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.Then recline in theposition which you have found to be the most comfortable.Havein your hand a photograph of the person to whom you are mostattached.Any light should be behind you so that it shines on orilluminates the photograph.Breathe deeply for a few minutes,and then clear your mind of all extraneous thoughts, think of theperson whose photograph is in your hands, look at the photograph,visualize the person standing in front of you.What would thisperson say to you? What would you reply? Frame your thoughts.You can, if you like, say “Speak to me—Speak to me.” Then waitfor a reply.If you are composed, if you have faith, you will getsome stirring inside your brain.First you will be inclined to putit down to imagination, but it is not imagination but reality.Ifyou dismiss it as idle imagination you will dismiss telepathy.The easiest way of acquiring telepathic ability is to work witha person whom you know very well, and with whom you are on themost intimate terms of friendship.Both of you should discuss whatyou are going to do, you should both agree that on such-and-such adate at such-and such a time you will get in touch with each othertelepathically.Both of you should retire to rooms, it does notmatter how far apart, it can even be a continent apart, for distanceis no object.But you must make sure that you make allowance forany difference in time, for example—Buenos Aires may be twohours ahead of New York in time.You have to allow for thatotherwise your experiment will fail.You also have to agree who isgoing to transmit and who is going to receive.You can do it easilyif you synchronize your watches, and go by Greenwich mean timewhich will obviate any possibility of confusion.One can obtainGreenwich mean time almost anywhere, and if you decide totransmit first, and then after ten minutes, neither more nor less,but a definite fixed interval of time, your friend will transmit back.The first two or three times you will not necessarily succeed, butpractice makes perfect.Remember that a baby cannot walk at thefirst attempt, the baby had to practice and fall down and crawl.You will not succeed necessarily at the first attempt at telepathy,but again practice makes perfect.When you can send a telepathic message to a friend, or receiveone, then you are well on the way to getting the thoughts of others,but you can only get their thoughts provided that you have noevil intent toward them.We are going to make one of our famousdigressions here!159You can never, never, never use telepathy or clairvoyance orpsychometry to do harm to another person, nor can any otherperson do harm to you by these means.It has often been statedthat if an evil person were telepathic or clairvoyant they would beable to blackmail people who had made some slight mistake,but that emphatically is not the case, it is impossible.You cannothave light and darkness at the same time in the same place, andyou cannot use telepathy for evil, that is an absolutely inexorablelaw of metaphysics.So—Do not be alarmed, people do not readyour thoughts to do you harm.No doubt many would like to, butthey cannot do so.We mention that because of the fear that somany people have that a person by telepathy can know all themost secret fears and phobias.It is true that the purest mindedpeople could pick up your thoughts, could see from your aurawhat your weak points were, but the pure person would not forone moment contemplate doing such a thing, and the impureperson permanently lacks the ability.We suggest that you practice telepathy with a friend, or if youcannot get a friend to co-operate, relax as we have said and letthoughts come in to you.You will find first that your head is a buzzof conflicting thoughts, it is similar to when you go into a crowd ofpeople.There is a babble of conversation, just a horrible noise,everyone seems to be talking at the same time at the top of theirvoices.But if you try you can single out one voice.You can do thatalso in telepathy.Practice, you must practice and have faith, andthen, provided you keep calm about it all and have no intention ofhurting any other person, you will be able to do telepathy.From our Figure Nine you will see that the rays from clairvoy-ant sight come from the location of the third eye, and as you willobserve they are of a completely different frequency from that oftelepathy.It is in some ways the same type of thing giving differentresults.One might say that when you get telepathic messages youlisten to radio, when you get clairvoyant messages you see Tele-vision pictures, and often in “glorious technicolor”!If you want to see clairvoyantly you will need a crystal or some-thing which shines.If you have a diamond ring with one stonethat is as good as a crystal, and certainly it is less tiring to hold!Here again you will have to recline comfortably, and you will haveto make sure that the lighting is of a very low order indeed.Let usassume, though, that you have invested in a crystal—You are resting completely at ease in your room in the evening,160 Your curtains or blinds have been drawn to cut out any directrays of light.The room is so dark that you can hardly see the out-line of the crystal.It is so dark that you certainly cannot see anypinpoints of light in the crystal.Instead the whole thing is hazy,almost “not there,” you know that you are holding it, you knowthat you can see “something.” Keep looking into the crystalwithout trying to see anything, look into the crystal as if you werelooking in the far far distance.This crystal will be just a few inchesfrom you, but instead you have to look miles.Then you will seethe crystal gradually begin to cloud, you will see white cloudsform, and the crystal, instead of being apparently of clear glass,will appear to be full of milk.Now is the critical time, do not jerk,do not let yourself become alarmed, as so many people do, becausethe next stage—The whiteness rolls away like curtains being drawn away todisclose a stage.Your crystal has gone—vanished—and you seeinstead the world.You are gazing down as a God on Olympusmight look upon the world, you see perhaps the clouds with a con-tinent beneath, you have a sensation of falling, you might even in-voluntarily jerk forward a little.Try to control this because if youdo jerk you will “lose the picture” and have to start all over againsome other night [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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