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." Simon tried to make it sound like it was the sort of thing he did often, ratherthan a wild impulse that had made the walk down to meet Matt something of a torture, hisparanoia insisting every person he passed could tell just by looking at him that he wasn't wearingany underwear."I like it," Matt said, his voice muffled as--oh, God--he plunged his mouth over Simon's cock.Simon groaned.Oh, yes.He rather liked it, too."Don't stop," he begged--and groaned againwhen Matt promptly did so."Tease," he gasped out."Oh, I'm only just getting started." Matt's voice was a low rumble that seemed to resonatethrough Simon's cock.Matt started licking and nipping at its sensitive length, driving Simon wildwith sensation.Then he began to work his way back up Simon's stomach, up to his chest.When their eyes were once more level, Matt paused for a moment, on his hands and knees,looking at Simon, his face unreadable.With unexpected tenderness, he took off Simon's glasses,folded them, and placed them carefully to one side.Then, as Simon blinked up at Matt, it was as if the gloves came off.Simon's mouth wasclaimed in a fierce kiss that took his breath away.A hand tore at his shirt, but Simon couldn'tconcentrate on that as Matt's tongue was stabbing into his mouth, mapping him out and taking possession.Simon scrabbled at Matt's T-shirt, pushing it up to get at the smooth, tanned flesh thatseemed to carry the warmth of the sun with it.Matt's still-clothed groin ground against Simon's erection as he bit and sucked at the sensitiveflesh of Simon's face and neck.Simon's hands proved too uncoordinated to undo Matt's shorts so,with a growl, Matt straddled Simon and ripped the shorts open himself.He lay back on top ofSimon without pushing them down, his cock straining at the cotton of his briefs, its heat searingSimon through the thin fabric."Please," Simon whispered, and Matt paused in what he was doing to push down shorts andbriefs, then moved aside to strip off his clothes.Simon took the chance to kick off his loafers and rid himself of his trousers likewise."God, you're gorgeous," Matt whispered.Simon wondered if Matt could see his blush in the moonlight."Bet you say that to all theboys," he joked, surprised to see a muscle tense in Matt's jaw in response."Not any more," Matt said cryptically.Simon didn't get a chance to ask him what he meant, as, by the time the words had penetratedhis brain, Matt was upon him once more.Matt's hands felt rough on his skin, and Simon writhedunder their ministrations, gasping as lips and teeth found his nipples.He couldn't stop himselfpushing up against Matt, desperate for more.He got it.Matt pushed off him and settled back on his knees, fumbling in the pockets of hisdiscarded shorts and bringing out a couple of foil packets.Just the sight of them made Simonshiver.He watched, mesmerized, as Matt put on a condom and slicked himself up, then bentforward once more."Okay?" Matt asked gruffly."God, yes," Simon whispered.He let Matt push his legs back, exposing him, and whimperedas he felt slippery fingers breach him.Matt's smile was more like a snarl as he crooked his finger, hitting Simon's prostate."Likethat?""More," Simon begged.With bewildering speed, Matt pulled out his fingers and lined himself up at Simon's entrance.His face serious, he started to push in.It hurt at first--it had been an embarrassingly long time since Simon had done this--but thepain soon eased, leaving only an aching pleasure and a dizzying sense of connection.Simon couldfeel Matt was trying to hold back, trying not to hurt him, and the warmth of that feeling soothedaway any residual pain.He grabbed Matt's buttocks, trying to urge him deeper."More," herepeated, and Matt gave a low groan and started to slam into him.Matt's fingers gripped Simon's legs like a vise, as if he wanted to be absolutely certain Simonknew he was going nowhere until Matt allowed it.Simon felt possessed, taken, consumed.Yes,he wanted to say.I'm yours.When Matt reached for his cock Simon abdicated all remaining vestiges of control.He feltdeliriously free, a creature of pure sensation, owned by the glorious young man pounding intohim.When he felt his orgasm build, Simon suddenly understood why it was called a little death.He wasn't sure he could survive the intensity of it all--at the very least, it must change himforever.He cried out helplessly, hips jerking as he spilled himself over his stomach, over Matt'shand.As the last shocks surged through Simon's body, Matt renewed his onslaught--then stiffenedand grunted.He threw back his head, the cords of his neck casting shadows in the moonlight,while Simon stared up at him, marveling at his beauty.Then, breathing hard, he pulled out,leaving Simon bereft for a moment before Matt's sweaty body collapsed down beside and half ontop of him. They didn't speak.His face strangely tight in a way that made him think of Mim, Simonclasped his lover to his chest, stroking Matt's unruly curls as he gazed upwards at the stars thatshone so brightly here."This has been the best night of my life," he murmured.The bottle of wine remained untouched.In a moment of whimsy, Simon sent it floating outupon the waters of the lake, there to meet whatever fate destiny might have in store for it.Simon had a wonderful feeling he might be falling in love.* * * *Matt lay in bed listening to the rain that hammered on his window and the sharp cracks ofthunder [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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