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.“His father killed himself when Osmond was fifteen.His mom had mental issues, and she abandoned Osmond later that same year.He grew up never feeling wanted, or anything better than unworthy and anxious and depressed.The only time he feels loved is when he wears diapers and people treat him like a baby.” She shrugged.“So this is a way to give him a new birth to maybe wipe the slate clean, maybe give him a sense of acceptance that stays with Osmond longer than just when he’s indulging his fetish.You know? It’s Sylvester’s idea.” She looked at Nora sideways.“He’s a good man.”“Osmond is?” Nora stared straight ahead, tender feelings threatening to overwhelm her.“Sylvester.” Kitten looked straight ahead, too.“It looks like Osmond’s a breech baby.”Sure enough, a naked foot squeezed through the pink bag’s opening to rest on the blankets Sylvester spread.Another foot kicked the opening wider, and two bare, glistening, hairy knees appeared.Sylvester grabbed them, not ungently.He pulled.Osmond slid out.Immediately, Kitten jumped.“Oh, that was fast.Come on!” she said excitedly, pulling Nora forward.Master Andre wrapped the man in blankets, and Mistress Kiana hugged them both as Sylvester tucked heating pads in all the gaps.Little Peter touched one of Osmond’s feet and said, “Welcome.Happy birthday.You are loved,” before making way for the next.Kitten hurried forward.She touched him on the brow.“Welcome, Osmond.You’re so loved.” She worked the snorkel free from his mouth, replaced it with the nipple of the bottle.Osmond suckled on it, his eyes still closed.“Happy birthday, sweetie.”Kitten eyed her, looked pointedly at Osmond, then back to her.Nora approached, reluctant.She felt awkward, at first.But with each step forward the ritual seemed to pull more strongly at her.She didn’t even know him, yet he needed her, depended on her along with the rest of them.She couldn’t let him down.She looked at the naked man swathed in blankets.His moisture-darkened hair stuck to a face so thin its bone structure showed clearly.He had a cleft in his chin and tear streaks on his cheeks.She couldn’t remember ever seeing a more vulnerable-looking adult.Her hand reached out as if it was under someone else’s control, touched the chin’s cleft.“Welcome.Happy birthday.” Osmond sighed, snuggled into his blankets.Her voice shook with emotion.“Welcome, Osmond.You are loved.” Strangely, as she said the words, they became true.No matter what had happened to this man earlier in his life to deprive him of peace and acceptance, he was here now, surrounded by caring people, and she was able to love him.She let others nudge her away from him, and heard familiar voices welcoming Osmond.Kitten laughed, once, a carefree, happy sound.Nora remembered Kitten had said Sylvester was a good man.Giving in to the urge to feast her eyes on Sylvester again, she finally looked for him, her heartbeat instantly increasing tempo in anticipation.She saw him not far from the cluster of people, straightening after giving Little Peter soft instructions.The service sub scampered past her toward the kitchen, but she couldn’t pry her gaze from Sylvester.Sylvester looked at her as if trying to memorize every detail.Her heart jolted in response, and her pulse began to pound.How could she still feel this way? How was it possible to want him so much after what he’d admitted? He was so disturbing to her in every way.Little Peter placed a glass in her hand, and immediately filled it with Dom Pérignon.His impish smile was infectious.“To Osmond!”“To Osmond.” She sipped, then simply held the glass and looked at the birthday boy.Kiana wrestled with one of his legs, trying to thread a large diaper through his crotch.Laughter and the clink of glasses filled the air.Even the music had turned lighter, happier, the chanting giving way to a soaring, exultant choral.Black and White sandwiched Osmond, holding him and rocking him slowly back and forth.It was a scene of such warmth and tenderness it made Nora blink back tears [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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