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.The hermaphrodite stands on a dragon that lies on aglobe.In the right hand he holds a pair of compasses, in the left asquare.On the globe we see a square and a triangle.Around thefigure are the signs of the seven planets, with [Symbol: Mercury]at the top.In a cut in the Discursus Nobilis of John of Munsterwe see sun and moon, at the middle of the top the star [Symbol:Hexagram], also denoted by Y = ³»¶ (= matter) surrounded byrays.(Höhler, Herm.Phil., p.105.)In the cabala, which has found admission into the idea of thealchemists and rosicrucians, no small part is played by threepillars and two pillars.Tubal Cain was renowned as a great alchemist.He was [199]the patriarch of wisdom, a master of all kinds of brass and ironwork.(Genesis IV, 22.) He had the knowledge not only ofordinary chemistry and of the fire required for it, but also ofthe higher chemistry and of the hidden elemental fire.After theflood there was no other man who knew the art but the righteousNoah, whom some call Hermogenes or Hermes, who possessedthe knowledge of celestial and terrestrial things.One devoted to art must be a free man (Höhler, l.c., p.66).The ordinale of Norton establishes it more or less as follows: The kings in the olden time have ordained that no one shouldlearn the liberal sciences except the free and those of noble spirit,and any one who is devoted to them should devote his life mostfreely.Accordingly the ancients have called them the seven156 Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Artsliberal arts, for whoever desires to learn thoroughly and wellmust enjoy a certain freedom.Figure 3.Very frequently one finds in the alchemists images of death:grave, coffin, skeleton, etc.Thus in Michael Maier's, AtalantaFugiens, the Emblema XLIV shows how the king lies with hiscrown in the coffin which is just opened.On the right stands aman with a turban, on the left two who open the coffin and let hisjoyful countenance be seen.In the Practica of Basilius Valentinusthe illustration of the fourth key shows a coffin, on which standsa skeleton, the illustration of the eighth key (see Fig.3), a gravefrom which half emerges a man with upright body and raised[200] hands.[This reproduction and figure I owe to the kindness of Dr.Ludwig Keller and the publications of the Comenius Society.]Two men are shooting at the well known mark, [Symbol: Sol],here represented as a target (a symbol much used in the oldSection IV.Rosicrucianism And Freemasonry.157lodges), while a third is sowing.(Parable of the sower and theseeds.) The sign is a clever adaptation of the sulphur hieroglyphand is identical with the registry mark of the third degree of theGrand Lodge Indissolubilis.The mark [Symbol: Half circle] onthe wall is also a symbol of the academy; it is the half circle,man, to whom the light is imparted and means, when occurringcollectively, the fraternity.The evident idea is of representingthe exclusive society as enclosing wall.The angel with thetrumpet is the angel of the judgment day who awakes the dead.With respect to the birds I refer to Matthew XIII, 4: And whenhe sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside and the fowls cameand devoured them up. In the text of Basilius Valentinus, thefourth key, there is mention of the rotting and falling to pieceswith which we are familiar.The idea of dismemberment is notinfrequently clearly expressed, more clearly than in our parable.Already in the oldest alchemistic manuals one operation is calledthe grave of Osiris.One of the manuscripts cited by Berthelot(Orig., p.60) says: The dragon is the guardian of the temple,sacrifice him, flay him, cut his flesh from his bones and thouwilt find what thou seekest. The dragon is also called Osiris,with whose son Horus-Harpocrates, the skillful Hermes, is alsoidentified.(Do we need reference to requirements in the 3d [201]degree? J.left his skin;.B.left his flesh.; M.B., helives in the Son.)Here more clearly than anywhere else we see the masonicsymbolism combined with the myth of the first parents orcreation myth.No matter where it acts, the myth-making powernever seems willing to belie its laws.Also the tree growing outof the grave or the body of the dead ancestor is not wanting.(.at the graves of our fathers. I was accused of a terrible crime. )It is the acacia whose presence is rationalized apparently for thepurpose of forming a sign by which to find again the place of thehastily buried.An Egyptian fable tells of two brothers.The younger, Bata,158 Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Artswas falsely accused by his sister-in-law (as was Joseph byPotiphar's wife).His brother Inpw (Anepu) consequently pursuedhim.The sun god made a mighty flood that separated the pursuerfrom the pursued
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