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.Truth-be-Well | Amy Lane96to do to Dale were secondary to the things he needed Dale todo to him. Spread your thighs for me,  kay?Carson braced his forearms under his thighs andspread himself out, lewd and trusting, and waited for a manwho d been a stranger less than a day ago to touch him, toinvade him, to  Oh God! Dale was using his greasedfingers to rub his rim, pressing gently with his thumb.Inthat breath, the promise of pain was breathtaking, but thatpressure was gentle, insistent, and Carson pushed against itto welcome the intruder inside. Ohhhh&. Inside, oh yes, that s right, that s where itwas supposed to wait, no, don t pull it out!  No& wait& ohmy God, yes! Two fingers replaced the thumb and stretchedCarson, who was panting, accustoming himself to the burn. Jesus, if I d known you were going to talk this much, Iwould have asked if I could gag you! Dale was laughing, butCarson had the image of himself, hands tied with scarves tothe headboard, gag and blindfold firmly in place, and hiscock jerked and drooled, landing back on his abdomen witha smack.Dale ran the fingers of his free hand through the littlepuddle on Carson s stomach and chuckled darkly. You likedthat.I think you ve been waiting for someone to come andtell you what to do your entire life, Carson O Shaughnessy.Ithink I ve been waiting to do just that. He emphasized thatwith a quick twist of his two fingers in Carson s ass, andCarson spread his thighs wider and grunted, bearing down,wanting more.He d never had this, never asked for it, nevereven dreamed of begging for it, but when Dale stroked hiscock slowly with one hand and spread those wicked fingers,Carson gave a whimper and pleaded. Left on St.Truth-be-Well | Amy Lane97 Oh Jesus, please& please, oh please, Dale, I need&.Dale stopped moving his fingers, and Carson let out acry that probably scared the gators. Please!Dale laughed, low and evil. Please what, Carson? Please, Dale, c mon, I m begging you, please, I need&oh geez, I need  You keep saying that, but I got to hear what you want,okay? I need to know,  cause I m hurting too.I mean, I thinkyou d suck me off if I asked.I don t think you d leave a manhurting, but Carson s cock and balls gave a big fat throb at thethought of wrapping his mouth around Dale s erection, buthis ass clenched on Dale s fingers, and Carson bore downand groaned from his toes up. For Christ s sake, asshole!Stop talking and fuck me!Dale tilted his head back and drove his fingers insideCarson again.At the same time, he thrust forward, rubbinghis cock in the crease of Carson s thigh. Yes, sir, Dale panted and then pulled out his fingers,positioned his cock, and surged forward.Carson thought he d black out.For a moment, it was from pain, as the rim of his assburned bright and hot behind his eyes, but then the head ofDale s cock popped in and the brightness faded, replaced bya hard, achy pleasure, a dull throbbing, and he gasped andjerked, still holding his thighs open. Yes! Dale gasped, pitching forward onto his forearmsand driving into Carson, who groaned and raised his hips tomeet the thrust.He was out of words, but he wanted it,wanted the edge of pain, wanted the cock inside him, wanted Left on St.Truth-be-Well | Amy Lane98Dale s hot, sweating body engulfing him, and when Dalepulled out and thrust back in, Carson clenched down tightto keep him there. God, yes! he hissed, needing more, and more andmore.Dale s rhythm wasn t slow and gentle, and Carson wasglad.He wanted fast and desperate, and Dale rocked intohim harder and faster and perfect.More, more, more, more, harder, faster, deeper, yes, yes,yes. More, more, more, yes! Carson barely had the breathto shout that last one as Dale shifted his angle and bangedCarson s sweet spot with enough force to split a high-pitchedwhine from Carson s lips. Hurt? Dale asked, stopping, sounding concerned, andCarson was pretty sure he d die. No, asshole! Do it again!Dale chuckled, and suddenly he was pounding,throwing himself into a fucking frenzy, and Carson was rightthere, begging him with words, with fingers in his shouldersdriving him on, with his heels digging into Dale s ass,pleading for harder and more.Every thrust brought themhigher, every slap of their flesh together made them cravemore, and when Dale s bucking body peaked and hestopped, roaring out a climax, every tendon in his bodysnapped tight and stood out in sinewy relief on hismusculature.Carson bore down hard to milk him, grip him,give him as much as he could from the bottom, while at thesame time his body screamed,  No, not yet!But Dale didn t let him down.His climax crested, broke,released into Carson s body in a flood, and then Daleresumed moving, his erection a little softened but not Left on St.Truth-be-Well | Amy Lane99enough to stop pleasuring them.He pulled back, spit on hishand, and started stroking Carson with a hard, frantic pace [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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