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.Each generation seems to add new substances and deletesome of the old ones.Inhalants of the 1960s were chiefly plastic model glue, nail polishremovers, and aerosol sprays.Today, some of the most commonly inhaled substancesare paint thinners, paint removers, lighter fluids, dry cleaning fluids, kerosene and otherpetroleum products, anesthetic gases, and cements.Plastic model glue and nail polishremovers are still used extensively.Substances most likely chosen by inhalant abusershave these characteristics in common:(1) Substances exist in consumer products which are readily available to thepublic (can be purchased in grocery stores, drug stores, paint stores, etc.).(2) Substances can be inhaled easily into the respiratory tract.(3) Substance selected acts either as a stimulant or a depressant on theuser's central nervous system.(4) Substance the user is inhaling can prove fatal.b.Signs/Symptoms of Inhalant Abuse.Included are the following:(1) Disorientation.(2) Tachycardia.(3) Loss of reflexes.(4) Unconsciousness.(5) Respiratory and/or cardiac failure.NOTE: Inhalant users describe the sensations they feel from inhalants as euphoric(an excessive feeling of happiness and well-being) and exciting along with thefeeling that something wonderful is about to happen.Unfortunately, thesefeelings are often accompanied by a sense of reckless abandon and sense ofbeing all powerful, feelings which often lead to impulsive and/or destructiveacts.c.Treatment for Inhalant Abuse.Follow this procedure:(1) Support the patient's vital signs.(2) Administer oxygen to the patient.MD0586 4-17 4-9.COMMON SYMPTOMS OF DRUG ABUSEIn the beginning stages, not all the changes a user experiences appear to bebad.For example, someone who is usually bored and sleepy may become more alertwhile using amphetamines.As a result, his job or school performance may improve.Aperson who is nervous and high- strung may become more cooperative and easier tomanage when he takes barbiturates.It is, therefore, necessary to look for more thanjust negative changes in a person's character.Behavior that is out of the ordinary for anindividual and that continues over a period of time may indicate drug abuse.a.General Indications.Signs which may suggest drug abuse include suddenand dramatic changes in discipline and job performance.Drug abusers may alsodisplay unusual degrees of activity or inactivity.They may for no reason become veryemotional; for example, very angry.Significant changes for the worse in personalappearance may be cause for concern.Often a drug abuser will not care about hispersonal appearance and health habits.b.Specific Indications.There are other more specific signs which shouldarouse suspicion, especially if one or more are exhibited by a single person.Amongthese signs are furtive behavior regarding actions and possessions (fear of discovery),sunglasses worn at inappropriate times and places (to hide dilated or constrictedpupils), and long-sleeve garments worn constantly, even on hot days (to hide needlemarks).c.Indications of Severe Drug Abuse.Because of the expense of supporting adrug habit, the abuser may try to borrow money from a number of individuals.If thisfails, he will not be reluctant to steal items which can be converted to cash easily suchas cameras, radios, and jewelry.If his habit is so severe that he must use drugs whileon duty, he may be found in places such as closets or storage rooms at odd times.4-10.CLOSINGDrug abuse is a widespread problem in our society, a problem which occurs inequally high frequency in the military.While the military's official policy does not toleratedrug abuse, some people continue to violate that policy or begin to abuse drugs whileon active duty.Some of these active duty members use drugs to treat underlyingmental illness, others to escape, or because they have yielded to peer pressure.Inyour role as a medical NCO, you will encounter people who abuse drugs.You can helpby learning about the effects of drugs.Additionally, become knowledgeable at eachduty station about referral sources available to a person who needs treatment.Continue with ExercisesMD0586 4-18 EXERCISES, LESSON 4INSTRUCTIONS.The following exercises are to be answered by completing theincomplete statement or by writing the answer in the space provided.After you havecompleted all the exercises, turn to the solutions located at the end of the exercises andcheck your answers.1.Drug abuse may be defined as the excessive taking of a drug that produceseffects on a person's ____________, thoughts, and _____________; drugstaken without the advice or direction of a ______________ and not for treatmentof a disease or ________________; a drug whose effects could lead to__________________ behavior.2.A person has become psychologically dependent on a drug when ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.3.Physical dependence on a drug exists when an individual's body has _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.4.Tolerance to a drug refers to the fact that _______________________________________________________________________________________________.5.The term opioid refers to any drug which has _____________________ actions.MD0586 4-19 6.List three examples of drugs in the opioid class.a.__________________________________________.b.__________________________________________.c.__________________________________________.7.List three signs/symptoms of intoxication/overdose of opioids.a.__________________________________________.b.__________________________________________.c.__________________________________________.8.List three signs/symptoms of withdrawal from opioids.a.__________________________________________.b.__________________________________________.c.__________________________________________.9.Treatment for opioid abuse includes maintaining the _________________;administering _________________________; and monitoring the patient's___________________ ________________________.10 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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