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.He had a moment's panic when the sergeant called out for her to duck.If shemade a mistake, she would put her head in his lap, which would more thanlikely cause him to groan loudly and have sticky spots on his underpants.Ursula put her head in her brother's lap, but her movement shifted her rearend so that it pressed against Geoff's legs.He thought of the Titanicsinking, and of a dog being run over, and finally of Staff Sergeant Foster.That seemed to put things under control."Okay," the sergeant said when they were rolling again."We have successfullyinfiltrated.You can sit up now, miss."Quite by accident, when Ursula sat up, she shifted herself into position withher right hand.The proof that she knew she had set it right down in his wangcame when she audibly sucked in her breath and flung back her hand as if ithad landed on a hot stove."Barring violent objection," the sergeant said, "we'll take the lady by theguest house before we go to Smoke Bomb Hill."The two sergeants in the seat in front of them had a brief conversation inSpanish.Jesus, where am I headed? The tower of Babel?The Enlisted Guest House turned out to be a collection of four barracks.Theterm meant nothing to Geoff, but it was reasonable to presume that it was aplace provided by the army for wives of enlisted men to stay until they couldfind someplace else to live.The corporal driving the van and the sergeant got out of the carryall.Ursulaand Karl-Heinz crawled over Geoff to get out.She took great pains to keep herbody from touching his."It was nice to have met you, Ursula," Geoff said."I hope to see you again.""Auf Wiedersehen," she said, barely audibly.The sergeant and the corporal helped Karl-Heinz and Ursula with their tinsuitcases, and they went inside the building with them.The three Spanish-speaking sergeants carried on what sounded like an excitedconversation until the sergeant and Karl-Heinz reappeared.They then clammedup.The U.S.Army Special Warfare Center and School did not look much unlike theEleventh Infantry Regiment (Training) at Fort Jackson.It was a collection ofwooden buildings, most of them two-story barracks built in the early 1940's.The buildings looked tired.Page 114 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe carryall stopped before a one story building identified by a sign paintedon a four-by-eight sheet of plywood as Headquarters, Fifth Special ForcesGroup.Everybody got out of the carryall and followed the sergeant into the building.There were several noncoms and an officer in the room.The noncoms playedliar's poker while the officer watched.The officer smiled when he saw them coming in the door.A master sergeant stood up, jammed a fistful of folded dollar bills into hispocket, and pleasantly asked for orders and service records.The first sergeant from the First Division handed him a stack of servicerecord envelopes and a sheath of orders.Karl-Heinz Wagner handed him hisservice record and sheath of orders.Geoff Craig handed over his servicerecord and began the rehearsed speech."I'm traveling VOCG ""Ah," the sergeant interrupted him, smiling."Private Craig.Sergeant Dempsterhas been waiting for you."Geoff naturally interpreted that to mean that they knew all about him, andmeant that he had been released on sort of probation from the stockade.Whatever happened next was going to be humiliating.He had had six, sevenhours of freedom, and now it was all going to start all over again."Gentlemen," the lieutenant said, "I'm Lieutenant Martin.On behalf of thecenter commander, Colonel Paul "He was interrupted by cries of "Shame!" "My God!" "Heresy!" and "Bite yourtongue!""As you were," Lieutenant Martin went on."On behalf of the Center Commander,Brigadier General Paul T.Hanrahan " He was interrupted again, this time withapplause and cries of "Try to remember that!" "Write that down, Lieutenant!"and "That's much better!"Laughing, Lieutenant Martin went on: " welcome to the U.S.Special WarfareCenter.We're glad to have you with us.First things first: Have you eaten?"Everybody chorused "Yes, sir.""That will doubtless cheer the cook who waited up for you no end," LieutenantMartin said."Next question: Did all your luggage manage to arrive, or are wegoing to have to go back to the airport for it later?"There was a chorus of "All here, sir.""Splendid," Lieutenant Martin said."This is your schedule.You noncoms go inthe transient BNCOQ right across the street." He handed each of them a key."You can settle who gets which room among yourselves.Just make sure you putyour name on the door.Reveille goes at 0700.You don't have to stand it.Themess serves from 0715.Take the morning to get settled this applies to youtwo, too," Lieutenant Martin said, turning to Geoff and Karl-Heinz "whichmeans, really, taking care of your personal business.Official business, likegetting paid, that sort of thing, we'll take care of starting at 1300.Youcome here at 1300 tomorrow.Get rid of your old insignia.In your case,Sergeant, that means swapping those first sergeant stripes for masterPage 115 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlsergeant's stripes.""By tomorrow, sir?""By 1300 tomorrow, Sergeant," Lieutenant Martin said."There's a PX tailorshop down the street.Everybody is to show up in starched fatigues, with thepatch which the PX tailor shop will happily sell you at 1300."He turned to Karl-Heinz Wagner."You go to the orderly room at the end of the second row of barracks acrossthe street.They'll show you where your bunk is.You will stand reveille."PFC Karl-Heinz Wagner snapped to attention [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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