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. Godbless Jamaica and its fine extradition laws with the United States of America.Looks likesomeone is going to need to pay the taxman.Taxes were a bitch.* * * So what s your verdict? Uncross your legs, Gayle said. I hardly think uncrossing my legs is the answer to all my romantic woes, Julia said after telling her stylist most of the details of her situation.Gayle winked at her in the mirror as Julia followed orders. I don t know, sweetie.Kindasounds like uncrossing your legs has been working pretty well for you with this guy.Julia laughed. Fine, you got me on that. Champion race horse in the sack, right?She covered her mouth with her hand daintily, pretending to be shocked. Did I saythat? No.But it sure as hell sounds like it, from the stories you ve told me about hisprowess. Prowess doesn t even begin to cover it.But that s not what we re talking about.I needto know what you think I should do next.A woman can t make this kind of decisionwithout consulting her stylist. Don t consult me, Gayle said, brandishing her silver scissors playfully in the mirror. Consult the scissors?Gayle shook her head. Ask the ink, she said, and tapped her bare arm with the silverscissors, pointing to the cursive letters on her arm spelling out I want to be adored.Juliahad always admired the tattoo, even more so because Gayle s wish for love had cometrue.Julia leaned in close to the tattoo and whispered, as if offering a plaintive plea to anoracle. Ink, what should I do? Allow me to translate for the ink, Gayle said as she resumed snipping hair. Do youlove him? Yes. Can you forgive him?When phrased like that, the answer seemed patently obvious. Yes, she admitted in asmall voice. And most of all, does he adore you?Julia tried to suppress a smile, as if she could hold in all that she felt by not admittingthe pure and honest truth.But she blurted it out anyway. So much.Gayle gave her an approving nod. One more question.Do you have any idea howdevastated I will be to no longer do your hair if you move to New York? Fortunately, I stillgo there every few months to cut Jane Black s hair, she said, mentioning the Grammy-winning rock singer. Name-dropper. I ll see if I can squeeze you in after Ms.Black. Watch it.I m going to be famous now, too.You ll have to start calling me Ms.PurpleSnow Globe. You do know that sounds like the name of a vibrator, right? Which makes it an even better name for a drink.Because when you drink one, itmakes you feel like a vibrator does, Julia said, and cracked herself up, along with herstylist. That should be the marketing slogan.But you don t need a vibrator with yourchampion racehorse. If I take him back, Julia added, emphasizing that one word.If.Because she had promised herself a week to make this decision.Gayle rolled her eyes. A woman s stylist always knows.* * *All night Julia was tempted to text Clay.To let him know what happened with FarrellSpirits.To tell him which way she was leaning.But she also knew she needed to give thisa week.The time apart was less about him, and more about her.It was about what shewanted in life, but more so, what she needed.As the days had passed with necessarysilence, her heart had become clearer.She trusted him.She d become sure of that.Thequestion remained, though did she trust herself? Did she have enough faith in her owngut to make the right choice when it came to men? When it came to love?As she settled into bed, she glanced at the clock on her nightstand.It blared one-thirtyin garish red.Tomorrow would be Saturday, and her self-imposed Clay exile was nearingan end.Only twenty-four more hours until she gave him her answer.She reached for her phone so she could reply to McKenna.She and her sister had beentexting earlier in the day about getting together for a Saturday girls lunch.She hadn tseen her sister since the wedding, and she missed her something fierce [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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