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.“And I love you, my wolf-man.”Chapter Twenty-FiveWarm water swirled around her body and a jaunty breeze feathered Abby’s hair about her face and shoulders as she gazed across the rolling ocean.Blue-green waves swelled, then broke, cresting with white frothy foam.Her nipples beaded under the currents caressing her breasts, her naked body, like tiny sensual fingertips dancing upon her skin.Every nerve ending tingled with anticipation.Yesterday she had come back to Oz.Today she would wed the man of her dreams.A smile touched her lips with the remembrance of her and Kir’s first meeting.She had thought him a figment of her imagination—the perfect dream—the perfect man.Her shoulders rose and settled on a heavy sigh.A gust of wind off the northern mountains chilled her exposed skin.Abby crossed her arms over her chest and ran her hands briskly along her arms.The weather was changing in Oz.“M’Lady.” Abby turned to see Linara rise from a deep bow.Beside her stood Kalina.“It is time.” The healer’s dark gaze scanned Abby’s body with appreciation.Heat fanned Abby’s face as she averted her eyes to Kalina.A hint of a smile touched Kalina’s full lips.“As it was meant to be.”The exchange between the two women was broken as Linara spoke, “Lord Kir would not be pleased should you take ill.” Linara curled her fingers, long, red fingernails waving Abby forward.“Please come inside and allow me to prepare you for the ceremony.”Abby moved from out of the warmth of the water into the chill of the air.While they began to walk toward Emerald City, a hint of unease stirred within her as she wondered what preparations the healer was talking about.Then as quickly as the anxiety rose, it died.Abby would soon be the Mistress of Oz and she might as well begin by expressing her likes and dislikes now.Starting with all this mystery shit.If she still wanted to know what was happening when they reached their destination, she would damn well ask.As they neared the masked entrance to the caves, the earth opened.Flowers and rich vegetation parted like a curtain, allowing the three women to enter, then closed silently behind them.Excitement reigned throughout the brightly lit halls.Each time one of Kir’s subjects rushed by, they paused, bowed and gifted Abby with a broad smile before continuing on their way.She felt their joy.Sensed their approved in their Master’s choice of packmate.Abby was ushered through halls and finally towards a room adjacent to Kir’s.When the door swung wide, she gasped.The chamber was beautiful.A canopy bed with rich green silk draped along the railings was off to her right.To the left was a full-size mirror and a dressing table, its top littered with trinkets, lotions, oils and jewels.Instead of a shower masked by a wall, it flowed freely.The light cascade was pleasing to her eyes and ears, as the vast array of flowers was to her nose.Linara walked in between two armoires and waved her hand in front of the rock wall.The solid barrier blurred and then, inch by inch, formed into an archway leading into the next room.The masculine sound of Kir’s laughter made Abby take a step forward, his voice drawing her like a lodestone.Quickly the healer lowered her arm and the passage disappeared.“I believe it is one of your practices that the groom and bride be separated until just before the union?”Abby was touched that the woman had researched some of her native customs.Yet when Abby met the healer’s gaze, the woman’s dark pupils dilated and Abby could see the lust within their depths.Abby didn’t sense the woman held resentment.Still, she knew Linara felt disappointment.After this day neither she nor any other woman would grace Kir’s bed.The Master of Oz was Abby’s man—and hers alone.Kalina steps were graceful as she floated to one of the armoires and opened it.Abby recognized some of her clothes hanging among several outfits that were not familiar.Again she was moved by Kir’s thoughtfulness.He had ensured she had remnants of her old life.Even her mother and father’s picture hung on the wall.Someone must have traveled back to her Kansas home and retrieved some of her belongings.I hope they didn’t give Aunt Maye a heart attack.The thought disappeared when Kalina withdrew the most extravagant dress—and the sheerest—Abby had ever seen.The white gauze had the appearance of mist or a wispy cloud, as if you could brush your hand through it and not disturb a thread.The neckline plunged low and wide, and was laced with tiny blood-red rubies [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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