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.writ-Time, 159 ing trauma, 6 7, 73; and problemTolkien, J.R.R., 52 solving, 117; and writing assign-Tolstoy, Leo, 2 3, 22 ments: First Essay:  Writing YourTougaw, Jason, 8 Classmate s Obituary, 43 55, 214;Toynbee, Arnold, 272 Second Essay:  Writing a Eulogy,Treasury of Comfort, A, 3 57 58, 60 79, 214; Third Essay:Trillin, Calvin, 171  How Your Religious Beliefs orTristan und Isolde, 159 Disbeliefs Influence Your AttitudeTwain, Mark, 95 96, 104 toward Death, 103 19, 214; FourthEssay:  Cathy Linton s Letter to HerU Mother in Wuthering Heights, 126Ubi sunt, 159 27, 129 42; Fifth Essay:  Ten ThingsUpdike, John, 30 to Do before I Die, 155 75, 195,214, 246; Sixth Essay:  Your AttitudeV toward Euthanasia or Physician- Very Short Story, A, 147 Assisted Suicide, 177 98, 214; Sev-enth Essay:  What I Learned aboutW Love and Loss from Reading Em-Wagner, Richard, 159 pathic Teaching, 202 17, 246 49Wallace, David Foster, 23 Writing a Woman s Life, 13Warren, Robert Penn, 196 Wrongful Death, 171Way of Being, A, 201 Wurmser, Léon, 245 We Had the Love, but I Long for the Wuthering Heights, 11, 21, 32, 126 40,Letters, 150 160, 211 12, 214, 243 44, 267,When Nietzsche Wept, 17 269White Album, The, 204Wiesel, Elie, 268 XWilde, Oscar, 117 Xenophanes, 91Wilson, Timothy, 216Without, 171 YWoman Born, Of, 140 41 Yahweh, 89Woolf, Virginia, 189, 253 Yalom, Irvin, 17 19 Word, A, 58 Year of Magical Thinking, The, 128, 171,Wordsworth, Dorothy, 138 204Writer s block, 77 78 Writing for the Health of It, 202 ZWriting History, Writing Trauma, 6 7, 186 Zoe, 143 46 This page intentionally left blank. [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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