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.The sooner he fixed something,obviously, the better the result.In the scheme of things, that wasn t eveninteresting. It can wait until morning.My mom ll just think I m getting up to no goodwith you and be all happy with her conniving self. He spoke absently, andCourt didn t know whether to apologize again, offer comfort, or crawl at his feetbegging forgiveness.His whole future lay in the other man s hands. I can t go away again, Dane.I just can t. Go away? Why would you go away? When you& Well, when you go to the police, tell them what happened.When you tell people about me.I know most people won t believe it& but theloonies&  Are you insane? I m not telling a soul about this. But what about& what about& me? I m alive because of you. He started toward the door. And that s goodenough for me.Good enough? Court followed like a lost puppy. You don t hate me? I m too fucking tired to hate you.Let s duke it out later.Right now, I mgoing to wash.Then I m climbing into your bed, which I know is mostcomfortable, and then I m going to sleep.www.samhainpublishing.com 189 Finn MarloweCourt s mouth dropped open in dismay.The light stung his eyes as heswitched on the kitchen fluorescent and revealed every bit of unfixed ugliness. You ll be able to sleep? After that? I ve had nightmares worse than that.You forget I ve been inside a tornado.Kinda changes your perspective on things. If you don t get away from me, you ll never be safe. Who ever is? And I told you before I m not going to live in fear waitingfor that one stupid second to get me. He flicked his head, shaking his dark hair. It already got me.Maybe that man, whose name he still didn t know, was right Court didn tunderstand his new lover at all.Or maybe Dane just wasn t understandable. You really want to stay here? With me?Making it up the stairs was a struggle with legs heavy as lead.Always faster,Dane was already at the top.Might just have to give up the washing part in favorof falling into bed where he could suffer and twitch in semi-comfort.Was there away to avoid thinking about what just happened? Just exist.Be an empty shell.Dane paused at the top and held out his hand, strong fingers beckoning.Court went, leaving his worries on the bottom riser.What man could resistsuch an invitation? Not him.A few swipes of a wet, hot cloth washed the blood away from skin andhands, but not the memory, no.That would stay, staining darkly.Dane sspattered shirt went into the garbage.The bloody collar creeped Court out, andhe stuffed a wad of crumpled toilet paper on top to hide the evidence.No moreblood would be spilled at Dane s expense.I have to let him go.190 www.samhainpublishing.com Forever in One SecondAfter Dane fell asleep, almost instantly, back snug against Court s belly andcircled by his arms, Court allowed himself a last moment of corrupt joy before hesuccumbed to sleep.The pull was relentless and he fought it.Halfway into his dreams, he suffered a painful jab of the guilt he d shovedaside to ponder later.It was later.The slippery hand of sleep pulled abruptlyaway, leaving him wide awake.His method of cheating death obviously had some weird side effects.Therewas a price for everything.Memories of Dane s bloody steak taunted him, allthat salt and blood.What else did his healing do to people? Were there others outthere like Dane, who d seen what he d done when he thought he d been so damnsmart? What did they think? Not once had he considered he might be causingharm, because he d been smug and it was smugness.He d always believedwhat he did was better than death.And it had to be imminent death, that was theunwritten rule since he d come back to the States, so he only healed the dying,never those who d live with proper treatment.Not once did he consider their religion, or how they would perceive whatthey saw heard.A song of light? Hell, they were never conscious.Like howDane was supposedly unconscious? How many people had he done it to? Only ahandful, really, wasn t it? After all, he d been working only a few months, andmost of the time there were witnesses present.Now you ll have to find them all, you sanctimonious dumb-ass.Against his will he wanted to suffer more sleep began lulling him awayagain.Exhaustion would have to wait a moment.There was one last concern todwell on, one last side-effect question gnawing at him more than the all others,and he mustn t give into oblivion just yet [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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