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.c) I hope that he (finish / finishes/ finished) his job on time.d) The doctors recommended that she (take / takes / took) aholiday.e) Suppose she ( is / be / were ) here.What would you say?f) I think it's an interesting fact that she (come/ comes / shouldcome) from Estonia.g) The landlord requested that John (moves, move, will move)out of the apartment.h) We want the windows (to be / be / were) washed beforeSaturday.i) She says that the government (regulate/ regulates) the airlineindustry.I don't know if that is true.j) The office administrator demanded that the heater (repair /repairs / was repaired / be repaired) immediately.k) It is important to remember that Janine (think/ thinks) verydifferently from you.She may not agree to the changes youhave made in the organization of the company.l) The doctor recommended that she sees / should see/ saw aneye specialist.m) The teacher insists that his students arrive / arrived / on time.n) I demand that she immediately (apologize/ apologizes) forwhat she just said.121 Negative, Continuous and Passive Forms of SubjunctiveExamples:f& The company asked that employees not accept personalphone calls during business hours.f& The President demanded that I be allowed to take part inthe negotiations.f& I propose that we all be waiting in Andy s apartment whenhe gets home.2) Subjunctive Quiz IIa.The boss insisted that Mr.Predescu (be not / is not / not be)at the meeting.b.It is important that you (are / be / is ) standing there when shegets off the plane.c.We suggested that you (are / be / were) admitted to theorganization.d.It is crucial that a car (is / be / were) waiting for the bosswhen the meeting is over.e.I suggest that you (don t take /not take / didn t take) the jobwithout renegotiating the salary.f.Jake recommended that Susan (is / be / were) hiredimmediately.Financial accounting termsHow many of these questions can you answer?1.Which of the following will appear as a current asset on abalance sheet:a.Proposed dividend to shareholdersb.Creditorsc.Trade debtorsd.Bank loans and overdrafts122 2.When Mrs.Petcu writes out a cheque for $100 and sendsit to Electrica S.A., then Mrs.Petcu is known as the:a.creditorb.drawerc.payee3.Which of the following assets are intangible?a.buildingsb.machineryc.trademarks4.An item can be reported as an asset only if it passes threeof the following tests.a.item is valuableb.item is located in a building owned by the entityc.item is used by the entityd.the entity has ordered the item.e.item was acquired at a measurable costf.item is owned or controlled by the entity.5.Indicate whether the following statements about theBALANCE SHEET of a corporation is true or false:a.The amount reported for the paid-in-capital item isapproximately the market value of the stockb.Land is reported at approximately what it is worth6.Capital accounts represent the owner's.worth in thebusiness.a.equityb.valuec.netd.profit123 UNIT 12FILING SYSTEMSThe most important rule for successful management ofinformation is: Be Consistent.Choose a system for each kind of filingyou must do and follow it religiously.If you are moving into an officewhere a filing system already exists, learn the rules as soon aspossible.The more information passes through your office, the moreyou need a logical system for filing it.ALPHABETICAL FILING SYSTEMSIn an alphabetical system, all information is filed in ABC order.There are several types of alphabetical systems:- Alphabetical by Name is the system to use if you aremanaging or organizing any type of business that involve clients.Youmay organize your system by a person s last name, by first name ofcorporation, by case name, and so on.- Alphabetical by Subject is useful when the information youare filing corresponds to a number of different topics.You may handlematerials for several departments, or your office might deal with anumber of products.- Alphabetical by Location is helpful if you work with anumber of branch offices or have sales regions over a broad area.Youmight list files alphabetically by state or region and then by city withinthose areas, or by city with clients or companies listed as subheadings.NUMERICAL FILING SYSTEMSDepending on the amount and type of information you need tofile, you may find that filing by number makes the best sense.Thereare a few kinds of numerical systems:- Consecutive Filing is useful when filing invoices or numberedforms of any kind.Numbers in consecutive files often begins with0001 and range to 9999.124 - Digit Filing (Terminal Digit Filing, Middle Digit Filing) isbased on six digits, and usually indicates the drawer, guide, and folderin which an item is filed.- Chronological Filing is simply filing by date.This may beuseful in a correspondence file or as a record of sales figures.NON-PAPER FILING SYSTEMSIn theory, today s electronic offices have less and less paper tofile.Materials may be filed on microforms, stored on computer orfiled on optical disks.- Micrographics is the process of storing photographicreductions of documents.- Computer Files are part of our software.We can save files to ahard disk, a floppy disk, or a tape.Depending on the software wehave, we may have the option of consolidating large amounts ofinformation, merging files, and creating management systems.- Optical Disks can store large amounts of information, bothprinted and graphic.A CD-ROM disk can store nearly a quarter of amillion pages of text.(adapted from K.A.Zahler, Ellen Lichtenstein,  21st Century OfficeAssistant s Manual , The Philip Lief Group, Inc.1996)READING COMPREHENSION1.Read the text again and specify whether the followingstatements are true or false:a.The more information passes through your office, theless you need a logical system for filing it.T/Fb.In an alphabetical filing system, all information isfiled in ABC order.T/Fc [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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