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.Under the circumstances, I didn't assume we were due a refund.Are you here then to return the gold prepayment?" asked Smith."Would that it were in my power," said the Master of Sinanja sadly."Then what?"From the folds of his robe the Master of Sinanju extracted a gold-edged scroll tied with a blue ribbon.Chiun delicately untied the ribbon, causing the scroll to roll open."Allow me to read.'In the event of termination of services, the House of Sinanju is obligated to refund all prepayments, prorated to the term of unfulfilled service.'"Alas," continued the Master of Sinanju, "Remo, my adopted son, is to wed a Sinanju maiden, and because that maiden was an orphan bereft of family and dowry, and because Sinanju law forbids the House of Sinanju to retain gold that it has not truly earned, I was thrown into a dilemma.I did not know what to do," said Chiun, because emperors sometimes did not know simple words like"dilemma.""I could not keep the gold.And you had already returned to America when I discovered my lapse.Poor Remo, my son, could not marry his chosen bride because she had no dowry.It was a difficult time.But in my wisdom, I saw a solution to all our problems.""You gave the gold to Mah-Li," Smith said wearily."I gave the gold to Mah-Li," said Chiun triumphantly, in almost the same breath.And he smiled."Truly, you are a mind reader, as well as generous and understanding.""You came all the way to Sinanju to tell me that you can't return the gold?""No, I have come all the way to the wonderful land of America to atone for my error, as I have said."Page 42ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Meaning?""Meaning my new dilemma," said Chiun."I cannot return the gold, for I have given it away.""You have a great deal of gold, Master of Sinanju," reminded Smith."True," said the Master of Sinanju."But I do not have a submarine.Only a submarine is capable of transporting such generous quantities of gold from Sinanju to these happy shores."It was true, thought Smith.Annually, he had shipped enough gold ingots to Sinanju to pay off the debts of many small nations.And Chiun never spent that gold, according to Remo."I can make arrangements for one of our nuclear subs to pick up the repayment," Smith said."I cannot allow that," said Chiun."Why not?""It would be unfair.The expense you would incur in sending that vessel would detract from the value of the repayment." Chiun shook his aged head."No, I would not do that to you.""We can work something out." said Smith."No," said Chiun hastily."For Sinanju law dictates that all repayments be made in the same coin.No substitutes.""I would not mind," said Smith."But my ancestors would," returned Chiun."Then what?"Chiun paced the office."I cannot repay in the same coin.It is regrettable, but I am stuck.Therefore, as difficult as it will be, as much as I desire to remain in Sinanju with my adopted son and my people who wept bitterly when I left them, I must fulfill my contract with you.""I'm sure we can come up with an alternate solution," Smith said."I have thought long on this," Chiun said firmly."This is the only way.""Things have changed, Master Chiun.CURE is no longer set up for operations."Chiun waved a dismissive hand."A mere detail.A trifling of no moment in the magnitude of this event.Lo, my descendants will sing in praise of this hour for generations to come," Chiun said loudly."After too long a time, the House of Sinanju has been reunited with the most kind, most generous, most able client it has ever known, Smith the Wise.""It has been only three months," reminded.Smith."Three long months," Chiun corrected."Each day a year, each month an eternity.But at last it is over.""What about Remo?"Chiun's pleased expression fled."Remo is happy in Sinanju.We do not need him.Or he, us.""I see,""You see all," Chiun smiled."This could work out," said Smith slowly.His mind was racing.Only days ago, the thought of having to deal with the mercurial Chiun would have sent him reaching for his Maalox, but now, with this Smith-killer matter, Chiun's reappearance might be the best thing that could happen."Do I understand that our last contract is now in force once more?""Not quite," said the Master of Sinanju, settling on the floor in front of Smith's heavy desk [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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