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. Lead on.Blaine walked into the hall, one hand idly petting Al s head where it hung on hisshoulder.Killian followed.Into the valley of death rode the three hundred.Okay, so therewas only one of him, but the Tennyson poem still fit.What was at the end of thishall& besides a bed that he desperately wanted to find? Would it mean the death of hispowers? His life as he knew it? Was he prepared to give up all that defined him to hiscommunity for a roll in the hay with a beautiful human?He stopped walking.Yes.Yes, he was& if the beautiful human was Blaine.Whydid the man attract him so? Was it that freedom? The strength that felt deep and wide?Or the fact that no matter how much Killian ran, Blaine just kept coming? Blainewanted him.The human knew nothing of Killian s power or wealth or standing in thecommunity.And he still wanted him.No one else ever had.Of course, Blaine didn tknow he was a witch.But this wasn t forever.Just one time.One passionate, perfecttime to give him a memory of joy. Did I lose you?Killian looked up.He was standing still in the middle of a long hall. Sorry.Justthinking.Blaine covered the few steps between them and did that hand-on-the-cheek thingagain. Some cold feet, maybe? I understand.You don t know me very well.Andthere s no rush.If I think we can be together just for coffee or cat petting, it will be finewith me.Take your time. 86 Tara LainWhat?  No.No time.Now, please.I really want this.I do, so much.Blaine took his hand. That s even better.I want you to want me, Killian, becauseI m dying for you. He started walking sideways, holding Killian s hand until they gotto a door at the end of the hall.They rounded a corner.Oh yes, so perfect.A high-ceilinged room, complete withfireplace.Crisp white sheets on the big bed, just as the man had promised him.Orpromised Al, to be exact.Blaine walked backward until he got to the bed and thendipped a shoulder.Aloysius hopped off.The cat, his shiny blackness startling againstthe sheets, stalked to the pillows, curled up, and watched, purring the whole time.Blaine laughed. I think we have to be exhibitionists with Al around. He lookedtoward the cat. A bit of a voyeur, fella? He looked intently back at Killian. Well,watch away, because I m going to kiss your buddy here until he can t stand up, andthen I m going to strip him naked and caress every inch of his body, and when he sready, I m going to slip my starving cock into his beautiful ass and fuck him senseless.Does that sound good, Al? Mwrar.Killian seconded the motion.His legs shook so hard, he could barely stand. Blaine& In two steps, Blaine covered the space between them.The heat of his embracewrapped around Killian.Holy Power.His arms felt wonderful, strong and safe.Blaine ssearching mouth closed over his.Sweet! Even better than he remembered.The softnessof his tongue explored the contours of Killian s lips, caressing every tiny, tingling nerveending.Oh dear gods, go deep, sweet thing.Killian opened his mouth to the welcomeintruder.Blaine s taste was even better than his smell like dessert.Hot apple pie,crème brûlée, cinnamon ice cream.Oh gods, let me lick the bowl.As their tongues dancedand played, a deep tremble crawled up Killian s spine.Powers& a distant rumble ofthunder vibrated through the room. The Aloysius Tales: Spell Cat 87Blaine pulled back and looked toward the window. Thunder? It was so brightwhen we came in.Killian s heart skipped.He had to control himself.For a second there, he justforgot he was a witch.Blaine looked back at Killian. I like the thunder.It sounds like I feel. His mouthcovered Killian s, pressing his tongue even deeper this time.Killian never wanted it tostop.One strong arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him tight.Blaine s handslipped under his butt, raising him the extra couple inches to bring their cocks tightlytogether.Holy gods! Rumble.He pressed closer, rubbing against that hard bulge.Shocksof electricity fired into his belly from his cock.Trembling, like weak and strong at thesame time.Thunder rolled through the room again.Oh, yes, Powers, yes! 88 Tara LainChapter TenSweet Jesus.Felt so good.Blaine rode hard against Killian s cock as flashes of heatseared through him.Had to get out of these clothes.Without taking his lips fromKillian s, he pulled off the man s leather jacket and tossed it onto the overstuffed chairby the window.Damn.He needed both hands.He let go of Killian s tight butt andgrasped the edges of the thin wool sweater that clung to his slender body.Up and over.He pulled his mouth away, ripped the sweater over the long queue of hair, and tossed itafter the jacket.He stopped.What a picture.Holy fucking beautiful.He stepped back, still hanging onto both of Killian s arms.Wow.He just wanted to look.The man s skin was like somuch warm, soft marble.Smooth.Not one hair marred the surface, just the perfectcontrast of the flat pink disks of his nipples.So slender, but with just enoughmusculature.Like some Greek statue of Pan or Hermes.Killian s hair had fallen loose,and part of the dark blond silk fell over one shoulder and onto his chest like a river ofmoonlight.No wonder this guy haunted Blaine s dreams.Since the first moment he d seen Killian that day in the classroom, he d been araging mass of hormones.And when Killian had run away, Blaine had gone after him.Killian was all push/pull and a flaming mass of insecurities.And yet Blaine couldn t lethim go.But then, look at this breathing wet dream standing in front of him. SweetJesus, I have to see the rest.Killian looked embarrassed.Cute.Let s unwrap this package [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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