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.I am sure their authors would have realizedthe truth, but they seem to have worried that if the unlimited freedom of OBE were known,projectors may behave in unacceptable ways-unacceptable to them that is.They would haveconsidered it their duty to hide the shocking truth.Motivated by Victorian morality and conscience,a "Stop it or you'll all go blind!" kind of blanket caution was thus given.Considering that early books on OBE have been used as reference material ever since and stillare quoted in modern works, this warning continues to influence projectors today.Many versions ofthe astral police force myth have been generated over the years, and continue to be believed in andexpanded on today  but not through personal experience, I might add.152 Part Five  The Akashic Connection26.The Astral PlanesThe astral planes are, in my opinion, an energetically generated reflection of universalconsciousness.They have definite form, order, and structure and are one of the true wonders of ourincredible multidimensional universe.The structure of the astral planes can be clearly observed, andeven used for navigational purposes, if they are approached from the correct energetic "angle ofperception".This is my term for the angle at which a projector perceives the astral planes throughthe direct mind-senses of his or her projectable double.Perception angles vary from projector toprojector, with tube-type and plane-type angles of perception being by far the most common.Theangle of perception is set by the projectors' energetic makeup and activity during a projection, and isalso affected by their belief system.Traditional esoteric theory tells us that the astral dimension contains seven major levels, orplanes, each housing a plethora of lesser subplanes, internal realms, and kingdoms.The manydifferent descriptions for this structure  Hindu, Buddhist, spiritualist.New Age, etc., even themultidimensional theory of modern physics  often appear to conflict, mainly because of culturaland religious beliefs.I have found it impossible to verify any one version of dimensional theory asmore accurate than any other.I therefore base my version of the structure of the astral planes on myown experience.Exploring and mapping the astral planes is like trying to explore a whole planet on foot, withoutmaps or instruments.It cannot be done during any single projection.It would have to be done over agreat length of time, by highly skilled projectors with good shadow memory recall and excellentorganizational and recording skills.Astral planes are complex, multilayered, energetically generated dimensional environments withvariable perception-based aspects.A tongue twister, I know, but accurate all the same.The way theastral planes and their contents are perceived, experienced, and remembered can be extremelyvariable, depending greatly on the projector's level of energetic activity at the time of projection,and on the state of their belief system, their level of consciousness at the time of projection, and thestate of their base level of consciousness.All this affects how the physical brain works, and how much of what is perceived during aprojection the brain is capable of storing as a recognizable memory.After all, the only thing leftafter a projection is the memory of it, which will be perceived, interpreted, and recalled by the baselevel of consciousness only.In the astral dimension, the energetic qualities of travelers' projected doubles strongly affecttheir angle of perception, more so even than their state or level of consciousness at the time.This istrue, I believe, not only during the experience, but also afterward.It affects the memory and how itwill be stored in the physical brain at the base level of consciousness, and thus, obviously, how anexperience memory will be recalled after the fact.I have explored only a very small part of the astral planes, which constitute an enormousdimensional structure with many different aspects and facets.I have not finished makingobservations of the primary layers and their surface entrance structures, let alone tried to map outtheir plethora of internal subplanes and realms.But I will proceed to paint a word picture of theastral planes for you, based on how I have perceived them during my many journeys there.I believethis will provide you with a much better and more understandable look and feel than theory alonecould provide.The astral planes, experienced firsthand, can be likened to the pages in a gigantic book, withlightly color-tinted gaps between the pages.These pages, or planes, appear to be hundreds of milesapart during an astral projection.The areas between planes are, I believe, something like bufferzones separating each primary astral plane from the next.These areas vary in color, but have adistinctly similar feel to each of them  a kind of thick, quiet, color-tinted nothingness  oceansof colored empty space.A relationship appears to exist between the colors of these dividing areasand the energetic colors generated by the primary energy centers (major chakras) of the humanenergy body [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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