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.A hush fell over the crowd as Rose swept into the hall.Then, as if on cue, conversation resumed.A pageushered Rose to a seat well below the salt, and she sat demurely, relieved to have escaped the king'snotice.But when she happened to glance across the table, she was startled to see Veronica ofWynwood, Dragon's former mistress, staring at her."Lady Rose, I heard you were the king's guest but did not credit it," Veronica said in a voice laced withmock concern."Some say you are John's hostage.Is that true? What did Dragon do to earn the king'sdispleasure? To my knowledge, he has never been disloyal.""You are correct about Dragon,Lady Veronica," Rose said coolly."The king's suspicions aregroundless."Veronica's eyes glittered with malice."If the king distrusts Dragon, the blame lies with you.Whateverhappens to Dragon is on your head."Rose's scathing reply died in her throat when a blast from a trumpet announced the serving of the meal. Immediately servants carried in trays of sumptuous259delicacies.Oyster soup, turbot in lobster sauce, veal sweetbreads, roasted swans and peacocks, cakesand pudding made with rose and violet sugar, imported dates, figs, oranges, raisins and pomegranateswere but a few of the courses offered.Wine was served instead of ale, and the bread was made of finelymilled white flour.Rose ate sparingly from a trencher shared with Sir Aaron of Trent, the knight who sat next to her.Thepompous young man's avid attention annoyed Rose, and she tried to ignore him as those around herateand drank with gusto.Hours later, when the platters were empty and the guests had stuffedthemselves like suckling pigs, the tables were removed so the entertainment could begin.Rose had hopedto melt into the crowd and quietly return to her chamber, but it was not to be."Lady Rose, surely you are not leaving before the entertainment," Veronica said as she sidled up to Rose."Entertainment does not interest me," Rose claimed."I suddenly find myself too exhausted to participate."Veronica's gaze slid insultingly down Rose's figure."Are you breeding?" she asked sharply.Her question startled Rose.Long moments passed before she could think clearly."Well, are you?" Veronica persisted when Rose failed to reply." Twould be unfortunate if youwerebreeding.""Why do you say that?" Rose asked when she recovered sufficiently to respond."Iheard through the gossip mill that the king is considering dissolving your marriage to Dragon.He wants260to give Dragonwyck to another as soon as he finds someone powerful enough to influence the marcherbarons.""You lie!" Rose hissed.Veronica gave her a superior smirk."I do not lie.I am not saying the gossip is true, mind you, but all toooften it is, especially court gossip.Once Dragon is rid of you, he will wed me.Everything will work out asit should; it was always Dragon's intention to make me his wife."Rose did not dispute Veronica's claim.Dragon had admitted loving Veronica, and Rose knew he wouldhave wed her had the king not interfered.Tears filled Rose's eyes as pain settled around her heart, but she refused to spill them in public."Excuseme," she said, turning away from Dragon's mistress."Where are you going? The harpist has just begun to play, and a company of mummers is to performlater." Disdaining an answer, Rose turned and fled.Raj sent Veronica a warning glance and followed.Lillian was still in the bedchamber when Rose arrived."I did not expect you so soon, my lady.You look upset.Is aught amiss?""Everything is wrong.Tell me true, Lillian, are the servants gossiping about me? Lady Veronica said thatmembers of the court are openly discussing the state of my marriage.There is speculation that the kingwill dissolve my marriage to Dragon."Lillian shrugged."Gossip is always plentiful at court, but it means naught."261"Have you heard rumors among the servants?"After a long silence, Lillian said,"Aye, but rumors cannot be trusted.If I were you, I would not let itworry me.Are you ready for bed, mistress? Shall I help you undress?""Nay, thank you, Lillian.I wish to be alone.I will see you in the morning."Rose did not immediately undress after Lillian left.She was too upset.She would enter a convent if KingJohn annulled her marriage.She wanted no man but Dragon.She had unexpectedly found love withDragon despite his love for another woman [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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