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.But they no longer rang as true as they used to.“I know about Michael’s history with women.”“Somehow I doubt he told you everything.”“He didn’t have to.I remember him in high school.”“You remember … ?” Drew trailed off, momentarily confused as he absorbed her words.“You went to McKinley?”She nodded.“Same year as you.”Drew looked startled and then a little embarrassed.He began fidgeting with his tie again.“Oh.”This was definitely not how she daydreamed about spending time with him.It was awkward to say the least.The only positive thing she could see about it was that he seemed concerned for her welfare — in a generic sort of way.She struggled to find the right thing to say, but despite her hopes, inspiration refused to come.Honesty would have to do.Well, maybe selective honesty.“Last night with Michael and me … ” She paused, her cheeks growing warm.“It wasn’t exactly what it looked like.We’re spending a little time together is all.You really don’t need to worry about me.”“Spending a little time together,” Drew repeated, frowning.“Yes.”The look on his face suggested Drew was no more convinced than Clarissa was.“I can’t help but think it’s a mistake for you to spend any time around him at all.I’d hate to see you do something you’ll regret later.”“I appreciate your concern.” And she did.It was just too bad that he came across as a stern fatherly type and not as a jealous, red-blooded male.Strangely enough, she felt more irritation than disappointment.It was nice to know people like Drew and Clarissa cared enough to speak up, but did everyone around her really believe she was a naïve idiot? “I’m really okay, though.”“I realize it may seem that way now, but you’re too close to the situation to see things clearly.I’ve seen it before.Michael can have a powerful effect on women, sometimes with disastrous results.Their judgment gets clouded.”“My judgment is fine.”“You may think that, but I’m not sure you’re really seeing Michael for who he is,” Drew persisted.He sounded like a broken record, and it was starting to get on her nerves.“You two don’t exactly spend a lot of time together, though.Don’t you think it’s possible he might not be the same person you remember?” She caught her fingers playing nervously with the edge of her napkin and quickly smoothed it back down.Here she was, finally alone with her high school hero, and she was contradicting him.It was hardly one of her romantic fantasies.She swallowed and continued.“People can change.”Dismay flickered over Drew’s face, and Shannon realized her words only further convinced him she was under Michael’s spell.“See? He’s got your head turned around already.He’s the misunderstood and long-suffering bad boy, and you’re the only one who ‘gets’ him.Please don’t fall for it, Shannon.”She sighed, feeling an unexpected wave of frustration toward him.It made her tongue a little looser than usual.“I’m not falling for anything.The truth is — ” She hesitated, debating how much of the truth to reveal to him now.He was too convinced his brother was bad news to keep an open mind about anything that had to do with Michael, and that included the youth center.“Well, the truth is, we’ve mostly just been talking.You know, about old times.Family, high school, things like that.”“Old times.” Drew sounded skeptical.“Yes.Maybe you should try talking to him.See for yourself if anything’s changed.”“Michael and I have nothing to talk about.”“Are you sure?”“I’m sure.”It was now or never.She took a deep breath and plunged ahead.“How about your parents?”He stiffened, and she knew she was treading on dangerous ground here.But if she hesitated, she would never have the guts to get the rest of the words out.She told herself it was in his best interest to hear her out, but the truth was that it was Michael she thought of when she spoke.“I’m sorry.I know it’s none of my business.But I also know it’s something Michael’s been thinking about, and I thought maybe it was on your mind, too.Especially after the way you seemed to be having second thoughts last week about the youth center.” She was prattling on, but she couldn’t help herself.“Maybe it would help you both to talk about it.”Drew sat silently, his face a mask.Shannon’s pulse went faster the longer he sat without saying anything, and finally she started to push her chair back from the table, feeling sick to her stomach.“I’m sorry.Maybe I should go.”“No.” Drew closed his eyes and rested his forehead in one hand, his elbow resting heavily on the table.“Stay, please.”“I think maybe I said too much.”“No, it’s just … ” He sighed.“Look, I appreciate that you were concerned for me.Truthfully, yes, I did have second thoughts.And third and fourth ones.I grew up in that house, and I have a lot of fond memories of it.The thing is, I don’t want it to become some sort of mausoleum for my parents.And I don’t think they would want that either.Instead, it’s going to be a place full of opportunities for kids who really need them.My parents would like that.Do you know what I mean?”“Yes,” she agreed softly.“So, no, I’m not having any more second thoughts.My mind is made up.And as far as Michael goes … ”She glanced up at him.“Maybe he’s grown a conscience, but I seriously doubt it.And you know what? I’m really not interested in finding out either way.You say he’s been thinking about our parents, feeling guilty maybe? Good.He should feel guilty.Ask him about the things he said before he left next time he asks for your sympathy.”The bitterness in his voice caught her off guard, but not so much that she missed his assumption about his brother.She felt a flicker of defensiveness.“He hasn’t been asking for sympathy.”Drew leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest.“Right.”There had been many times in the past when she admired his refusal to compromise on an issue or back down from the stance he had taken.It made him the kind of politician whose promises most people felt they could trust.For the first time, though, it occurred to her that he might be overly stubborn.At least when it came to his brother.“Whatever happened, it happened a long time ago.He was a teenager, right? Teenagers do stupid things all the time.Maybe he’s done a lot of growing up since then.”“Not my concern.He’s none of my business anymore, and I’m none of his.”She leaned forward.“But he’s your brother — ”The waiter arrived then to cheerfully deliver their meals, and Shannon stopped speaking.She glanced down at the bowl of soup he slid in front of her.It was not minestrone, but for a moment her memory flashed to the day she dumped her soup on Michael’s lap.Then she thought back to the night before and the camaraderie with Michael, and she realized she would be enjoying herself a lot more if he were the one sitting across the table from her, not Drew.The realization hit her with no small amount of surprise [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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