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.I wish " He stopped himself, hisexpression turning serious."I know what you wish," she said, her voice as soft as she could make it."And I can hardly express howgratifying I find that.All I can say is, give me a chance to catch up with you.I've only known you likedme for two days.""Do you think you can catch up?"For all his beauty, for all his power, he was as bashful as a French schoolboy.Smiling, Mariann laid herhand on his cheek."Oh, I'm pretty sure of it," she said, "almost sure enough to promise."He caught her up and laughed exultantly, swinging her around on the broad landing.Midspin he startedto kiss her, adding a light-headedness of another sort.The instant she kissed him back, she was slammedagainst the wainscoting."You'll break something," she protested breathlessly.His hips undulated between her thighs.Somehow he'd managed to work his hand under her waistband,and was cupping her bottom beneath her pants.The seam wasn't up to the added strain.Stitches tore asshe licked him behind the ear."Never break things," he gasped when she added the scrape of her teeth."I'm very careful of mystrength.Lord.Help me get you out of these clothes."Released from his hold, she peeled out of them, then stared pointedly at his crotch.His erectionstretched his trousers impressively.He rubbed his palms along either side, the muscle and hair of hisforearms exposed by his rolled-up cuffs.She could learn to love this look: half lusty businessman, half sexgod.Not that he needed those business clothes now."You, too," she reminded."What? Oh.Right."His zipper whined down and parted, allowing his shaft to bulge from the opening.Before he couldrelease himself completely and charge ahead, she put her hand on the throbbing arch."Take everythingoff, Bastien.Including socks.""What socks?" he muttered, then wrenched and shoved and hopped on one foot until he was bare.She had barely drawn breath to comment on his magnificent naked state when she was kissed and lifted,her thighs pressed smoothly to either side of his hips.The tip of his penis nudged her, shifted to find itsaim, then pressed thickly inside.Groaning with gratitude, Bastien ground her against the wall.She had a second to savor the penetrationbefore he began surging in and out.Then she could have groaned herself.The sensitivity she'd thoughtshe must have imagined the other night had her shuddering on the brink by the fourth forceful stroke.Her whole sheath was as responsive as only a tiny part of her had been before.The effect was maddeninglysensual.It did nothing for her control to think his nerves must be similarly multiplied."Don't crack the plaster," she said as her hands clutched his back and neck.To her dismay, half thewords were wailed."Paper& covers it," he huffed, but he cursed and dropped with her to the floor.There the only danger was carpet burn."Wider," he demanded, his hair falling around them, his grip already stretching her thighs."Yes." She gulped for air as he slammed in deeper, the head of him pummeling some secret pleasurespot.When her neck arched up uncontrollably, his mouth immediately nuzzled her pulse."Should warn you," he said against its frantic drumming."The first time of the night can be very fast forupyr.""The first time?" Her heels climbed to midspine."Believe me, once is never enough."The warning was hardly unwelcome, especially when his hand slipped between them to find her clit.Shegroaned at the help she didn't even need."How many& times& do you think you'll want?"His kiss shut her up, his fangs sliding longer around her tongue."Can't talk," he said."Really& need tofuck."He suited his actions to his words, his thrusting growing more urgent, his breath beginning to break inswallowed grants.As if his life depended on more access, he grabbed one of her knees and shoved ithigher still.Both of them moaned at the new angle.Supernaturally strong or not, she knew mere secondslay between them and a genuinely explosive climax.When he screwed his eyes shut and sucked a breath, she had to grab her chance."Wait," she said on her very last burst of air."Wait?" His disbelieving gaze burned into hers.His movements slowed but did not halt."Mariann, this isnot a good time to be testing me."She flinched at his intensity, but didn't withdraw her demand.Tom had never let her try new things.If shecouldn't claim more freedom as an upyr, when would she ever? At her silent insistence, Bastien's hipsslowed to a stop."Suck my ringer," she said, a little breathless for an order.His brows went up.Then he nipped it instead.Yelping, she yanked her finger back trickling blood.Her sex contracted hotly at the tiny pain.That was unexpected but interesting.Apparently, she was going to have all sorts of new tastes."I can heal it," Bastien suggested hoarsely, unable to resist probing in and out of her flickering sheath."Itwouldn't take but a minute."Mariann pursed her lips in refusal."That's very kind of you, I'm sure, but I have other uses for this.""Other ah!" He jerked as she found the tiny opening between his buttocks, the instinctive clenching ofhis cheeks unable to keep her completely out."Ah, okay.Other uses." He laughed at her when shestopped."Now, now, don't lose your nerve, love.I think you must have figured out I'm rather hard toshock.""I don't want to hurt you.""Can't," he said with a telling squirm."Not like this."Still she hesitated."Need a road map then? Or do you have a fair idea where you're going?""I know," she snapped."Theoretically."This made him laugh again, a reaction she silenced by forging determinedly ahead.From the sound of hisgasps, he was far from minding.His muscles were trembling."You can feel everything, can't you?" she said, her voice dark with lust."Every inch of you is sensitive.""Yes& oh, God.We're all like this.We love being touched."His passage was satiny and tight, twitching around her intrusion as if it were hungry for every stroke.Thecut on her finger was as good as oil."Uh, Mariann& " He ground himself deeper into her body."Would now be the time to mention that thepresence of blood makes everything more intense?""Sh," she said, hiding a grin."I'm trying to concentrate."He was panting for air by the time the pad of her longest finger found the firm, almond-shaped gland.She stroked his prostate very gently, delighted by the way his cock thumped heavily in response."Well," she whispered."Vampire or not, I'm glad to see you've got all your parts.""Mariann." Her name was a groaning plea."Do you like it?" she asked more shyly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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