the wires and shit."Get ready to roll," I said as soon as most of the guys were over the berm.I saw at least one of the guys who caught a clue.Young guy, looked abouttwelve which probably meant seventeen or so.He saw one of the wires andfollowed it back to the hood of the Humvee.Looked under the Humvee.Got upand started shouting.There was more shouting by that time.But the guys were spread through thepark and didn't have much in the way of commo.Some of them were heading back.There were arguments.Iranians and Arabs are okay fighters until you throw them a loop.So far,everything had gone according to plan.The plan had just changed.Bunch of them had gone into the secondary ammo dump, the one where we'ddropped most of the ammo from the FOBs we'd had scattered around Iran.Ifigured I'd light them up first.Wow, that was exciting.I'd tried to make sure shit actually blew up.You'd think ammo would just blowup and stay blowed up.Now I knew why those ammo guys had so carefully fired every single CarlGustav.The explosives went off then the ammo started going off.Or not going off.Some of it was just flying through the air.In every direction.Big, big, big explosion.Lots of secondaries.Lit up the sky despite it beingbroad daylight, sort of an orange-purple.And it kept going.Shit going offoverhead.Shit hitting the ground and exploding.It was hitting us and exploding.Oh, not a lot.And we were mostly in bunkers.But it was popping all over theplace.We didn't take any casualties but it was mighty damned exciting."Right, Fillup, get rid of their vehicles for me."Javelin is one hell of a weapon.Absolutely sucks to be up against, mind you.But that's the point if you're holding one.They make, like, no signature.The missile pops up under very low power andthen ignites about twenty feet up.And the signature even then is reallysmall.Something about very efficient combustion.The really nice part, though.Well, there are so many nice parts aboutJavelin.Nice part one.They're fire and forget.You lock them on the target, fire themand they just track right the fuck on.Forget the old days of having to keepthe sight on the target like TOW and Dragon.Fire and fugedaboudit.Fucker isgoing to hit the target five times out of six.Second nice part.The target is going to be smoked.Take a tank.Armored likea motherfucker, right? Sort of.They can't armor them like a motherfuckereverywhere [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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