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.Yes, they were, I silently agreed.“I’m not worried about right now.I’m worried about later.”I looked up at him.“I wasn’t thinking about Rick just then.What makes you think I would later?” I asked softly.“Your song,” he said and kissed my forehead.“I’ll see you tomorrow.”CHAPTER ELEVENAFTER ANOTHER SLEEPLESS night, I pulled myself together and got ready for work.My mood lifted when I took Max for a walk and stepped out into the brilliant sunshine of a promising spring day.After taking care of payroll I had the rest of the day to myself and I had a date that I was actually looking forward to tonight, despite what Mark had said.I wasn’t stuck in the past or trying to recapture my lost youth.Okay, so I wrote a song about recapturing lost youth with an old boyfriend.It didn’t mean that was how I felt now.Like many songs I wrote, it was how I felt at a moment in time.I liked to capture those feelings with a song.It’s how I wrote.I continued to mull over last night on my way to Greene’s.Funny, but I wasn’t torn between Mark and Rick.They were at two ends of the spectrum.I was single and it was fun to have a couple of options.I was looking forward to the discovery process.I stopped in at Shack’s and grabbed a cup of coffee.I decided to have whipped cream on my latte.It was one of those kind of days.I reached Greene’s at eight.The doors were still locked and the blinds were closed.I used my key and went in.Carol would freak if she saw the place; it was a mess.Timesheets littered the floor around the fax machine.Files had been pulled out of the cabinets and stacked haphazardly on the desks.The coffee pot was still on and the blackened residue permeated the air.I sighed.This was going to take a while.I set about cleaning up and organizing as best I could.The coffee pot was beyond repair.The phone rang, interrupting the quiet.“Do you know there were twenty-five messages on the machine this morning?” asked Carol.“Well, good morning to you too,” I said.“Sounds like you have finally risen from the dead.”“Yes,” she said.“Other than a slight headache, I am up and moving.I checked the messages from home this morning and couldn’t believe it! What’s going on there?”I brought her up to speed on Mark’s call last night from Mr.Greene and the current state of the office.“I’m coming in,” she said with determination.“If that idiot wants to fire me, he can go ahead.”“Not a good idea,” I warned.“Manage what you can from home, but wait until Monday before you come in.Give Mark a chance to get to the bottom of everything this weekend.”“Speaking of Mark,” she asked, “how did things go last night?”“Um, not real well,” I conceded.“He thinks I’m hung up on my old boyfriend Rick.”“The one from high school?” Carol asked with surprise.“Yeah.”“That’s weird,” she said.“Why would he think that?”I paused.“Because I’m having dinner with Rick tonight.”“What? Since when?” Carol asked.I sighed.“It’s a long story.I’ll catch you up later.I need to get payroll started.”“Geez.I’m out a few days and everything goes wacky,” she said.Fifteen minutes later I had cleaned up as best I could and was attempting to organize the timesheets for payroll.The front door opened and in strode David dressed in an expensive suit and acting like he owned the place.Which, I guess at this moment, he did.“Ah, the lovely Diana,” he said breezing past me on his way to the back office.“Thank you so much for coming in and taking care of things.”I went back to working on payroll.A few seconds later he popped his head out.“Is there any coffee?” he asked.“The coffee maker is out of commission,” I said.“Oh,” he replied.“Be a dear and run out and fetch me a cup at the coffee shop.”I stared at him.In all my years temping no one had ever asked me to fetch them a cup of coffee.Fetch like a dog.Just keep it together until Mark can get rid of this guy, I told myself.“How do you take it?” I asked between gritted teeth.“Black’s fine,” he said as his cell phone buzzed.I grabbed my purse and headed for the door.A text came through on my phone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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