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.Eli glanced up at his mom, giving her a small smile as he sat downnext to Jersey, taking his large hand in his.His dad stared at theaction, saying nothing. Dad, I know your viewpoint on gay people, but I feel you have aright to know that I m gay. Eli wasn t sure how to start theconversation off, so he put the truth out there and then held his breath.Jersey gave his hand a light squeeze as Eli s entire insidesquivered.His dad sat there, not saying a word as he continued to stareat Eli and Jersey s joined hands.His mom leaned closer to his dad,placing her hand on his thigh as she smiled at Eli.Buck fidgeted next to him.He knew the brothers wereuncomfortable and Eli hated bringing them here without fully 108 Lynn Hagendisclosing what was going on, but he didn t want either of themtalking him out of this.He had to make a stand and be who he was.His dad stood and walked out of the living room, still not sayingone single word.Eli felt the tears fighting to fall, but he swallowed afew times, keeping them at bay.It hurt like hell that his dad hadn taccepted who he was.He felt a small part of him die as he watchedhis father walk from the room.Memories of his dad teaching him how to throw a football in thefront yard or teaching him how to drive played in his mind.His dadhad been the one to teach him how to fish, taking him along on hislong fishing weekend trips.They had been close like a father and sonshould be, and he had let his father down.Eli wanted to run to his dad and beg him for forgiveness, butbeing gay wasn t a choice and Eli needed to accept who he was.Heswallowed hard as he stood on shaky legs, pulling Jersey up with him. I think we should go.His mother stood, walking across the room.Eli braced himself forcurse words or even a slap across the face.He was stunned when hismother hugged him. I always knew, she whispered into his ear. Give him time.She further shocked him by hugging Jersey and then Buck. Youboys are always welcome here. Thank you, ma am, Jersey said as he led Eli outside.Eli turned back toward the door, looking at his mom. Tell DadI m sorry I failed him, but I tried to be the best son possible.He s thebest dad, and if he doesn t forgive me, tell him I still love him.Eli turned, feeling like he was walking down a long and lonelyroad as his feet carried him to the car.A part of him was still sitting inhis parents home as Jersey and then Buck climbed into the car. Eli?He spun around to see his dad standing in the driveway, his handsshoved in his front pockets.Eli glanced over at Jersey, who hadclimbed back out, his arms resting on the roof.Feeling like a man Eli s Way 109walking to his execution, Eli crossed the yard, stopping a few feetaway from his dad. I don t understand, his father said as he looked over at thebushes that sat nestled closely to the house.He looked just as lost andconfused as Eli felt at the moment.He wanted to reach out, but wasafraid his father would reject him. I know. I  His dad let out a long breath and then cleared his throat. Idon t know what to say. Me either, Eli admitted. I m still the son you raised, the sameEli that looks up to you and loves you more than anything.His dad gave a slight nod as he looked down at the ground.Eli sheart was pounding so hard that the blood rushing at his ears wasloud, almost drowning out every noise around him.He hugged hismidsection as he waited for his dad to speak.It felt like the secondsstretched into forever as they stood there silently. I love you, Dad.Carl nodded as he looked toward the car that Jersey was waitingat. I ll see you Sunday?Eli grinned as he nodded his head. I ll be here Sunday.As his father turned to walk away, he stopped, not turning aroundas his shoulders slumped. You can bring your&  He sighed and thenwalked away. 110 Lynn HagenChapter TenJersey s legs carried him at a fast pace as he ran through thewoods.He was close, real close as he panted, his knives drawn and inhis hands as he ducked a low branch.His feet slammed against thehard earth as Buck, Christian, and Dante ran with him.He wasn t sure why Christian hadn t just transported them to thelocation, but he wasn t going to argue the point.He slowed slightly ashe maneuvered down an embankment.Glancing over his shoulder, hesaw his brother right behind him.Buck s face was grim as hemanaged the downward momentum.Christian s arms were pumping hard as he took off once hecleared the embankment, Dante at his side.The brothers caught up, allfour weaving their way through the darkness.Jersey noticed that hedidn t hear one single animal in their area.The quiet was eerie.WhenChristian slowed, signaling them to stop, Jersey walked quietly to theprince s side.Standing there in the middle of the forest, Jersey heard a strangenoise off to his left.It almost sounded like chanting, but who wouldbe in the middle of nowhere chanting? He listened closely.Christianhadn t said why they were here.He just said that he needed Buck andJersey to help him.The chanting started to die down, lowering to a soft hum.Theprince and Dante moved slowly toward a small clump of bushes,Jersey and Buck following close behind the two.Jersey s anger flaredwhen he saw Mallon standing in a small clearing, his arms raised ashe spoke softly.There were half a dozen men standing there, Eli s Way 111humming.They stood in a circle around the ex-elder, all watchingMallon with a look of reverence on their faces.Jersey wanted to storm over to the bastard and bleed him dry.Mallon didn t deserve to live after what he had done to Eli.Hismate s scars might have healed, but that didn t mean Eli had forgottenany of the horrific things that had happened to him.Christian walked a little closer, raising his hands high as he beganto chant in a language that Jersey didn t recognize.Mallon spunaround, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the four of them. Do youthink you can stop me?Christian didn t answer him as he continued to chant, his eyesclosed as his arms rose higher.Jersey stood next to his prince, readyto die to defend him. Get them, Mallon shouted at the six men that had surroundedhim in a circle.They screeched as they raced toward the four.Jerseyraised his knives, letting them swing as the first of their attackersdrew close, Jersey cutting the ghoul across his shoulder.Jersey had nodoubt who they were.The stench alone gave them away.The thing howled as it gnashed his teeth, trying to bite Jersey.Hewanted to curse at the thing but was afraid of breaking Christian sconcentration.His brother and Dante remained quiet as well as theyfought the lamia that raced toward them.Jersey used his knivesskillfully.There was no way he was biting into one of those hideousthings. What are you doing? Mallon shouted from off in the distance.Jersey wanted to look, but he was too busy trying to kill the unholything in front of him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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