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.He was mystified as to how the police troops hadbeen able to get here so fast.Or had the Superior Judge stationed his forces here even prior to Onot sescape in order to take any possible friends of Onot by surprise when they approached the secretlaboratory?In the lab was every evidence of a thorough search operation, or more to the point a raid.Bundles ofpapers and documents together with sketches and drawings were neatly stacked in a corner.Apparentlythey were to be picked up and turned over to other scientists as data for them to use in their ownresearches.Chests and boxes had been broken open.Their contents were strewn all over the floor asthough no one had found any interest in them so far.A number of machines had been loosened from theiranchorage and had been made ready for being transported away.Onot was taken into a small adjacent room and locked in.Ellert knew he was safe there and that for thetime being he could leave him to himself. He was about to take over the officer when all of a sudden he was already seeing through the Druuf seyes.It happened without the slightest transition or effort.He had merely thought of it and it was alreadyrealized.The officer had gone to a vehicle that was carefully concealed behind some outcroppings of rock.Therehe operated a transmitter so that he could report to the police chief in the city that Onot had beencaptured.He was promised that an air vehicle would be there as soon as possible to pick up the criminal.It was estimated that this would require about a half-hour.Ellert concentrated on the face that appeared on the viewscreen in the car and then he thought of thecapital city and the Tribunal building.In the same second he found himself in a very familiar corridor.Intwo more probing attempts he was inside the brain of the police chief.The officers present were somewhat pleasantly astonished to see their superior dance suddenly from oneleg to the other.Yet they were puzzled when he quickly desisted in this and looked at all of them with awide-eyed expression of surprise."Do you have a pain?" asked one of his friends in some concern,"No& it was just a passing impulse.I simply felt an urge to move my legs and& well, haven t you alsofelt that way at times? Often a man will be overcome by a certain exuberance and will want to dance.Don t worry about it.I think maybe it was because I m so pleased we ve caught Onot again."He did not know that he was personifying Ellert s own secret joy, which had to find an outer expressionof some kind.Everything seemed to be back in order again.He could cover greater distances and reacha specific goal.So he was not foredoomed to stay forever in Onot s body."If you re so happy about Onot s capture, then you d better send a ship out there so that the traitor canbe brought here."Now Ellert took over the chief completely."You take care of that.I m going to advise the SupremeMagistrate of our success.It was a lucky thing I posted guards at the laboratory."The Druuf who had been so addressed proceeded to leave the room.Ellert bothered no further with thepolice chief but instead followed his friend, who hurried through the corridors and emerged into thestreet, which was once more under reduced lighting.Here he commandeered a car which brought him tothe spaceport.When the Druuf sought out the officer in charge of the troops there, Ellert relaxed and did not interfere.Everything was going as he had figured it would."Orders from the police chief," said the Druuf."Send a ship at once to the Brasi Mountains.Onot s lab.North of the computer station.You know the coördinates.We were able to capture the escapedprisoner again and he is to be picked up there."The C.O.appeared to be happy to comply."I ll fly there myself," he replied."I know that region.I lltake three of the troops with me."The emissary of the police chief saluted and returned to the court building.He must have assumed thateverything had been well taken care of because he had personally brought the order to the C.O. Ellert let him go and nestled down inside the brain of the troop commander [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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