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.She wanted reassurance, sweetly begged him tolet go, tempted him with the promise of ecstasy like heýÿd neverknown.With that look, his control broke.The peak of rapture racedfrom the base of his spine, burned through his balls, up his cock,until he exploded.Pleasure ripped her name from his lips in ahoarse cry.It became a chant as he repeated it over and over whilethe sharp edge of bliss seemed to last forever, pounding his bodywith one relentless pulse of ecstasy after another.Faintly, through the haze of his roaring heartbeat, he heardMorgan gurgling.ýÿSwallow,ýÿ he rasped, rubbing one of his hands along herneck.ýÿSwallow, cher.ýÿSweetly submissive nowýÿfor the momentýÿshe did.ButJack didnýÿt kid himself.That smile breaking out across Morganýÿsface told him her rush of excitement at breaking him down,stripping him of his iron defenses.He pulled away from the sweet depths of her mouth andshucked his pants completely.Satiation lazed through him, andcontrol reasserted itself.Now, he could mow down her barricadesand return the favor.Now, he could capture her surrender, strip hersoul, and make sure that having sex with Brandon Ross wouldnever be on her wish list again.#Still panting, tired yet flying, Morgan stared at Jack as sherose to her feet.He tossed his pants aside and turned back to herwith burning eyes.The short military cut of his hair onlyaccentuated his angular face, his strong jaw dusted with a dark fiveoýÿclock shadow, his cleft chin.The gorgeous sights didnýÿt stopthere.She let her gaze wander down the powerful bulk of hisshoulders, the solid bulges of his pectorals, the tight abs thatshowed the delineation of every muscleýÿand made a treasure traildown to his groin.Even soft, his penis was big.When hardýÿheýÿd put mostmen to shame. And she had conquered him.Big, bad Jack had totallysuccumbed to her.Was that sense of being mighty and compellingthe reason he liked to dominate?Morgan licked her lips, high on power.Despite a personalfirst, she wasnýÿt pausing to examine.Wouldnýÿt ask if it was right orwrongýÿplenty of time for that later.NowýÿShe sent him a kittenish smile.Sheýÿd survived his challengeto submit with nary a scratch.It hadnýÿt felt like being a mindlessblow-up doll and taking orders; it had been more like following hisclues until she learned exactly how to seize control and unravelhim.ýÿYou look happy with yourself.ýÿMorgan tried to wipe away the smile, but she just couldnýÿtsuppress it.She didnýÿt want to gloat; that would only spur him on.Instead, she just shrugged.ýÿYouýÿre thinking this is a game, Morgan.That you won,and I lost, and we can call it a night.You think weýÿre done and canforget the fear that you might enjoy submitting to me.ýÿHis soft laugh gave her the first clue that sheýÿd misjudgedthe situation.Her smile faltered.ýÿCher, weýÿre just starting.I promise, youýÿll give mecomplete control before weýÿre done.ýÿHis whisper struck down to her gut, reawakening WICKED TIES ýÿ S.Bradley w/a Shayla Black ýÿ Berkley Heat, Jan.2007, ISBN0-425-21361-7 Page 80uncertainty.They werenýÿt done? Every other guy sheýÿd beenwithýÿwell, as Andrew put it, after he came once, he needed eighthours of sleep and a bowl of Wheaties before he was ready to goagain.Heýÿd called himself a sprinter.Did that mean Jack was like amarathon runner?The thought struck an uncomfortable chord of lust in herbelly.ýÿKneel on the bed.ýÿ His voice startled from herruminations.ýÿWhýÿwhy?ýÿAny hint of postorgasm softness or relaxation in hisexpression vanished.ýÿBecause I said.I dominate, you submit.Ifyou ask me one more question or hesitate again, I will paddle yourass.ýÿTick-tock, tick-tock.Suddenly, Morgan could hear eachimpatient second between them lapse by.She glanced between therumpled bed and Jack, whose even breaths and steady gaze told herhe was completely serious.She didnýÿt want this; she didnýÿt.But the ache between herlegs had become a throb.The salty taste of him still lingered on hertongue, taunting her.Remembered pleasure from their feveredencounter against the door earlier bombarded her brain.Shewanted that feeling again, of being taken, of experiencing anorgasm almost bigger than her body.Worse, there was something about Jack himself.Hiscommanding presence, alternating with his teasing smiles.Hereassured her in the oddest way.She felt protected, which madesense.Heýÿd helped her escape a shooter.The fact that he oftenseemed able to read her mind, as if he understood her, didnýÿt fit.He was trying to cast her as a submissive.And she wasnýÿt.Jackýÿs hands curled into fists, then relaxed.ýÿMorganýÿýÿHe took a menacing step toward her, shadows of areprimand burning in his eyes.In the end, her desire ripped the choice from her.Shewould submit.Just for tonight.Just as an experiment.Oncecouldnýÿt hurt, right?She scrambled onto the bed and knelt, facing him.ýÿTurn around.Face the headboard.ýÿIn other words, turn her back to him.Knowing she only hadseconds to decide, Morgan scrambled through her thoughts.Whatwould he do? He wouldnýÿt hurt her.Jack had protected her when her sicko had started shooting.Heýÿd managed to sneak her out ofLafayette in one piece, butýÿýÿMy patience is wearing thin,ýÿ he barked.ýÿTurn around.ýÿThe demanding growl startled her.He meant it.Now.With a last lingering glance at him, one she knew held allher uncertainty and anxiety, Morgan complied.ýÿSit back on your heels.ýÿ His voice drifted closer,punctuated by the military precision of his footsteps on thehardwood floor.The stern note in Jackýÿs voice was something Morgancouldnýÿt overlook.She didnýÿt dare ignore him or hesitate.Once sheýÿd sat back on her heels, Jack trailed a gentlefingertip over the slope of one shoulder, as if petting her in reward.She gasped.The feathery touch startledýÿand enflamed.A line offire blazed behind that simple caress.Then he flattened his palm between her shoulder blades.ýÿLean down until youýÿre lying with your breasts over your knees.Arms above your head, palms flat on the bed.ýÿMorgan processed his request, racing to picture it.Childýÿspose, if sheýÿd been doing yoga.It was one she assumed nearlyevery time she attended a class.But doing it now meant leavingher ass and the line of her spine completely vulnerable to Jack [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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